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Everything posted by JunNJ

  1. JunNJ

    Mezzaninu Sauna

    Hi Fellow Members, my apologies. I was pretty busy when I came back from Brazil because I just sold my house and moving out and moving in a new house and now I am pretty much settled. This is my first time logging in since June. About Mezzaninu, for me I would not come back because it maybe a hit or miss. I went there Friday and Saturday. Friday is pretty dead, maybe 5 guys. The one I like with smooth tan a bit muscular, cute face is with a customer in the table. He noticed I kept looking at him but he cannot leave his customer. So when I started walking around and went upstairs after 30min, we met by the stairs and he started talking and I told him let's go to the Suite and I believe he is not available yet, I think. He keep telling me I will suck you here and then he started kissing me in the hallway. I am shy so I walked towards the dark corner by the two rooms and he started unzipping my pants and wanted to suck me and I told him again let's go to the room and I was turned on (he has beautiful face and in his early 20's). He pulled out my cock and started sucking it for about 1-2 min because I told him to stop lets get a room and then he is asking for 50Reals for the BJ and he said I am garoto and I work for this and that and I needed to get paid for my service ( I speak little portuguese because I studied the language). The argument started and I dont want to make a scene so I gave him the 50Reals. I am ok with it but what i did not like is he did not tell me he will charge me for quick BJ. Too bad he is my type, it just turned me off. I only flirted with the Bar tender who is the regular stripper there. His name is Luis, you will find him in the FB posting of the sauna. He teased me with his body so I booked him the next day afternoon for a private. I just arrived that Friday afternoon and feeling so horny. Luis bottom for me with plus 100Reals, since I am so horny I said ok. Saturday, I am hoping to see more boys which there are more boys. only few muscular but the face not my type. when there is new guy who arrives and started showering, i just keep watching them and decide who to pick. I smiled at them and they smiled back at me and to the guy i like, i nod and he acknowledge it so when he came out of the shower he come to my table. too bad he is not a bottom because he had pretty face, nice smile and a big cock 😞 Oh he speaks English pretty good because he wanted to do OnlyFans. I didnt get him so I started to looking for other boys and one caught my eye. His looks is like those young guys on a skateboard. he is 22 but he has a child already when he was 18. and he said he will bottom so we went upstairs. not a super performer but you have to lead the action, tell him what to do and he will do it. kinda boring for me. I am shocked in Mezanninu because it is not well maintained now. Air conditioner not working in my room. Water is cold and the shocking thing is they ran out of towels when I am ready to go upstairs with the boy. the garoto said, pointing to the towels in the shelves, "what about that", the grandma who works there said "it's not to be used and when she pulled the towels, and showed it to us, there are holes in the middle ! and also the other towels so overused if you know what i mean by the look of it. So if you come on Saturday, there are many boys, i would say 25 and there are also lots of cute boys and mostly top. I dont bottom so it was not the best night for me in Brazil. then Sunday morning off to Rio, I was more excited than POA. I am coming back next year - Memorial Weekend (end of May thru June) in Rio and SP. I will skip POA for sometime for now.... thanks for reading...
  2. JunNJ

    Mezzaninu Sauna

    thanks for the feedback, so i guess i have to source from vivalocal.com , there is one hot guy there and per his Ad, he speaks English ... we'll see about that. but i will still go to mezzaninu to check it out. lots of good memories for me there, I found cutest guy for me years ago.... I will be in Rio from Sunday, would be nice to meet a fellow members of this forum !
  3. Hey fellow members ! I am going to Brazil next weekend and my first pit stop is Porto Alegre. Any members been back to Mezzaninu ? Any updates ? It has been 6 years since I was there. I checked the other forum and last update was Jan 2021. Thanks so much ! - J
  4. Intercity Hotel in Rua Haddock Lobo, it is 10 minute walk to Termas Lagoa and close to many restaurants around and close to Avenida Paulista and I think its close to gay area, you will see lots of gays walking around. thats where me and my friends always stay. the hotel is ok not luxurious not bad either. I am coming there in 1st week of June.
  5. Buy the Abbott antigen test for $150 6pack from eMed.com, you can do it the day before your return flight back to the US. Download the app in your phone and register. As the other fellow member said, it will be supervised via video chat for 15min. That is what I am planning to do when I come to Brazil this coming September (Labor Day week). I did the PCR Test in GRU Airport in June and got the result in 4hrs but I waited there for 2 hours, the antigen test is easier in my opinion, it's convenient.
