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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. That depends on your personal preference and how often you visit. Frequent (like say more than twice a year) visitors to Rio would probably agree that although it’s packed during the big holidays (Reveillon, Carnaval), it’s easier to navigate during other times around Brazil summer than those times, yet still has a large enough crowd. Less frequent visitors may want to experience the excitement and packed crowds of those times, because it’s a “bucket list” activity (or at least not something experienced very often). I’m okay going any time of the year. Just like the type of men you’re attracted to, it’s all a matter of personal tastes
  2. Both of you are right AND wrong. Depending on whom you speak with, the time around Reveillon / New Year’s Eve up until Three Kings Day (1/6) can be either a seller’s or a buyer’s market. Many of the sauna garotos — although they still go — do not like working that time of year at the sauna because the wait is so long for a suite (especially on free cabin nights) that there is little money to be made, compared to the less busy nights. And many clients aren’t interested in waiting an hour or so just for sex. The Tuesday at 117 after New Year’s Day was so packed this week, that there was a line of clients outside the club that reportedly took 45 minutes for entry. In 13 years of Rio-ing, I’ve never experienced anything like that before. I personally wouldn’t wait that long, but for infrequent visitors, I could understand why they would. The GPs that I speak with regularly — which are quite a few! — tell me that what they DO like about the time of year around NYE is that, due to the large crowds, they can book many more dates with new or infrequent visiting clients for a later time.
  3. The escort / programa websites will do that with a quickness in Brazil when one of their advertised is arrested for a crime involving clients. The same happened several years ago with a prominent garoto who was arrested for blackmailing one of his clients. Netgay and all the other sites quickly pulled his ads down. Note: after he served his time, he’s been back to advertising on the various sites for a few years now.
  4. …. and here’s another published incident. This arrest happened in September. I actually met the one on the left before. Call boys are arrested for theft in the South Zone of Rio; police claim they doped victims One of the injured said, in testimony, that criminal made seven transfers on Pix. By Eduardo Tchao and Leslie Leitão, RJ1 09/06/2022 11:52 am Updatedhá 3 meses Two male prostitutes are arrested suspected of robbery in the South Zone of Rio The Civil Police of RJ arrested this Monday (5) two men for robbery in the South Zone of Rio. According to investigations by the 14th DP (Leblon), Brian Quaresma Ferreira , 31, and David Alves Simões Rosa , 34, are male callers and dope people they met on dating apps. Brian was arrested in Gávea; David, who performed as Bruce , in Copacabana. “Brian is a call boy and explores sexuality; he posts his profile, arranges dates, and takes advantage of a careless moment. Then he practices property blows ”, said delegate Camila Lourenço . Bruce, according to Camila, “exercised leadership”. “The investigations showed that he was the one who attracted the victims through the social network. 🇧🇷 Sex workers, David (L) and Brian (R, in blue and coat) are arrested and taken to the 14th DP (Leblon) — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo One of them said in a statement that, during a date, she went to the bathroom twice — when she believes that Bruce put something in the drink. The victim said that she began to feel bad, "in a lethargic state, confused and with reduced reflexes" and that Bruce took advantage of this to take her to his apartment. There, the escort took his cell phone and unlocked it. Brian showed up at the property an hour later. He and Bruce stopped the victim from leaving. In all that time, Brian was able to make seven bank transfers via Pix . The Civil Police asks that other victims of the duo go to the Leblon Police Station to file a complaint. The two are already indicted for false imprisonment and theft. Until the last update of this report, TV Globo had not been able to contact their defense. https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2022/09/06/garotos-de-programa-sao-presos-por-roubo-na-zona-sul-do-rio-policia-afirma-que-eles-dopavam-vitimas.ghtml
