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  1. I can tell you that most people in other countries rarely use traditional calling or text as its still too expensive. They use whatsapp for both as in many of their plans its cheaper.
  2. I am in Rio today (July 2) until July 9th
  3. Hello all, I am making my first international trip since the pandemic. Ill be in Sao Paulo from March 18-24 and Rio the 24-30. If any members are around, please reach out! Always nice to meet folks!
  4. Perfect thanks so much...what was the company you used at GRU
  5. I am flying back into GRU from RIO the day before heading back to the US and was planning on just getting the test when I arrive, so I don't have to worry.
  6. Good thing my pcr test is Tuesday evening so it will last past arrival in São Paulo. I am then staying there a few days so I'm good on that front too. any one know about pcr tests at GRU?
  7. Has anyone used any of these massage places...how far do the guys go?
  8. There are a few exchange places in big cities...but I agree the debit card and pulling from an ATM will give you a better rate. Also another tip if you use a credit card, make sure the transaction is in reals. Its a better rate than if they convert it to dollars.
  9. Hello all, I am making my first international trip since the pandemic. I have a few questions about covid testing in Brazil. 1) I know you have to get PCR within 72 hours or antigen within 25 of you flight to brazil, but I am flying from Charlotte to Dallas to Sao Paulo. Does the clock start at your at your first flight or the actual flight to Brazil. 2) I will be going from Sao Paulo to Rio. Are covid tests requires for domestic air travel? 3) What is the PCR covid testing like at GRU airport. Is it 24/7? How fast? Long Lines? Thanks in advance!
  10. No we aren’t stop spreading lies: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/yellen-wont-support-minting-a-trillion-dollar-coin-2021-10%3famp
  11. They don't call him Trump of the tropics for nothing.
  12. If Gov Doria can get Sao Paulo state vaccinated quicker than others in Brazil...it may be his ticket to beating Bolsonaro in the 2022 elections.
  13. How sad...I went to Mezzaninu during my second trip to Brazil. Hopefully as things improve someone will be an entrepreneur and open a new one there!
  14. But ours is going up theirs is going down...
  15. No if they want to stay in the EU...
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