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Everything posted by wncdemcub

  1. Wow whoever this jerk is thanks a heap!
  2. Traffic jams mean more cash
  3. Well my reason for not using T-Mobile is lack of signal at my home in the us.
  4. I usually get a Brazilian sim and have had no problems with my phone. I use an old iPhone separate from my main phone. That way if it did get stolen, it’s not a huge loss.
  5. You are wrong about Verizon. As long as you have a removable SIM card the phone is unlocked (internationally), you can use a Brazilian SIM. I have Verizon and have used it. Verizon also offers a $10/day international roaming which includes Brazil.
  6. Anyone been to Recife at New Years?
  7. Ok guys which would be better for saunas?
  8. Several younger gay men in Rio and SP I’ve talked to are so concerned about crime and jobs, they are willing to give this right wing nut a chance. The hope is that he focuses on that. They frankly hate both options. Sound familiar to the 2016 US presidential election?
  9. Well as we have discussed most garatos are in it for the money. If someone promised them a better life, one where they wouldnt have to hustle and still make a good living for their families, they would take it. Its a pipe dream but look at trump voters.
  10. They could be doing that because thats what their family wants and then voting against him in the voting booth. Possible example of "he doth protest too much"
  11. honestly i have an old iphone that i use with a local sim card to have data whatsapp etc. that way if the sauna doesnt have wifi im good. plus its an old phone so if i got stolen its not a problem.
  12. Yes as I’ve been there several times
  13. Anyone had recent experience in some of the other cities in Brazil? I have been to Porto Alegre and Salvador but would like some ideas around others. Thanks all!
  14. How is the sauna scene during this time? When does it die down and then pick back up?
  15. All, In thinking about my travel plan I am exploring 2 weeks after New Years to come back to Brazil. I have a couple of questions. 1) I know the saunas can be somewhat empty during the holidays. When do they start picking back up? 2) I will still spend some time in Rio and SP, but what about other cities with active sauna scenes? I have already been to Porto Alegre, Salvador, and Belo Horizonte. Any other ideas? Also if I didn't do Brazil, where would people suggest? Colombia, Argentina?
  16. I figured but didn’t see anything and thought perhaps it was being posted on another forum
  17. Where are the Asia trip articles being posted?
  18. When I was in PA I had a great time at Mezzaninu but if I had been in your shoes, I would always be comparing the stud I had with me. I could see the evening you had happening to myself.
  19. Chill out details aren’t a bad thing and he didn’t go that far. Wouldnt you rather someone be detailed versus say too little?
  20. That’s because while tourists are part of the calculation for flights, misty Brazilian families and business people are consistantly using the flights. Those groups will travel for the most part no matter the currency situation.
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