  5. Instances like this occur quite often in Brazil — especially in Rio and São Paulo. They only make the news when reported to the police. Here’s a similar recent one from Rio. As I am here half to most of the year, I have plenty more of these stories I can share. (And before you ask, yes, you absolutely SHOULD be concerned for your own safety.) Call boy arrested after threatening to share videos of sex with businessman in Copacabana A luxury escort boy was arrested red-handed for the crime of extortion against a client, in Copacabana, in the South Zone of Rio, this Wednesday, the 6th. According to investigations by the 12th DP (Copacabana), Victor Rodrigues Assunção , aged 22, was hired by a businessman on a website for escorts and demanded payment of BRL 2,000 from the client not to publish sex videos. According to delegate Natacha Alves de Oliveira, holder of the 12th DP, after the meeting between the two took place last Thursday, Victor Rodrigues revealed that he had recorded part of the sexual intercourse that had taken place and said that he would send the images to the victim's husband. As a condition of leaving the premises and preserving his marriage, the client was required to pay the sum demanded by the call boy. Last Wednesday, Victor, even in the face of payment, continued to demand more money in order not to publish the videos on social networks. The client looked for the police station and the police were able to locate the prostitute on Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, around 6 pm. — This type of extortion generally presents high underreporting of criminal occurrences. People sometimes do not report the fact to the police stations for fear of exposing their privacy. Our orientation is that they do not fail to register the cases, precisely so that these criminals are identified and punished and do not make new victims - highlights the delegate Natacha Alves de Oliveira. At the police station, Victor confessed to the crime. Against him, there was already a record of occurrence in the 2nd DP (Rio Claro), in São Paulo, on November 30 last year. At the time, a 60-year-old retiree went to the police station to report that, after paying BRL 480 for a sexual program with the suspect, he began to demand, via WhatsApp messages, bank transfers of BRL 100 in PIX so as not to disclose an intimate video of the two.
 In the statement given at the 12th DP, Victor reported having learned to practice this coup with a friend. He will be sent to the José Frederico Marques Public Prison, in Benfica, where he will have to undergo a custody hearing. https://m.extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/garoto-de-programa-preso-apos-ameacar-divulgar-videos-de-sexo-com-empresario-em-copacabana-25585498.html
  6. I’ll try to answer your questions since they don’t seem to be directly addressed here. Some GPs are at the saunas on pre-determined dates with clients. Most often, you will spot these GPs in one of the bar areas, sharing a drink or two or sometimes a bite to eat with a client — and most often, either or both are fully dressed. The kicker is if the GP is not available to speak to other clients before / during / soon after that pre-arranged date (understandably, most clients aren’t going to like it very much if their pay date is using his paid time to book another date). So, if that GP that you hooked up with turned out to be available, most likely either his client date had already left (or cum and gone) or it was just a non-sexual date and he got paid for his time (yes, this is more common than you might think). There could be several reasons why a GP’s dick doesn’t get hard. It doesn’t necessarily mean he already ejaculated with a previous client. Most GPs will stop working for the night once they do cum, so I doubt that was this guy’s reason. Maybe at that moment, he just couldn’t get aroused. It’s hard to believe sometimes, but garotos are human, not machines.
  7. Asking anyone to take photos in exchange for a “free shoot” is one of the shittiest tricks used by the lower rungs and dirtbag predators masquerading as legitimate photographers.
  8. We share something in common and we discovered it around the same age. Except my introduction was street trade / hustlers, not the bus station. By comparison, the stereotypical gay scene / clubs / bars (and their usual patrons) never really had much appeal for me. The hustler bars I discovered a few years later were the best combination for me in the States, but in the USA they have all disappeared. Discovering the joys of Brazilian saunas culture over a decade ago was a godsend for me.
  9. This is the correct and decent policy. Just as board members wish not to be publicly identified (and posting on an internet message board, whether in a public or private forum, is public), sauna garotos and gogo boys that aren’t advertising their sex work online do not wish to be publicly identified either. Sauna workers may be gossiping amongst each other about various clients, but they most certainly are not publicly posting about us on internet message boards. Therein lies the difference! I don’t understand why that is so hard for some posters to get.
