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Everything posted by wncdemcub

  1. The vaccine takes 2 weeks to become effective so you need to schedule it before you go.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. There are many on the board that would be good customers
  3. June is also considered Pride month in the US and I believe worldwide...as many of the largest pride events in the world are in June.
  4. If you put on your profile something like open to GP or something like looking for Nice Guy$$$ people get the message without explicitly saying it
  5. I concur with everything said here.
  6. Ok I’ve had good luck on Airbnb. All depends on your comfort level. It is going to 5 Star, most likely not but I have always felt safe and had more space in an apt. Reviews are your friend...more is better. in terms of bringing guys to my place, I don’t generally bring garatos back so far but that is my preference. But in terms of guys I met on apps (free sex) that is a different. Google translate will be your friend. As you have traveled, leave your valuables at home or hotel, take only what you need. I buy a cheap watch, wear a money belt, and use an older phone for my SIM card there.
  7. The closest thing to giving money I have done is brought some salon supplies for a friend. He is a stylist and it’s cheaper to get the stuff here in the us than Brazil. I only did if after my second trip and he payed me back. I did this only because I had met him once and knew he wasn’t going to cheat me. Otherwise I’m simply not doing it. I’ll pay for fun and a meal/date but that’s it.
  8. All rather than criticizing and berating this poster, we should appreciate that he is willing to share his mistake openly for other avoid. We we all think with our little head at times and make choices that aren’t the best. So instead of being holier than thou, lets use his experience as a learning one.
  9. That’s what they said now they could have been blowing smoke up my ass but I didn’t care because I loved their cocks up my ass
  10. I thoroughly enjoyed Sauna olympo...I had a threeway with a father and son duo there. The guys are not as pushy there as in RIo or SP which I actually appreciated. I am planning a return trip soon.
  11. Wow they are eager to get brazilians to travel. Flip it around and you pay 2 or 3 times that!
  12. I agree about aerocoop for a taxi in Rio from the airport. Uber is also an option if you have the international plan or already have a sim card for Brazil (NOTE: you wont find one in the airport) Also I use Citibank or Banco do Brasil ATMs. When I was out I only took what i needed. I have an older cell phone that I use while in brazil. I have a cheaper watch on. I dont carry all my cash or any credit cards in my wallet so that if i do get mugged Im not out all my cash and credit cards. I use one of those security pouches around my neck or belt. I leave my atm and credit cards back in my room with a safe or hidden. Are these pain in the ass moves? Sure but thats big city foreign travel for you.
  13. I would hate to try and test out these laws with the local police regardless.
  14. While I can appreciate his need to find himself, lying about his age like that put the guys he hooked up with in potential legal trouble which is pretty damn selfish. What if his parents had found out and reported his hookups to the police?
  15. I used Urban Adventure for my favela tour and I enjoyed it. They are rated well on tripadvisor. I did it coupled with the Christ the Redemmer & Corcavado. One item to note is that I did it in 2015. http://www.riodejaneirourbanadventures.com/
  16. What neighborhood did you stay in?
  17. Usually since you reported it and got a refund by name he will get banned from the sauna. I heard they have gotten rid of guys who did that.
  18. I would suggest getting a few hundred dollars in reals at your bank in Australia before arriving. That way you have some in case of an emergency. Also make sure you know which atms work best for your bank. I tended to use Citibank. I was also able to get a separate global card that sheilded by other accounts so that of it was spoofed at a foreign atm my money was safe.
  19. I got the yellow fever vaccine when I decided to make a trip to Porto Alegre. I say it cant hurt and there may be other places you will travel to other than brazil in the globe and need it. I will say while I had my documentation with me of the vaccine I was never asked for it.
  20. I havent had any trouble with AirBNB options as long as I ask ahead of time (before books) about a local friend coming over for dinner etc. The bigger question for you should be how much you trust your GP, or make sure that you keep valuables locked or very hidden.
  21. As i said in the other thread, its perfect for one or 2 time visitors...not the folks here that make travel to the country a habit.
  22. The e-visa is really designed for those who are planning a single trip to brazil to increase tourism from the US because a consular visa is a pain in the ass for those kind of travelers (and many would forgo a trip because of it). It is not designed for those of us on the forum who might make mulit annual visits each year.
  23. When I was in BH...Sauna Olimop was the place to go.
  24. Omg how sad
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