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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. His partner took three weeks to report the problem. Why so many phone numbers in the comments?
  2. A couple fair, intelligent pieces on Biden Family corruption from "Democratic" sources. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/11/biden-bankruptcy-president/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/08/02/joe-biden-investigation-hunter-brother-hedge-fund-money-2020-campaign-227407 Over his decades in office, ‘Middle-Class Joe’s’ family fortunes have closely tracked his political career.By BEN SCHRECKINAugust 02, 20
  3. Biden's an old-school pol crook and his whole family took millions in "appreciation" money from Bank of America, MBNA, Ukraine, and China over his career. Always a % of the money disguised as "payment for ....". He was worth every penny they paid him for the "favors" he did but "honestly" must have a new meaning. Better than Trump, but still a crook.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/joe-biden-net-worth.html $15 million income in 2017 is more than most unemployed get. Paradigm Holdings that his brother and son run have most of the money assets. Not filthy rich like Obama and the Clintons yet but he hasn't been president yet either. At least he's hustled his wealth instead of getting daddy's half billion like Big Dummy.
  5. .....and exclaims : " I can't believe it's not Buddha! " I'll see myself out. Happy 4th.
  6. Not that Clinton didn't do exactly the same (also with Epstein), but that pig's not up for election.
  7. I wonder if you get a free carwash if caught in one of these.
  8. tassojunior


  9. You do realize the ignore feature just cuts you off from seeing what they are saying about you. They still see your comments and post replies on the board for others to see. A glitch in most ignore buttons.
  10. As opposed to his strengths? lol
  11. I think it's a matter of what's Brazil got to lose ? The countries visitors are coming from are doing better. All this exclusion would have been nice back when the virus was first coming in but restrictions on travel now are like closing the barn door after 2 million horses have escaped. It's everywhere anyway. Hawaii's opening up but my Bel Ami twins go home tomorrow after 4 months. Mexico could be appealing although I hear flights are from smaller airports (and the land border is closed).
  12. Unfortunately Marylander lives close to me and saw me with a famous visiting pornstar friend I had mentioned on Daddy's. He then started threatening on Daddys to turn my friend in for escorting while in the US. He's repeated that threat several times and always reminds me he knows who and where I am and live. He also trolls here because he's mentioned things I said before about him here on Daddys. (He was banned for a long while at Daddys and posted here mostly for a while.) There are a few rather threatening guys posting on both sites who seem to scour every post on both sites to get as much information on posters as they can and try to cause as much personal trouble for people as they can. The online jungle.
  13. Good idea. Business class is pretty wide open with miles now. Unusual.
  14. lol. I'm my 3rd time out over there for that same thing. This time is was a politician with a kid in the photo. And yet there are links to kid porn and nonconsensual rape/bondage s&m over there. Thai kids who don't look 12. I'd say they have something to be concerned with but it's not the clothed kids in a public group. I guess they think a record of timeouts for any child in any photo would protect them if ever hit. It won't.
  15. and I would say that is "no earlier than" winter '21 knowing American. If you have United miles or connections they may be more likely sooner but I think their flights will all be through Houston. https://hub.united.com/united-further-reduces-schedule-2645516655.html
  16. I'm pretty sure that butt is Honzik from Prague who used to do gay porn but now does straight porn with a different girl everyday on his FB page who's really just his co-star of the day at some cheap studio. Funny guy who by day works in the Prague Metro. Legend in his own mind. Basically a human dildo for straight porn.
  17. I've been going through that with AA tickets for the past 4 months with my Czechs. American doesn't cancel until the last minute. Rarely more than a week or 10 days out, even though it's obvious the flight's not going. Maybe wishful thinking but more likely the ability to charge for changes until flight is changed.
  18. The New York Times has been at the front of every pro-war frenzy from the Maine to Weapons of Mass Destruction to Assad's chemical weapons. Always sensationalist headlines to work people into a frenzy with "anonymous sources" on stories that are on their face ridiculous and always turn out to be lies. Russian/Mujahideen alliance? lol. That should be an IQ test question.
  19. http://news.aa.com/news/news-details/2020/American-Airlines-Resets-International-Network-for-Remainder-of-2020-Through-Summer-2021-OPS-DIS-07/default.aspx American Airlines just this morning released their cancelled international flights and it's devastating for the next year at least.
  20. If you think Express is worth the cost and if you can figure out how to use it great. For my uses AVG is fine. I don't transmit any financials and if anyone wants to snag my free copy of Better Call Saul Season 5 with Czech subtitles they're welcome.
  21. I remember that vid. I wonder if coronavirus will indeed bring back glory holes.
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