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I think I've seen Venmo on sites. I know I've seen escort ads mentioning it. Also adult porn and chat sites take all cards. Most of my regulars and would-bes are on my Facebook so if Messenger Pay would just go international I'd have easier trips.
Getting older (loss of sex drive) medication fault?
tassojunior replied to floridarob's topic in The Beer Bar
I take an Indian 20mg Cialis on Thursdays and Saturdays and before sex an hour I take 100 mg Viagra. The Cialis seems to benefit more than the Viagra which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I also have leftover 20 mg generic Viagra (Revetio) that sometimes I'll down a couple after the first hour of sex. (My regular expects 2-4 hours of me topping him, even after climax). When I have unexpected sex Sun-Weds I take a Cialis as far as possible before and 100mg Viagra an hour or 2 before. My heartrate is borderline high so no bad effect so far. My BP is on the low side though so I could faint I guess. I know it's not proper but it's a pain the way everything has to occur on schedule. Everyone tells me the cigs are the worst- narrows cappilaries restricting bloodflow. Unfortunately I think that lasts for a year after? Cardio, cardio, cardio. Even a few minutes a day. -
I have seen Venmo and I'm going to tell my Czech regulars to get it.
Getting older (loss of sex drive) medication fault?
tassojunior replied to floridarob's topic in The Beer Bar
We're all in luck because the patent on Viagra just came off and the patents for Cialis and Levitra are coming off in September. It took a few months but Safeway etc now have the generic sildenafil (Viagra) 100mg tablets for about $1.40 (down from $100 a year ago). It will take a while for Cialis and Levitra to bottom out after September. I personally find Cialis better. Many others do too. Viagra is a bitch to time right. Sometimes it kicks in in an hour or less and sometimes it's two hours. Sometimes it doesn't, especially if you've smoked or eaten. I use both because of them (I know, I know). Taking Viagra sub-lingual ie: under the tongue, is supposed to be more quick and reliable. IDK. Next step up is the shots that all the porn actors use. Meant for guys with prostrates removed. They do work for 1-2 hours but are expensive. Edex is one brandname. I hear Tri-Mix is a cheaper shot but haven't priced it yet. Weight loss helps a lot. So does drinking green veggie smoothies. The worst is smoking. It narrows blood vessels, the cause of ED. Also terrible is Proscar (prostrate) and Finesteride (Hair). Completely kill sex drive and function. The daily 5mg Cialis seems logical until you find it's almost the same price as the 20mg weekend tablet. Condoms completely kill it for me but luckily I have a regular for a couple years so condom free. -
My last trip to Prague I discovered I was not only being hit with fees from both my bank and the Czech bank in spite of them being "associated" but I also was getting a worse exchange rate (22/1 vs 24/1) than the no-fee money exchange next to my hotel. I always carry 30 $100 bills for emergencies anyway and from now on I'm just going to carry more and find the best cash exchange. "Associated" and "fee-free" seem to have technical meanings different than common ones. If Facebook Messenger payments would go international or if PayPal payments didn't take 3 days internationally I could pay guys overseas like I do here. They don't like trips to make bank deposits either. Better yet, RentMen and Hunqz could make a fortune connecting with Square or some payment service for a cut. And guys who take cards would make a lot more. PayPal made eBay. Although a newbie client with a new credit card in Rio or Prague might be in trouble.
Owner of The Abbey Discriminated Against by Alaska Airlines
tassojunior replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
This was actually a Virgin America plane and crew; the closest we had to a "gay airline". -
Owner of The Abbey Discriminated Against by Alaska Airlines
tassojunior replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
This is sort of like the United incident of the doctor being told to give up his seat he was already in. (of course he was dragged off the plane). Airlines need to be more cautious when someone is already seated. It's much worse to be told to give up your seat than to be denied boarding to it. That's common. Being unseated isn't. I suspect there's more of the story to come and someone's angling for a big settlement. LA to NY is a crowded route with many power players as passengers. -
Getting older (loss of sex drive) medication fault?
tassojunior replied to floridarob's topic in The Beer Bar
Noooo. Just everyday I down 1 lb of spinach, 2 apples, cup of carrot juice, cup of pomegranate juice, half cup yogurt, some protein, tbsp cinnamon., tbsp ginger with a banana and some pineapple for sweetener in a smoothie mix for the day. (deleted garlic, cayenne and kale-----yuck). Sexually I think it'll only work if I drop a cialis in too. Energy level seems the same, maybe I should drop a 4-hour energy in. But my nails are growing really fast. -
Getting older (loss of sex drive) medication fault?