  6. You can try using Pimsleur Portuguese Lessons I, II, & III Audio CD's, the used ones costs $99 for 30 CD's , 30 minutes each CD. and I bought all 3. so I finished 90 CD's. My motivation is the Brazilian hot boys in Sauna ! The first time I visited Rio and SP, it was not easy to talk so I decided to learn to speak their language, although I am not very fluent but I can converse with the GP's and in the restaurant. And now with You Tube videos, it is easy to follow and polish your Portuguese. Just remember to learn to read and write as well not only listening, it really helps ! Good Luck. I can't wait to come back this September. Tchau!
  7. Thanks for posting ! I am coming to Brazil this Friday. I should be careful. I will keep an eye on that face in the Sauna if he ever comes there.
  8. He is a regular of my friend who is there right now. Was Adriel with an Asian Guy ? He is pricey but he will do everything for price.
  9. My local airport is Philadelphia. I come to Brazil many times. I do not fly from Philly because it is like $500 difference if you fly from JFK which have more flights to Brazil such as LATAM, COPA in addition to AA and DELTA. I noticed this year, they removed flights to Rio. I tried multi city flights before but when Rio was still available. Your multi city flight will definitely costs more. JFK has many direct flights to SP from different airlines. If you want to come to JFK for ticket good prices, from Philadelphia take the NJ transit from Trenton to NY Penn Station(75min) and transfer to LIRR to Jamaica station (20min) where you can take the Air Train to your Gate. This takes almost 3hrs total but it may saves you $500 price difference. Thats what I do. I am from Southern part of NJ near Philly. Always set an alert for ticket prices using google flights. ticket price comes down usually on Tues -Wed -Thursday when they go on sale for couple of days only so check on those dates. I suggest when you get to SP go to Rio first and come back to SP for your last leg of your trip so you dont have to wait in SP airport coming from Rio to catch a flight back home at night.
  10. Most of the dancers can go for private. You have to negotiate the price. Usually 400 Reals they wont suck but kiss, pay more and he will blow you. if you become regular pay more and double the price he will bottom. I am not saying all but a lot of them do it. I know because my friend always ask for private from a sauna dancer and he is willing to pay that much because of their status as a dancer and super hot but you can find same look fro GP walking around the sauna. I remember my two friends get this hot dancer two consecutive days who went with them in their hotel just to dump his cum in their throat , all oral for 250 reals... he did not do anything Approach them and ask for their number when they dance while walking around to get a tip then later start texting each other and negotiate. Use google translate, my friend does not speak portuguese at all
  11. Any fellow members in Rio next weekend ? I am coming Friday-Tues in Rio next week and then SP the following week. I met one fellow member couple of years ago and it was nice chatting and sharing stories and tips. Thanks!
  12. Just additional advise, if it was not mentioned yet, do not use your ATM card to withdraw local currency at the Airport. Skimming is prevalent in Brazil, you never know, its a risk. Since its your first time if you need cash just go to Money change for just $100 and then next day when the bank opens, go inside and withdraw some more cash. That's what I do, $3 fee charged from my Bank in the US per withdrawal. It's another option for you. Weather in May sometimes it rain and not too hot. I will be there from May 25 - June 3. Rio then SP. Have fun !!
  13. so did Ricardo proposed a marriage to you ? He did it to me after two encounters because I am from the U.S.and for the reason he said, he wanted to see America and wanted to see the snow... well I told him you don't need to marry a U.S. Citizen, you need a tourist Visa ! We messenger in FB. He even proposed if we marry what is yours before is yours and he will not take it from me, he just wanted to come to the States. that small boy has a big cock ! very clean and smooth ass, delish! I am going back to Rio next week ! might see him again...
  14. I have AT&T and when I goto Brazil for 9-10 days, I use the $40 Passport Plan with limit of 200MB Data Plan. I need it because of Uber to and from Sauna and even from Airport to your hotel or when you go back. In fact I have not used up all my limit. It is cheaper than $10 a day, AT&T has that plan too. You can use your WhatsApp while outside if your not connected to a Wi-Fi to talk to garotos. My Friends have T-Mobile with international data plan is already included in their plan. I am going this on November, Thanksgiving Week and I will use same thing again. Ask Verizon if they have same $40 thing with a limit.
