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  1. Thanks for these incredibly useful and detailed replies. You’re right about luggage, it will be checked to my final destination, so I’ll just store my carry on at the airport. I’ll use an airport ATM to get enough cash out (any suggestions for the amount for a massage at Arena and an off or two from Moonlight?). I’ll pre-research transport, but was planning to take a taxi from the airport directly to Arena. Can’t wait to finally experience Bangkok!!
  2. I scored a very well priced Thai Airways business class ticket that has a 16 hour stopover (land 3pm and leave 7.20am) so I jumped on it as I’ve never been to Bangkok and have been very keen to sample the boy bars there. Plan is to clear immigration and store my luggage at the airport (I checked and there is a service doing this) then head into down, get some dinner then hit the clubs and hopefully off a guy or two! read about Tawan’s unfortunate closing and that they MAY be reopened by my June 5 arrival. Given they’re the main source of my type (more muscular and very fitness model types, not into twinks) was wondering if anyone could provide names of other venues that would be good to check out on a Wednesday night? Also what time is best to go out there? And one last question, given my layover I won’t be booking a hotel or sleeping, so what are the options in terms of places to take guys for an off? many thanks in advance for your collective wisdom!
  3. I for one am left somewhat concerned for Taikonaut and hope he is ok. That last post clearly pointed to more stories to come, I just hope he is ok.
  4. Has anyone ever successfully hired one of the strippers from Teatron's rooftop bar? When I was there, there were a few guys dancing nude and hard. I figured they were probably available, but my circumstances that particular night precluded me taking action. If you've done it and had any success, can you let me know how it went. Much appreciated.
  5. Fantastic stories, thanks for sharing! I never hooked up with anyone in Egypt. Had a close encounter at a urinal in the main train station, but that was intercepted by local police who grilled me for a few minutes. Scary stuff, but I just played the dumb tourist and pretended I had no idea what they were asking me. It took a little convincing but they ultimately let me go, cautioning that I need to avoid dangerous situations like this in the future. Needless to say I did just that! You've def taken some big risks, given how common homophobic attacks and arrests are in Egypt, but I'm impressed with your results!
  6. another glorious update from Numazu!! Just a question, given how good your photography skills, are in addition to your evocative writing it would be incredible to have at least a tease/taste of some of the BFs and garotos you've been with. I know how important confidentiality is for many of the GPs, but surely some artfully cropped images (like many of our other favorite Brazil posters post) would be ok? I'd settle for a nipple, or bicep, or belly button!
  7. Incredibly evocative updates as always Numazu!! I'm curious – how upfront, if at all, are you with GPs like Paulo about the medium to long term relationship prospects they have with you? Having read your updates since the beginning, I know there's a shelf life here. Just wondering how transparent you are in that regard?
  8. Along with the election results tomorrow, I am EAGERLY awaiting the next Numazu1 installment!!! I need to hear more about Paulo!
  9. Numazu, god I love your updates!! They truly are magnificent.
  10. Well at least one of the guys on there is fake. His photos are a Montreal based fitness model named Mark Fitt. And I noticed with the cock shots that many of them have features like the nipples that don't match the other pics. Some of the guys def look Russian, but given there's at least one def fake, I would question the validity of the site. Pity.
  11. I have noticed a dramatic increase in Brazilian escorts advertising on RB recently. Given the prior difficulty/almost impossibility of obtaining tourist visas for Brazilians to the US, I'm wondering if there has been a change in visa policy by the US favoring Brazilians? That would be welcome news indeed!
  12. I'm headed down to Cabo next month for a few days. Checked out rentmen and there's slim to none in terms of options. What would you guys recommend in terms of hiring options? Grindr? Are there other options for a hot hire that I'm not aware of? Thanks in advance!
  13. 1. I never said I don't pay. This is an escort forum, and I've hired plenty of times. Mainly for the thrill and convenience. And I've also dated or hooked up with other hot guys IRL without financial compensation. Any escort could tell you that they have a surprisingly decent amount of good looking guys hiring them. We all have our reasons and it's a pity that we can't just respect this and call people like me, who anyone could see from my many comments and some posts since 2014 have only shared on here with the best intentions, a liar or fraud. 2. Obviously. That's how the escorting world works. But I didn't give that guy a cent. He has a successful corporate job and has a very successful modeling career on top of it. He paid his own way throughout the relationship. 3. I doubt you'd be saying that if you saw him from the front. I deliberately chose that pic where he looks leaner than he is (he's jacked) because he is very, very well known and would be very unhappy to know that pic was published online. But I'm sure he ain't reading this forum so...
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