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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. The ultra-low fare carriers will flock in. Norwegian has a hub in Buenos Aires now.
  2. I have 1mil on each and AA is tough. But I love UA. Free stopovers and a trick to avoid the $150 21-day close-in fee. UA miles for Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian out of Dulles, oh my.
  3. Since America West bought USAir and American they have been scaling back AA a lot. Doug Parker, the CEO, clearly does not know anything but downsizing. Almost everytime they are faced with increased competition in a market they withdraw. They have just withdrawn from JFK ! Their new international hub, at least for Europe, is Philadelphia ! But a lot of their international business is in Charlotte ! North Carolina. If you think of AA as really USAir now with a bunch of AA it is closing down, it makes sense.
  4. Terrific report. Too bad you missed all the Bogota saunas. But you saw the Gold Museum and Theatron, both worth trips to Bogota. I am interested in where you found most Chaterbate rooms were located. Almost all say Medellin but I see your friends were from the coast. I've never seen a single one say they were in Bogota even though it has 8 million people. Grindr does light up with "Prepagos". I miss Colombia now but it's just a $150 ticket away. Damn good-looking guys almost free. (although Bogota is more expensive than Medellin).
  5. Was it the team members that complained or their husbands?
  6. All the "impeach Trump" folk need to think twice. Pence makes Trump look like a liberal.
  7. I can speak to the one above the hustler bar in Medellin. It's exactly the same as ones I've used in Hamburg and Berlin. A fairly empty room with one window. A cheap double bed with cheap sheets and with cheap towels folded on the bed. But very clean. Exceptionally Lysol clean. But an old hotel built as a small cheap hotel. The definition of "basic". But way above even the extra-cost deluxe room at Thermas in Barcelona.
  8. Also Larry McCormack at EastBoys. I've never met him and I think he's Slovak and lives in Bratislava where the BA cams are. http://menofporn.typepad.com/menofporn/2018/04/paul-morisette-vs-paul-morisette.htmlEastBoys .
  9. Last night Secrets had to close because a man had a heart attack and died. My ex was giving him c.p.r.nude. Told him he should have given him oral. B's oral could revive anyone.........A friend said he was talking to the guy when he died. I asked him "What were you saying??" Evidently, a death makes a place temporarily a "crime scene". Online so thoroughly killed off most of the in-person "business" bars that there's no real option for guys to go back to them....except in NY and FL. And, except for lapdances, turnover is slow compared to online.
  10. Not streets but the "lapdance" bars in NYC and FL will get crowded. You're right though, online will get creative. America's moral crusade knows no boundaries.
  11. Fantastic reporting ! You certainly get around !
  12. Don't they allow 1 year for the return ? Frequent visitors could use this.
  13. I know at Club Tobi in Medellin a "massage" for $18 US certainly includes oral and can begin that way. The ones who do bottom will, perhaps expecting a $5 or $10 tip. Topping or oral passive is enjoyed as a norm in Colombia and usually free so you won't have problems there. 50,000 CP ($18) is a good base rate and 100,000 CP ($36) is considered high and will get anything usually. btw- Colombians have a fetish for hairy men as there are so few there.
  14. Did you get to Club Tobi in Medellin? No Bogota? Wonderful report, Thank You !
  15. The headline we may see "Trump Awarded Nobel Peace Prize for Korea". President Moon of South Korea is pushing him. https://www.weeklystandard.com/holmes-lybrand/fact-check-did-south-koreas-president-suggest-donald-trump-get-the-nobel-peace-prize
  16. We had that issue back when DC legalized gay sex. A couple black minister city councilmen wanted to raise the age of consent for males to 18 for male sex because they didn't feel "a lot of young men knew what they were doing in that regard at 16 and wanted to save them if possible from a lifestyle." They got weird faces and backed down.
  17. back up at 2:40am est
  18. are there gay bars at the beach in Romania (and maybe Bulgaria)?
  19. I do a lot of shopping on Instagram (for what Amazon will never have). Unlike Facebook, many guys have a personal Instagram and a professional PG-rated Instagram.
  20. I think Belgrade does have a gay scene and I know I've seen porn done there, so it must be open.
  21. I don't know if anyone knows Romania or those 3 countries much. Slim choices.
  22. It is odd neither site has links to previous threads and no way to link them. Your newer thread actually has much more information than this one now:
  23. 80% of the guys on Chaterbate and 50% of the "masseurs" at Club Tobi are what you're looking for.
  24. I think the difference is when us older users use our old Romeo sign-in on Hunqz. Then the checking other cities function doesn't work and you have to change your location. Faulty coding. The pages look like a combination of Romeo and the new Hunqz. I have 50 contacts so I don't want to change my sign-in to a new Hunqz one.
  25. Perfect choices. Berlin is way underrated. It's a huge city much like Paris and beautiful. The people are as fashionable as anywhere and the nightclubs are easily the world's best (London 2nd). Decadence has always been "in" in Germany, especially Berlin. The main gay area is around Nollendorfplatz subway. There are 5 gay hustler bars there on one street that have been there forever. Hustling is a tradition in Germany and the rates are under 100E. The bars (except for BlueBoy and one small one) are mostly Romanian so be extra cautious. There are also several nude and fetish bars. The trendy nightclubs are close to AlexanderPlatz and Berghain, the world's most "in" club is easier for gays to get in. Lab.Oratory next to it is all gay and I hear gives new meaning to "decadent". Those two should be at the top of any "I've been there" list. Prague has been discussed plenty and the Prague thread here is very current. With both cities, although there is some bar scene, 99% of the good ones are online (Hunqz.com).
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