tassojunior replied to floridarob's topic in The Beer Bar
My T tests came out normal again and my endo specialist says to even not take over-the-counter T supplements. Seems your body thinks you have too much T and shuts down it's own production. She said this is a big problem with weightlifters who come to her after years of T shots. It would seem to imply a downward spiral with T shots: take more, need more. 3 weeks on green smoothies and haven't woken up with even a semi hard-on yet. May shift to 5mg daily Cialis with Viagra boosts as needed. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Colpatria Tower Bogota with different led light shows every night. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
In Medellin the bars, the gay sex hotel and the sauna on 57A are strictly hustlers. The gay sex hotel is above one of the bars. That sounds great except some of the guys are ugly and the others are more ugly. I hope that's changed. There are supposed to be at least a couple big gay nightclubs in Medellin where young possibly-haveable guys hang out. I didn't go. They're in Parque Lleras in Polabo and Laurelios/Estadio in the center west of Club Tobi. If any of these parks or cruise areas are directly on the west side of the cathedral, beware. There are a couple gay places listed there but "Not for the faint-hearted" is an understatement. There's an annual gay festival in Cartegenea called Rumors listed in this article: https://www.twobadtourists.com/2017/03/03/this-south-american-country-might-be-the-newest-emerging-gay-destination/ In Bogota I'm not certain it was Boys Online Private Cabins but one highly-touted one was complete zero customers. Another was a pretty gross sauna-like sex club that had surprisingly good-looking customers but no rent. They were both in the area just southwest of Theatron. Medellin. The airport's way on the other side of those mountains and the taxi drivers take hairpin curves at 80mph in little sub-compact cars. The mountains in Bogota are much higher (Capital City of the Andes), but the airport ride is easy. Medellin is where the Andes end and Spanish America begins. Bogota and Medellin are only 120 miles apart but it takes 18 hours to drive between them. From Bogota to Lima, Peru the Andes are pretty much impassable. Bogota (population: 8 million) and view down not from an airplane but from Monteserret: The white tower (Calpehria Tower?) is covered in millions of led lights and puts on a light show all night. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Can we keep this thread as "the" Colombia thread? It seems every month or so someone asks "does anyone know anything about Colombia?" And each visitor posts new threads that all get lost in the many Brazil threads. The Prague thread is so wonderful because everything is in that one thread in chronological order. No one has to search outside that thread. Colombia is very cheap and fast to get to, is a huge gay mecca, has inexpensive and eager guys , and they are super good-looking. I think it's going to grow in popularity. -
Marylander1940 is calling me a Brazilian again.
no,no,no......there is no fee. Romeo has spun off it's escort ads into Hunqz.com now and it's free. Hunqz is by far the primary place escorts in Europe advertise. When you sign in it's hard to view other locations but you can do so by temporarily changing your city in the profile at your avatar to the city you want to see. It will say it didn't work but it did. There is a premium paid membership that allows you to save more ads, etc but few pay for it.
Deej snapped at me once....something like "put your dick back in your pants/no one cares". It was a friendly thread so I assumed that's him at his sweetest. And is Avalon law enforcement? He sounds just like a cop online pretending to be a 12 year old.
You mean Maryland1940 doesn't run the site?