  15. I am coming to Rio/POA/SP this Friday till June 4th , any fellow members in Rio/SP this week and next week to meet and chat ? I definitely will report something back... its my 10th time, i got hooked with Brazilians ! :-) BTW, i love the pic, would love to meet him there this coming wkend...
  16. You can also try Audio CD lessond to learn basic Brazilian Portuguese which I did. I bought Pimsleur CD Lesson for $99 (used) containing lessons in 30 CD's , 30 minutes each lesson. Not bad and definitely you will learn a lot and it helps. There are 3 Parts of the course, Anyone coming to Brazil end of May (memorial weekend) thru June ?
  17. it's 1USD to R$3.4 as of Friday!, sudden drop of Reals. I hope they will stay for sometime because I am coming to Brazil this Friday the 18th! Hope to meet fellow forum member in SP Thermas Lagoa also this weekend
  18. I always stay at Travel Inn Live Lodge in Rua Borges Lagoa, it is 15-20 walk to Thermas and reasonable prices. Renovated rooms. I will be in SP Nov 18-21
  19. There are Garotos in Grinder. This April i was in SP and while I am at my hotel room resting, i checked guys in grinder. I almost picked up one in SP. He is a hot 20 boy muscular and smooth bod, 200 Reas he will come to my hotel because he is 3 blocks away, it is just taking him so long to respond back to me so I left my hotel. You will know them in Grinder if they have "GP" in their profile. One garoto i talked speaks english but just not my type, he has toned body , i prefer beefy guys.
  20. i usually stay in Moinhos do Vento in Mercure Manhattan apartment, or Ibis very nice and good location but they become pricey. so now I am staying still in Moinhos but in Hotel Laghetto its reasonable price , my first time there tho I will be in Porto Nov 21 and in Rio 24-28 so i guess meet u at 117 !!
  21. good for you Tom Cal you have enough contacts in POA!, my boy who I am coming back for supposed to be there decided to work in SP! after I bought my ticket ! grrrrr because he cannot make more money in mezzaninu. I am coming back to Brazil in November (thanksgiving week) since he wont be in POA when I stop there, I asked him how about his muscular friend i saw in his facebook pictures(he is not sauna garoto he said) and he asked me " u want short time or overnight ? " and i said of course overnight (that would be my first time with garoto overnight). So the deal is still up in the air. He is not really garoto de programa but its exciting and what a challenge to be with someone like him ,i will make him to become a garoto :-) Oh well, any fellow Members who would be in Brazil Nov 18 thru 28 ? I will be in SP, POA then RIO. It would be nice to meet fellow members and chit chat :-)
  22. Hello fellow members, I apologize for delayed report I was busy when I came back until I got lazy downloading some pics to post here. I cant show all but only their backs... I went there by myself since last year since none of my friends don't want to come with me anymore and that is how I came across with this site and it encourage to go by myself. I went there this April to celebrate my birthday there and find a hot garoto. I stayed there for 10 days, SP -> Port -> Rio. I booked the Travel Inn Lodge which is in Rua Borges Lagoa, 15 min walk to Thermas (for the past 3yrs) so I dont have to take the cab/uber and go through the traffic at 4-5pm. SP is my first pit stop. Fri/Sat and Sun are busy with garotos. As always, for me, this is where you can find a lot of good looking boys with hot body. On my first night, there was a garoto (moreno) very nice smile, white teeth, trying hard to speak English but i enjoy talking to him. Not my type but very nice and sweet. I kept looking around and there are other hotter guys than him but they seem to be always occupied and my garoto didnt leave me by the bar, until i told him i wanted 3somes. so there was one flirty garroto nice ass ( i am an ass guy) it turns me on when they wear briefs or skimpy swimming trunks like this guy.. I squeezed his ass as he passed by and he started talking to me and the moreno guy and told them i may want a 3 somes and we kissed at the Bar both of them I kissed (tongue twiser lol ) and they dont care with many people around just like last year with my Rodrigo. So we went to the suite. The other whiter guy , he is a professional hustler and I think he has something, his eyes are a bit red that is why he said he will do every and he did. We went to the room started kissing three of us standing on the bed while i am stroking their cock then the other garoto sucking my nipple while i was kissing the other and then he go down on me. it was just 5 minutes and this guy started to bend