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  1. I always stay in rental apartments, so I cannot comment on that, sorry.
  2. Hi Lookin, Thank you for your kind words. It's true, at demonstrations / gay parades etc. things get violent fast and easy. Imho, that is just one part. In normal daily life there generally it's not a big issue. If it was, the - openly - gay venues would have been closed down years and years ago and there would be much violence around them; witch is not the case. Something else thats good to mention, Saint Petersburg is much more liberal then Moscow. Thats because of the fact it has a much more West European orientation; it's just a 2h 25m drive on the E18 to Finland. I be most happy to give some tips and advice for those who plan to go to Saint Petersburg / Moscow. Just for the record, I'm not Russian I am a Dutchmann.
  3. Due to my work, I am in Russia 4 to 6 times a year. In Saint Petersburg you can visit Club Sinners and Central Station. Both are safe, clean and have working boys. If you need directions or have any questions do not hesitate to ask a young Russian (+/- 18 - 28 years), in general that generation speaks English and 99 out of 100 will do all to help you. @boiworship in general Russians do not blaim foreigners for the policy of their government - since in their perspective - YOU do not have any influence on that policy. Thats a bit old Soviet thinking The clubs I mentioned or on a very exclusive and AAA location. They both are open to public for more than 10 year and their clientele is known by the officials. Its a fact that in general their is less respect for the LGBT scene than in Western Europe. But on daily life gays are not chased or have problems on the streets.
  4. Hi hi, the rentboy's im the Netherlands all went to the internet. The biggest website is www.boys4u.nl. You can change the language to English and most adds are in English also! Have a good time in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
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