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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. You ran back into "Best Sex Ever" !
  2. $28 80K is! Top-of-the -line outcall escorts are $28. Medellin is much cheaper than Bogota and the guys much better looking. Bogota has maybe a dozen saunas with "masseurs/escorts". Only the biggest two are decent.Club Tobi in Medellin costs 50K for sex and is 100 times nicer and hot masseurs. In Medellin there is an hourly gay sex hotel on the hustler block. Not too hard to find as it's across the street from one and next to another hustler bar, has rainbow flags all over it, and a flashing sign saying "Sex Hotel".
  3. There's a great series in the NYT or something that canvasses the counties that voted twice for Obama but flipped to Trump. Opinion hasn't moved a bit. If anything they love his un-pc, speak your mind style. Those are the counties that flipped Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin (I remember Bethlehem, Pa is one). While many old Congressmen might lose, Trump remains just as popular in the counties that matter for president.
  4. Facelift? Starting young. I could take about 20 of those (and still look old).
  5. The video plays for me fine but liposuction in the neck ? OMG
  6. what is going on in that Adam Wernich video ?
  7. Two equally good looking male models strangers to the photographer. The one who voluntarily has sex with the photographer gets the job or is paid much more. 99% of the time that's how sexual harassment happens even though we don't think of it that way.
  8. he said 120. I said no, 100 for sure and I am happy to tip 20.
  9. Haven't they all moved to Vancouver anyway?
  10. Yes, but it just a sauna encounter. More than most of the guys make at saunas back in Brazil. I think the guys will usually quote you 20 or 30 minutes but many of the guys manage extremely high turn-over. I like to get a hotel close and for the ones I like get them for an hour for E100 before or after work or on days off. I know it's higher but how much more is Paragonya in Zurich? The two everyday regular muscle Brazilians, Lucas and Gabriel are on my FB and evidently have been gone from Thermas for some time. If you're into really large-dicked muscle tops the Romanians in Thermas will supply in abundance. What I find unique is all the eastern Europeans (other than Romanians) who frequent. There's the blond Pole who sleeps there, a few rather nice looking Bulgarians, several Moldovans, and a few Ukrainians. You rarely see them other places in Europe unless they show up at Paragonya also.
  11. Is it always known when someone testifies before a grand jury? Do prosecutors avoid this knowledge by getting written statements from someone to present to a grand jury?
  12. The art of "flirting" is fun and no real harm. It can be good humor without being insulting. But I doubt nothing but flirting is involved. The real harm is missed in the comments. Male or female the real harm comes from those eager to "put out" to land a job, taking jobs away from those who won't or for whom the boss isn't as keen for. This has always been an important part of sexual harassment: loss by those who aren't sexually involved. For every victim of pure sexual harassment, there are ten applicants more than eager to do whatever it takes to land the job. Even in a field that involves sexual titillation, it should be more than about who puts out.
  13. So we can kill them so many more times than they can kill us. Getting hit by one even one nuke scares me. I guess because it was early there no suicides. I can certainly think of better ways to go than as a marshmallow over a campfire.
  14. Maybe same outfits that buy points. They know the routine and have the customers. It used to be they would just steal for giftcards or purchase items. This stealing for rooms is new.
  15. Not.One.Dick What's the NSFW they post? As bad as the Tom Daley articles online.
  16. AC doing this to a model is horrible. If they had Andrew Christain underwear lying on the floor, I'm sure they would have cut a deal. But free? But it's also hysterical that even though they're just R-rated, at most, no one reprints them online. (well almost no one):
  17. Clinton=Rapist, homophobe, war-mongering crook. Drumpt's a big bag of hot air; he hasn't killed his first thousand people yet.
  18. Weinstein was her BFF. The photo of her tonguing his ear is amusing. Several women say she convinced them to work for him. SOS.
  19. I did several 10-day reservations at top hotels 6 months out (July). IHG allows you to cancel rewards up to 48 hours before. (It used to be 24 hrs). I did grab my normal 3 days in NOLA for Mardi Gras too. That and NYE in NYC are great uses of IHG points. And I love the La Concha in Key West. I'll have to cancel and rebook as I need to use them but that's a lot easier than hanging on the phone with Banglahore for an hour everytime I get hacked. Also, somehow their CSR redeposited an extra 2 million points in my account ! That's a LOT of nights. Let's see if they're any more competent clawing them back.
  20. So my stablely slow genius finally kicked in and I figured how to protect my points. Simply reserve as many room nights as you have points for well in advance. (6 months? 12 months?). You can cancel for full immediate redeposit anytime.
  21. In Medellin Grindr is full of "Prepaygo"' captions. Is there nothing similar in Brazil? In Prague I just pick out the best looking young ones assuming they speak English and ask if they ever do or would.... a decent number come back with "ok" or "why not?"
  22. All the people who want Pence to take over as president mystify me. The guy is far to the right of Trump (and Attila the Hun). And he's dangerous because he's exceptionally popular and clean-cut. I'll take an unpopular, batshit crazy Dumpt as an adversary any day. I hope he burns the GOP to the ground. (Not that the Dems are much better). And did you see in the book where he said "Why don't we just put everybody on Medicare??" Crazy .
  23. There are a LOT of gay places in Bogota and it is fairly expensive. Of all the saunas, Saint Moritz was the only one I found with good-looking guys.
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