over and say fck me fck me .. i was just warming up hmm seems to be in hurry but we took the 30min in the room. That was my first of the nite I had a second one i couldnt post the face pic but boy he is very many hot with little beard , haircut trimmed on both sides with thick hair brushed up. dirty blond hair and he said he is of greek decent, str8 dont suck but will kiss. He was the guy of the nite for me, has big cock i didnt bottom but when i was on top of him looking at his face very hot , gets me hard till i came. he doesnt have to fck me to get hard, looking at his face gets me hard. I went there Fri/Sat and Sun. What I noticed 5 years ago, there are not many garotos on Sunday , but this time, those hot cute boys on are still working on Sunday. Then I went to Porto on Tuesday. (I need a break on Monday to reload :-) ) .. I stayed at Moinos do Vento and I used Uber and they are so cheap cost me 4-5 USD to Mezzaninu but it is Dead nowadays. I was there Tue and Wed 5years ago and packed with cute boys especailly the bingo nite on Wednesday ! I only saw 5 clients some are not even going for garoto. On Wednesday I found my boy , my type and he is good and I will come back for him definitely this Sept/Oct. I miss him so much already !! The picture of young boy below in the shower is from Porto I met on Tuesday he really looks like Harry Potter .. oh I mean Daniel Radcliff. He is good kisser and a bottom! very sensual and very friendly always smiling. Then my last pit stop is Rio! my favorite place to relax. I used the same apartment posted by one of the member here. It is in Ipanema right outside the Gen. Osorio subway. Very convenient and around the area are restaurants by the kilo and starbucks is 2 blocks away! So I was there Friday and it is usually pack. I saw one boy very hot just like those boys in the internet, like Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher boy, he can be a model. So I went to the smoking area and sat next to the bar table and when i walk outside we talked and when we talked he just want to go, he grab my waist and turned me around and lets go... i dont even know his hame and he didnt ask my name and little conversation,well that was a turn off for me no matter how hot u are. I can tell I will waste my money on him. So i took other guy. Noting much sexciting story to tell you. It was ok for me the boys i got. the one i like was the twinky, i am not into it but for some reason i found him cute, he is the last pic. He looks like a high school boy but he is 26 and he speaks English! we started talking in the smoking area, he let me rub his body and his cock , he has a smooth body which is my type and he is a bottom. so i took him in the suite and he was good overall. Try Uber, from Ipanema to the Airport, it cost me R42 which is 13USD only ! very cheap ! and Uber drive in Porto dont accept tip. I tried to 2 drivers they said not necessary.., ok they are very nice I think I wrote a very long report. So that's my story.... Thanks to all members who contributed on this site and it helped me too , Now I can travel by myself !
  23. Where to stay depends on your budget. There are lots of hotel/apt style in Moinhos de Vento which is in an upscale neighborhood so you can go out take a walk during the day and next to the Park. Where I stay usually is at Mercure Manhattan Hotel, it has a gym and pool if u want to bring someone overnight to swim and buffet breakfast. Citibank is few blocks away. Not scary to walk around since there are lots of nice restaurants and small shops around. It's good neighborhood and close to Sheraton Plaza/mall. You can just take a cab to Mezzaninu. There is easy taxi app just like Uber to pick you up and take u to the sauna. Happy Trip ! I will be there in 2 weeks !
  24. Or you can try to go "The Week" club, a famous big club. It's in Rio and Sao Paulo, I saw numbers of garotos from Club 117 go there after the Sauna around midnight. Same as in Sao Paulo. It's a mix club, gays and str8 couples and maybe bi couples. :-) I might go there next week in SP
  25. If your purpose is transportation from GIG to your Hotel, I suggest to take the cab, prepaid with your credit card, safe driver and very knowledgeable with you destination. The counter to pay is just outside next the exit door from baggage area. The cashier speaks little English. Last year it cost R145, it increase every year so maybe it is R160 this year. After you pay there is a guy who will assist you and even open the taxi door for your. I do this every time I go to SP. I intend to use Easy Taxi when going around. Have fun in Brazil! I will be there in two weeks!
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