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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. A downside to VPN is I get ads in German for a month after lol. Also I learned not to use the "p2p" locations on the list. They don't work?
  2. Yes and in the US when I use it I can watch whole seasons of US shows that aren't out yet or get them free when they're expensive in the US. It avoids US copyright rules (not why I use it of course) .Also it ties into Netflix Europe automatically when set to Europe (after a couple tries) and gives all the Netflix Europe subtitles and languages (like Czech). AVG should be very trustworthy. And it couldn't be easier. VPN for Dummies. My kinda program.
  3. I use AVG VPN because it's cheap and I assume AVG is trustworthy. It's $10 for 5 machines 1 year on NewEgg.
  4. I dont know how the UK got on the approved list with the virus mess it's in. United gets 17% of its revenue from Europe flights and BA is more dependent on US flights. I hope Merkel's got deep German pockets to afford all the European bankruptcies.
  5. That's good news if places in Europe are not as crowded as pics we see. I think nightclubs and bars are open almost everywhere and pics I see from friends on social media show them very crowded I guess if tourist crowds resumed as normal in places like Venice and Barcelona it would be a nightmare. But I still think Europe is due for a big uptick from opening almost everything suddenly, and I don't see Merkel's reliance solely on new positives vs old since some places have 1000 tests, some have a million. India is on the list to come in although it has the biggest surge going (but very few tests). I hope Paris is doing well. If they stay inside this may be the first August in a long time people stay home. (Maybe it's the tourists they were avoiding and not the south calling.) Also, let's see if Denmark and Norway really allow Swedes in. My personal opinion is while originally travel bans made sense (and we got them too late), now they have minimal use since the virus is everywhere. Quick tests and screening on passengers works almost as well.
  6. 16 year old US citizen from Denver and his 8 year old sister (also a US citizen). He was targeted for assassination by drone by Obama in Yemen. A historic first by Obama; assassination of a US citizen without due process. Obama personally issued drone attack assassination orders for thousands of people and in most cases 50 to 100 innocent people were killed whether the target was or not. The policy was that killed children demoralizes people faster. Why he targeted so many school buses, hospitals and schools with drone attacks. He even bragged that "I'm really good at killing people !" and Gibbs, his deputy relayed that if the 16 year old didn't want to die he should have had a better father. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/robert-gibbs-anwar-al-awlaki_n_2012438 . The Saudi/Obama drone war on Yemen has led to a good 100-200,000 deaths and mass starvation. And Trump is also a pig because he continued this genocide and even ordered the assassination of the 8 year-old little sister.(The only credit I'll give him is he stopped the killing of thousands by the US in Syria and he did try to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan until the NeoLib Dems and NeoCon Repugs balked. ) Conducting child genocide in Yemen disqualifies any president from any respect as a person.
  7. and speaking of dead Americans My masters at the Hague and certificates at Paris 5, Brussels and Max Planck were all written papers but my US JD was almost 100% tests the 1st 2 years. It depends on the curriculum.
  8. I think most Americans have come to a realization that there's not a dime's worth of difference between either of the two political corporations that officially run the country as evidenced by the fact that the majority of people no longer consider themselves Republican or Democrat but independent. Independent Sanders' following in 2016 and 2020 (and fake "progressive" Obama's in 2008) shows the disgust of us social democrats to the far far-right swing of the Democratic party to 100% control now by the pro-war, pro-corporation Neo Libs. (At least Big Dummy cleared the Neo Cons out of his party but most of them have gravitated to join their Neo Lib brethren in the Democratic Party. The Bushes and Cheneys vote for the Democrat now). Political parties are for mindless minions who follow Fox or CNN to get their censored "facts" and political philosophy. People addicted to mindless propaganda to reassure themselves like girls at Howard having to be reassured their sorority is the bestest. The trouble is all this media frenzy always devolves into pro-war frenzy by "both" media sides leading to the extermination of millions of nonwhites at a time. Which sorority can exterminate the most people while shouting some self-righteous excuse. Semi-senile older people still cling to their party identification as a tribal badge (the hilarious fights between gramps and grannies at the Villages on the video the other day). But younger people and older people still with minds have no use for these two corrupt relics.
  9. And since I deal with mostly Europeans I've been going through lockdown craziness where every EU country was blocked to every other one. Like if every US state was blocked to the others. Crazy 4 months. But I think the horse is out of the stable at this point and every country is already infected.
  10. But do Americans have to quarantine on return home?
  11. America and Russia are closer to war than at any time in the last 50 years. Last year Trump ok'd killing 200 Russian soldiers in Syria, he has canceled the non-proliferation treaty with Russia, he has canceled all missile agreements with Russia, he has stationed missiles on the Russian border and he is sending troops to Poland to put on the Russian border, he sent $400 million to Ukraine to kill Russian Ukrainians. We couldn't be any closer to war. Bolton and the Dem Neos won't be happy until the bombs start dropping. The only next step is war.
