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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. "independent thought" lol. you're mindlessly reciting the approved thought (and lies) of the world power regime like a parrot and calling it independent thought. all the political nuance of a north korean good citizen. all the smugness of a Hitler youth. but you've turned off any "thought" in favor of conformity.
  2. It was Zelensky, at US urging, who invaded Dombas and murdered 14,000 people after he had signed a treaty recognizing it's autonomy to settle the civil war after the residents overwhelmingly voted to leave Ukraine and it's nazis. Ukraine is still pissed because the Russians came through in WW2 and let all the Jews out of their ovens .
  3. no. just as in nazi Germany, it's the pro-war, pro-world dominance majority, that's deranged but there are still enough of us with a conscience who don't get sucked into the war machine.
  4. here's a great photo for you fascist murderers to masturbate to. One of the 1 million Iraqis you recently murdered going door-to-door pulling boys as young as 4 out of their homes and putting bullets in their heads and so they'd never grow up to be big "sand ni**ers" as you call them. Put your Vietnamese ear necklace on and jerk off looking at the butt crack of the dead body. USA! USA! The world's biggest purveyor of war and death is now the US I'm ashamed to say. And you mindless pro-war followers of the fascist regime are the problem and the murderers.
  5. Blatant lies loyally repeated by yet another Nazi clone. Do you a masturbate to babies having their heads cut off by US soldiers in Iraq? Do you wear necklaces of Vietnamese ears to bed? If your government told you to stick 6 million Jews in ovens you'd show up with red, white and blue pom-poms and zippo lighters to light the ovens. Because it's for their own good ! Because everyone knows it's good ! Uncritical support of America's continual war for world domination through continual genocide and destruction of other nations is on you. You have murdered more people than anyone could have imagined in the modern age. I am a proud American and I want nothing to do with you robotic murderers who drag our country down to fascist levels.
  6. the love of killing and war in people like you is just a poison that makes you a miserable person to others and yourself. there's few more horrible diseases you could be infected with than pride in killing others.
  7. The US killed SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE in VietNam. (or do you prefer to call them "g**ks?). Then 1 million in Iraq ("sand n***ers"?). What other country comes close since then? I don't think defeating Russia needs be our main priority in the US. The world's biggest murderer is right here. But I don't blame patriots who love their country and fight for it trusting it's necessary. It's the regime in America that convinces them killing people is good when it's really only after preserving world domination for the white race (NATO), Wall Street, and the US war industry.
  8. Julian Assange can't respond to you because he's been in prison for 15 years and Ed Snowden in exile can't either. I weep for the America I knew because we've become such a hate-filled war-loving country where most of our money goes to war and death and very little to the people. And between government censorship, the CIA's war narrative of the day, the regime media's war narrative of the day, how does anyone know what the truth is anymore. It's assumed we can't handle it and we're easier to govern by the regime if we are propagandized. I don't know what country you're from but you're a 100% war and death-loving fascist. Killing people by the millions is not right. If you support it something is very wrong with you mentally.
  9. Either you want to kill these patriots to their country to preserve American military hegemony over the world or you don't.
  10. volunteers who love their country like Americans do
  11. Our pro-war yellow press may be going too far with this war:
  12. they're Russians and they volunteered because they love their country just as Americans love theirs.
  13. Here's three friends who were all killed 2 months after enlisting. Whether they're Ukraine, Russian or Dombas you should not be celebrating their death or joking about war because the American yellow press is on yet another pro-war propaganda narrative of lies. War is a horrible thing. We were wrong murdering 7 million Vietnamese (for their own good), wrong murdering 1 million Iraqis (for their own good) and for following the yellow press into the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, and WWI and all these secret African wars we have going now. The American press glorifies war and death in every war until people eventually get fed up with the killing and lies and then the press pretends it was never really for the war. Celebrating war and death is wrong. Shame on you, shame on us.
  14. my view of all politicians:
  15. well, it's the bent part of Oriental.
  16. looks across Oriental from the infamous Calle 57 bars. there was a sauna on Calle 57, wonder if it's open? also there was a sauna or gigolo house somewhere around this place. Medellin certainly has the biggest stock of G4P goodlookers, just no place to work their trade since Club Tobi closed. I've stayed at the Gran Hotel and while friendly, they're not that friendly.
  17. Old men have serious arguing politics image problems. I decided, like cardigans and slippers, it's too much of a cliché to bear at my age. (& it doesn't matter).
  18. besides Theatron?
  19. imho: The good looking guys are all in Medellin but don't speak much English and Sauna Tobi's long gone, RIP. But they do give a 50% discount. You may want to add a quick rt from BOG there. Ask anyone in Bogota and they'll tell you the people in Medellin are much better looking and Medellín has sunshine, a rarity in Bogota. But it's one of the world's largest cities. Half the guys on Chaterbate are in Medellin and you can usually arrange meetings. Some may really be in Bogota, IDK. Bogota has much more easy action but the guys are "real pros" for the most part, especially in the massage parlor saunas. Somehow 100K in English translates into 200K in Spanish. IDK. The Holiday Inn Express is a very nice hotel on the north end of the gay district on the main street. Hotels in the gay district can be a lot less than "nice". Personally I stay in the downtown high rise hotels because their taxis are cheap and reliable (as opposed to many on the street). It's also close to the museums and easy for a taxi ride up that mountain. *Do not miss the Gold Museum whatever*. And the Botero museum is excellent and has his collection of famous art given to him as a fellow artist by the best artists.
  20. I see room 1 is still 10E (hr?). Well worth it over the free cubes.
  21. He lives with his gf and dog Max out in her apt in Pilsen. He mostly does BA chat from there, going into the BA penthouse maybe once a week. There's a new Courthouse hotel in Pilsen but i'd contact him on chat first before assuming dates are right etc. IDK if he wants his social media in real name out so I can't. He just turned 20 Valentines day.
  22. Are the hustler bars in front of and behind Pinocchio still there and good? I know the big Blue Boy Bar a block up on the main street closed. But I'm sure the one that was named Boy Toy across the street must still be there, even if changed name. There is also a nice bar, although not 100% escorts, behind Pinocchio, I think named Why Not? I haven't been back in 5 years and eager to go back.
  23. FWIW- Hot star Bruce Harrelson has a new bottoming porn out today on Freshmen. Only a week to get him before he turns 20. Today he posted a vid riding in a car with a guy on a highway. Mikk Arden ex of BA chat is firmly back in Slovakia doing his bodybuilding competition thing -(Jr Jr- he's also 19). Sexy Phil (BA Henjik Bjorn), dear to many of us is still home outside Prague not working Zurich. Practicing piano and looking glum and bored. Bruce- https://www.mansurfer.com/video/237699/clint-newman-bruce-harrelson Mikk- https://gay.bingo/video/14066283?asgtbndr=1
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