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
The guy on the left was the doorman at St. Moritz who didn't used to massage or escort but I'm sure that has changed by now. The other two are typical of the business guys but they will hustle for less action for more money. The place physically is a dump; nothing like the very modern Babylon Sauna up the street, but I liked the guys a little better. The mostly Inca guys at Babylon I saw could best be described as "stoic" but never as friendly. I'm sure the crowd has changed. At both places "you get what you pay for" is more a wish than a rule. As opposed to Medellin, in Bogota you are dealing with "city slickers". Get a guy firm on what he will do or you may well just get an expensive massage. I'd pick a favorite and arrange a hotel date.Both saunas are around 73rd Calle. on the north end of Chaperino where the financial district starts. (nice hotels). Theatron is down around 54th. South of Theatron, even though it's still gay, doesn't have much. Out of the 100's of gay places, these 3 are the best. GoogleMaps 360 view of St Moritz: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x8e3f9a45c2d88c3d:0xfaec468333e22129!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/st%2Bmoritz%2Bbaths%2Bbogota/@4.6519794,-74.0635967,3a,75y,353.63h,90t/data%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s9qZkNQTv6i4AfcEIwFy9iA*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x8e3f9a45c2d88c3d:0xfaec468333e22129!5sst+moritz+baths+bogota+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e2!2s9qZkNQTv6i4AfcEIwFy9iA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPy4m19cDcAhVnc98KHYaRAe0Qpx8wCnoECAsQCQ GoogleMaps 360 of Babylon Sauna. Babylon's entrance is where all the motorbikes are parked.. https://www.google.com/maps/@4.6622862,-74.0577228,3a,75y,90.52h,106.56t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6Gvyo-4ZWo9inlQwPNgsiw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D6Gvyo-4ZWo9inlQwPNgsiw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D129.73105%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-US -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
100,000 to 200,000 cp. ($35 to $70). Basic session rate at Tobi is 50,000 cp ($18). Over 100,000 there's rapidly diminishing returns and over 200,000 would be frivolous. 100,000 is plenty high-roller. In Bogota those figures are about double. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Don't worry, no blond pale skin guys in Columbia. I did find a couple hot ones with blue eyes in Medellin though. Even if a guy isn't my admittedly very very narrow type I can appreciate that he's a good-looking guy, and there are plenty of all types in Colombia. And I love the hairlessness and muscles. The old "rule" is Bogota is Inca, Medellin is Spanish, and the Caribbean coast is black. But they mix more now. From Argentina, I think you will feel very at home in Colombia. Beautiful nice people. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Of the several gay massuer places in Bogota I found St. Moritz had the best looking guys. Club Baltimore was the worst and not in the gay area. Chapinero has over 100 gay bars and places. Theatron is in it's center but many are on the north side and next visit I would probably stay at the Holiday Inn just on it's north side. Bogota is a gigantic very modern, almost European city. The hustler bars and the sauna on 57a in Medellin are really disappointing. In a city famous for good-looking people it's odd there on 57a that guys are so ugly. There are gorgeous guys all over Medellin who almost seem to flirt they're so friendly, but popping the question is a skill. Hairy Americans are a sought-after prize there as few Colombians are hairy. I remember one gay waiter in a straight cafe showing me his co-worker's hairy chest like a work of art. The guys on Chaterbate are stunning and very agreeable to meet usually. But there are only a few gay nightclubs. Club Tobi is unique in that it only has 2 or 3 masseurs on duty at a time but they are usually very attractive, very cheap ($20), and very willing to just go straight to sex. Just tell the guy as soon as you're on the table what you want. Or just start. The club is beautiful and clean with attractive customers. Physically it's between Paragona in Zurich and Thermas in Barcelona. Next time I would go there straight and network from the guys working there. Otherwise Medellin can be hard for hook-ups on the fly. There are a bunch of "Prepaygos" on Grindr but I didn't try any. When you fly in take motion pills for the cab ride over the mountain from the airport. Everything in Medellin costs half what it does in Bogota and is nicer. And it's always warm and sunny while Bogota is always damp and cold. -
Colombia: full list of hot spots
tassojunior replied to Tartegogo's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Medellin has a gay hustler street with a gay sex hotel. The only ugly guys in Medellin are there. Other than Club Tobi, the best way to see Medellin meat-on-the-hoof is Chaterbate where maybe 1/4 of the rooms are from Medellin. It's an especially tough town if you don't prearrange some guys. Bogota has a huge gay part of town and Theatron's top floor has naked erect flesh begging for money. There are maybe a dozen gay clubs with"massuers" but they are more expensive than Medellin and you don't get much. Also, unlike Medellin, Bogota is not noted for great looking guys. II's worth the trip just for the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum. (Medellin, Botero's home, has one too). There's 3 completely different areas: the Caribbean coast with mostly black guys and beautiful resorts and beaches, Medellin with mostly Spanish and Spanish/Mixed, and Bogota high in the Andes with a mix of Spanish and Incas. All the Columbian threads are lost among the multitude of Brazilian threads in the South America section. This is why our Prague thread is so good; it's one continual thread for several years where everything is. I tried to find most of the past couple year's Columbia threads. Since I did the work I'll start with mine first: -
Thermas 3-8pm. You'll stay occupied.
Angry bottom syndrome.