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Everything posted by wncdemcub

  1. If you have trouble use a translator app. I was able to get by and have nice conversations with its assistance. And many saunas have wifi.
  2. I am planning on including a stop there on my next trip
  3. Interesting read: https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/brazilian-cities-cancel-carnival-225313824.html
  4. Make sure you check you listings on vrbo and airbnb...some do explicitly state that you can't have guests over. I had apartments in Sao Paulo and Rio and had no trouble bringing guests up. Make sure you know exactly where you are renting as there are favelas near ipanema and copa. Just because it says that doesn't mean its necessarily in a safe area try and get a sense of the street address. Beachfront or a few blocks back is best.
  5. Its in Portugese but it looks like Whatsapp will be shut down for the next 48 hours in the Country due to the cell companies trying to push that its a telecommunications service. Thought those in country or preparing to go should be advised. http://epoca.globo.com/vida/experiencias-digitais/noticia/2015/12/whatsapp-pode-ser-bloqueado-por-48-horas-no-brasil-partir-de-amanha.html
  6. Well that was what they were pushing when I was there in Oct but they usually went down to 150 or even 125. On the free room night they were particularly pushy on the 200 number, probably because they might only get a chance at one client that night. I was still able to get them down though.
  7. Totally understandable
  8. Demguy1982@gmail.com
  9. Agreed cats retract your claws and return to your respective ends of the sandbox
  10. Tomcal...thanks for the heads up...what dates of travel was this for?
  11. Great hopefully Ill see you there! How long are you in town?
  12. Curious how much did he charge? I am flying to Rio tomorrow and am looking forward to enjoying the many "slights"
  13. Thanks ihpguy that was going to be my next question. I know easytaxi was founded in Brazil. Ill have an old iphone with a sim card so was planning to use that...I would also suspect that using the apps would prevent more of taxi drivers from "taking you for a ride"
  14. Thought this might be of interest.... I am trying to take a balanced approach to this looking at all points of view, but my experiences with uber have been fantastic and I am disappointed that rather than working on a comprehensive solution that would benefit everyone, the local governments just bent over and took it from the taxi folks. In cities as big as Sao Paulo and Rio I cant beleive that taxi's and uber each wouldnt find enough business. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/brazil-taxi-drivers-protest-uber-33631386
  15. Question...in going to Sao Paulo and Rio...what is the voltage and what plug adapters should I get?
  16. Hey guys, If you all would be so kind as to remind me of the names of each of the saunas in São Paulo and rio that would be great! If you could also let me know what days are best for each that would be awesome as well!
  17. That's when I'll be down there oct 8-20
  18. For those of you who have flown between cities which one do you think is the best? I am looking at GOL based on ease of luggage fee/number of pieces rules. Anyone have anything positive or negative to say about them?
  19. Thanks for the heads up on the nano. One possibly was converting my 5s since my phone is up for an upgrade. If Nanos are that tough to find then that would make me think that's probably not a good idea.
  20. All, I'm planning on using an old iPhone 4s with a SIM card while in Brazil. Couple of questions: 1) As the 4s doesn't have 4g has anyone had any trouble with 3G phones in Brazil? 2) Is it easy to find the micro SIM cards that the 4s uses?
  21. All, I would like to get some feedback on flying between 2 domestic cities. In looking at the TAM and Azul websites the prices seem reasonable but the luggage fees (for a second bag) seem ridiculous. Am I missing something? I am planning on packing a personal item (briefcase-like), a carry-on (which seems to be too big/heavy for a Brazilian carry-on) and a checked bag for 12 days visiting Brazil. What do others do? I hope I am making sense in my inquiry. Thanks
  22. I will be in São Paulo and rio in October and was wondering about guides as well
  23. Tim in english http://www.tim.com.br/sp/para-voce/atendimento/international-visitors
  24. What companies have people used for calling/sms/data on a cellphone? Tim? Claro? What has been your experiences?
  25. Same here I got a 10 year visa...the process was pretty simple just remember you have to bring a postal money order for the fee and a self addressed, postage paid us postal service flat rate priority or express mail envelope.
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