  12. Bolton's pissed because Big Dummy wouldn't start a war with Iran and has said so. He thinks Biden et al have promised him his war. You can tell when NeoLibs and NeoCons are lying because their mouths are moving. War with Iran or War with Russia will be a very stupid idea for Americans but no one cares about the American lives.
  13. This is one of the several "bullshit" flags I see in this dumb story. Trump doesn't take "intelligence briefings" and (in?)famously hasn't for a long time but Biden Pelosi and Bolton say he did have a briefing on this as told by "unnamed sources"? Hate Trump but hate being manipulated by dumb war propaganda like this too.
  14. Fortunately they're not identical so things don't get repetitious. Both stunning. A few of the Europe posters here know them.
  15. Places like China, N.Korea, and even Germany are "safer" because they act in a way that would never be allowed here. Even in Germany where low-income projects get infested they fence the building off and don't allow residents out. Can you imagine doing that to a low-income project here?
  16. No. Our death rate is going down @30% every 14 days while theirs is increasing even though the US case rate is going up a lot. So far that case uptick hasn't increased deaths. Europe is actually about to have a huge uptick in cases as they open everything at once. People are packing like sardines in bars, nightclubs, and beaches. Even the sex suanas opened this week.
  17. There is no penalty for not following a EU advisory. This is why the anti-US advice is bizarre:
  18. A lot of the Neos copied the story before it was released including Pelosi who said it was the worst, but then said her security briefing didn't tell any such thing. It's depressing the public is so gullible to such dumb war propaganda. Herd mentality. Goebbels would blush.
  19. You seem to enjoy houseguests like I do. My Argentine and my half dozen Czechs rotate through regularly. With bars closed and travel down it's much nicer to have skills with group living. I brought my favorite Bel Ami friend and his twin brother over to survive quarantine with. It was much easier. Unfortunately they have to return home after 4 months and I'll have to get used to roughing it in coronavirus times. Quarantine won't be as much fun.
  20. "Catching coronavirus" would be a great sympathy-inducing "out" but there's plenty of others. But the GOP wouldn't want Pence, who's got less charisma than Big Dummy. Nikki Haley's the charismatic dream of the Neo Cons. Also never underestimate the power of the Dems to lose through their own repulsiveness. Trump was hated and loathed in 2016, but Clinton was hated and loathed more (in pivotal states). Kamala can match that.
  21. All the other stuff may be true but the Taliban/Russian co-operation is obvious hogwash. That is one of the world's most intense hatreds. (If anything the US last year killed 200 Russian soldiers defending al Qaeda from Russian attack in one day). It shows that the NeoLibs are emboldened now that they have retained control of the Democratic party from the reformers and Bolton and the NeoCons are anxious to oust Trump and take back the Republican party. It's disheartening that so many Americans fall for such a dumb idea because it's repeated in unison by every corporate propaganda outlet and NeoLib at once. We've got a lot of wars coming up soon that will make Iraq and Vietnam look like childsplay.
  22. The Russians are friends with the Taliban we started and gave billions to kill Russians and who we taught to skin Russian soldiers alive? I don't think so. Obviously a con job story the same spooks always pull and Americans always fall for pro-war agitation stories. File it with "weapons pf mass destruction" and Gulf of Tonkin. Anyone with half a brain knows the Russians and the Taliban are not friends and don't talk. The NeoLib/NeoCon drumbeat for War with Russia, War with Russia keeps going. Going to war with Russia is a fool's dream of AIPAC that will be horrible for the US. Let the rich NeoLibs and NeoCons send their kids to war sometime. Better yet, send them to the front lines with a gun.
  23. Europe doesn't have a common exterior border so every country can admit who they want, even into the Schengen area unless borders are put up. The US and Europe have about the same numbers over 3 months overall with each having huge spikes. Europe is totally coming out of lockdown and bars and beaches are packed more than the US with a huge uptick coming there. The embarrassment for the EU will be if EU countries keep banning Swedes and Belgians. Germany is taking over the EU presidency from Croatia soon and lets see if Merkel is willing to foot the cost for Spain, Greece, etc going bankrupt excluding the top tourists.
  24. Bars are a huge problem. Almost by definition they are a breeding ground for covid. Don't feel alone. Here in smugly liberal DC the young well-to-do millenials and zoomers are packing the sidewalks without masks and drinking from trendy cafe front-window bars. When hot mating season starts young herds always get rumbustious, even if many are not really mating. The next president will probably need to start a war to make us forget and get out of coronavirus. I don't know why Matt hasn't concentrated on one of his new locations like Atlanta while Broward is closed. When they were about to re-open he announced "all new dancers", so he's not holding a lot of long-term employees. I know Ryan Rose moved back to Ft Lauderdale maybe expecting some big gigs but that's shot now.
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