  10. Wow. Just wow. If I had a dollar for every time I have seen someone that I think is a board poster at one of the establishments abroad… However, I have the decency and the discretion not to post about it publicly and put them on blast.
  11. I don’t understand what this anecdote has to do with Grindr / free sex vs. transactional sex. I could just as easily learn that or similar information from a working guy / garoto de programa — because sometimes, we actually talk, communicate and connect. It’s not like these guys don’t live in communidades, too.
  12. For some people, the need to prove to themselves and others that they are (still) sexually appealing is very strong. In their heads, getting it for free (or less) = “I’m not like those other clients who have to pay because they’re old / fat / fugly.”
  13. This is pretty much the guiding principle for any kind of whoremongering, no matter what your type or preference may be. Clients want to pay for the kind of guy that’s either out of their league or is otherwise unavailable to them back home. I’ve found that to be the case even with those who say they prefer the “boy next door, normal / average” guys — not just those who prefer the so-called muscle gods and supermodels.
  14. In my experience, the non-garoto saunas in Brazil are very similar to the (fast-disappearing) gay bathhouses in the USA — which means, basically, it’s the normal Western gay male social pecking order. The very few really attractive men are there to hook up with the other very few really attractive men. Pudgy middle-aged guys, bears, fem twinks, and other more commonly moderately to less desirables ordinarily “stay in their lanes” and wind up with each other. Not the case at the saunas with money boys — where cash rules everything around you. That’s the easiest and best shot for the average schmoe — who would ordinarily be overlooked by the 8s, 9s and 10s in sexually charged, physically important gay environments like bathhouses and circuit parties — to land an Adonis.
  15. Yes. The expiration date on the visa is for the date entry into the country. The number of days of your legal stay are counted starting your date of entry as the first.
  16. If you do get caught at Brazilian customs, yes you could get into trouble. In the very least, you would be sent back to your home country and lose your visa / entering privileges for about 5-10 years. At the very most, you could wind up in a Brazilian jail / prison. But yes, others have reported that they have not had a problem entering Brazil with poppers (I don’t think they were searched at Customs, though).
  17. Amyl nitrate is consider a controlled substance in Brazil. You can’t import poppers or buy them there without a prescription— at least not legally. But like with any other recreational controlled substance, you can find it there on the black market if you just ask around enough. As for XXL condoms, bring your own — as well as good, synthetic-based lube.
  18. “The violence in Sao Paulo is very location-specific. São Paulo (the capital city, not the state) has 96 districts. 33 of those districts have a homicide rate smaller than the USA (4.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants). On the other hand, 28 districts have a homicide rate higher than in Nigeria. Some districts, like Jaçanã, are more violent than Mexico. Other districts, like Jardim Paulista, are safer than Germany.“ https://expatriateconsultancy.com/is-sao-paulo-safe/
  19. What country are you from? 60 days is an unusually long time to stay in Cuba, especially for a first-time visitor that needs to work from the internet access while there. Cuba only allows 60-day tourist visas to nationals of a handful of countries. Most are 30 days max, that can be renewed for another 30 days once there. This would be quite a bit of a heavy lift for a first-timer with no contacts or relationships on the island.
  20. You cannot open a bank account in Brazil with just a CPF number. A Brazilian bank also requires an RNE / RNM number on the CRNM (the residency card similar to the “green card” in the USA) for a foreigner to open an account. And of course, in order to obtain one of those, you first need to have a residency visa — not a tourist one.
  21. If you’re younger or just don’t “look the part”, you’re just going to have to do the approaching for better results.
  22. If you can make it to 117 around 9 pm on a Friday, you’ll most likely have a waning crowd of garotos and clients. But you should be able to find someone that tickles your fancy. If you’re arriving at 10 pm, it becomes even riskier. Regarding a brief trip to São Paulo, 11 days is enough time for you to manage that.
  23. This part. clients go to saunas for beautiful, available men (must haves), not architecture, dinner menus or stage shows (nice to haves, but not musts).
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