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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Well, shit, that Wikipedia "definition" covers practically every kind of mutually agreed-upon relationship or be air, from full monogamy to open arrangements, So, yes, using that obtuse definition, plenty of us have had those with sauna boys, rent boys, sugar babies and the like. Nice work if you can get it.
  2. Yes, Ben Franklin is VERY attractive to many a looker. The problem though is too many are trying to pass off George Washington ($1 bill and 25 cents) and Abe Lincoln (one penny and $5 bill) as a substitute for Ben Franklin!
  3. I think you'd have to define what you think is a "real long-term relationship". There are men that I've known for years from other countries who I've met "under peculiar circumstances" that are closer to me than guys that I've met and dated in the very same city in which I live. I've had a few of them visit and stay with me on visas for longer than some gay and straight "relationships" last. One is actually staying with me in the States now! I know some gay and straight guys -- the incomes here are mixed, so all of these guys aren't wealthy, but they do tend to skew higher income than average -- who have met their spouses or partners in foreign countries, from saunas to beaches and resorts where locals look for rich tourists to discos to straight-up whorehouses. And one of these former "model"/whorehouse workers (a woman) is now the heiress to the fortune of a recently-deceased clothier! Most of the guys I know who are into this don't post here or anywhere online and probably wouldn't ever consider it, but this is more common than one may realize, particularly if you've got the resources and if it floats your boat. However, not everyone is into it or even dings guys and girls like this attractive so it's a small subset to begin with. My fairly extensive experience with rentboy types, sugar babies, etc. from all over the planet is that this (to find a sugar daddy and get off the market) is the dream of a lot of them worldwide -- much more than it is the dream of the daddies or the ones who are paying, who really just want to keep their options open. There are always exceptions to every rule, though.
  4. Good-looking daddies with money to spend and financial stability/security NEVER have a problem attracting men or women, of any age, in any country. If you still have the looks to go with the money, that's even better. But if you don't, it's an inverse relationship -- meaning that the less you have of one, the more you will need of the other.
  5. Axiom, please consider changing your font to something much simpler to read on a screen. The cursive characters are very difficult for others to read. A sans serif choice, of which there are many, is legible and preferable for readers. Here is an article that might be helpful: http://www.pallasweb.com/fonts.html
  6. Oh, my English is perfectly fine. Apparently, your mathematical analysis skills need some work, though. A survey of one is not a scientifically acceptable poll. 51% of the board members? Again, was a poll conducted? Look, it's clear that you're an internet troll with wayyyyyyyyyy too much time on his hands. You're probably also a troll in real life as well. Nevertheless, until you can show that a quorum of the board members were surveyed, and over half of them agree with you, then your statement attacking mvan is just conjecture on your part, and is a personal attack. Just as it is conjecture that you probably look like a fucking troll (but that is easily provable by asking the boys at the saunas that you visit if they hold their noses and close their eyes while they take your money). I don't know you, mvan or axion from a hole in the wall. However, I can guarantee you that it wouldn't take very much at all for me to find out who you were if you regularly visit these spots in Brazil, and I actually truly cared enough to do it. So, if you have some issue with this poster mvan, it would be advisable for you to stop trolling him on the Internet. Trolls like you aren't as protected behind computer screens as they like to believe they are.
  7. You actually think that it is impressive that you have way too much time on your hands to have accumulated hundreds of posts at this message board? And that places you in some select, coveted, social group? Seriously? What are you, 13 years old and in junior high? You remind of me of those awkward girls in junior high school that were so desperate to be noticed and popular that they would form their own "exclusive" clubs with each other that no one else wanted to be in, anyway.
  8. You're "sure most of us are"? Have you conducted a survey? I was not consulted.
  9. I've known "Fabricio" for a few years and this story just doesn't quite seem like him. I also wouldn't expect him, much less any Netgay advertiser, to agree to 150 reais for the hour. That seems very low for Netgay. Plus, it seems like you asked him to show up at one place (which takes time and money), then agreed to go to yet another place (more time and money). If he's getting paid for his time, even at 150 reais and hour, I'm guessing this whole travel experience for him was about 1.5 hours or so. So 300 reais would make sense. Secondly, going to a rentboy's place, whom you do not know, in a foreign land? Not very advisable. Your after-the-event advice is good for everyone, but your grievous errors were easily avoidable. "Fabricio" is not an aggressive or violent person as far as I know, so you're lucky because it could've been far worse with another individual. Think with your big head and not your little one.
  10. After the 2016 Olympics will be an even better time to buy, because it's going to get a whole lot worse there economically before it gets any better. Whatever is left of their big artificial bubble that is now being propped up now just for show will burst sometime after the Games. Signed, Wall Street-based Investment Analyst
  11. Look at the second photo in the article posted. The thieves could've used an ATM PIN capture overlay device.
  12. Thanks, mvan1! I am familiar with that area, and although I wouldn't recommend others who are less familiar and easier targets than I am walk from the train station or from a hotel, I could do it from where I often stay. I love a good hustler bar (not any of them really left in USA, but years ago in my youth, there used to be some great ones in LA, NYC, DC, Atlanta and Miami. There also used to be a great hustler restaurant / bar in Rio (Corunjinha) but sadly, it no longer has any hustler scene. I will check it out next time aim in São Paulo, especially since I am usually just winding down after the saunas anyway. It would be great to know the better nights.to go to this hustler bar. Do you recall the better, more crowded times and nights?
  13. If you have 45 minutes to an hour to spare, and you want to save money, then take the Real Airport Bus from GIG to Copa. It only costs about $6 USD a person. It is very comfortable and air conditioned, usually not very crowded and typically rides down Avenida Atlantica, or Rua Barata Ribeiro, a parallel street two blocks away, depending on the day. It will stop at the corner that your hotel or apartment is located if you ask the driver. It also picks up at the domestic airport Santos Dumont as well, for a cheaper rate. You catch the Real bus right outside baggage claim, the same area you'd catch the other buses or vans. Just look for bus signs and a sign for the Real bus to Copa. On my last trip there, I along with 3 other traveling friends took the Real bus instead of a taxi because we had way too much luggage for all 4 of us to fit in one car, and since we all arrived before 9 a, and couldn't check in until around noon, it made sense for us to take the scenic route on the bus. It was very convenient, and we used the extra reais we saved on the garotos at the sauna that night.
  14. 25 kilos is about 55 pounds. The limit for check-in of Brazilian domestic flights for both of those airlines is < 51 pounds / 23 kilos. They probably gave you a lucky break since you were only over a pound / kilo or two. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. Count your lucky stars. I wouldn't bank on it, though, unless you have a backup plan.
  15. On my last three trips from NYC to Brazil, I did multiple cities. One trip was 5 weeks' 5 cities, another was 4 weeks, 3 cities, and another was about 2 weeks, 3 cities. On each trip, I end up paying overbaggage fees of about $125 USD per each Brazilian domestic flight. My check in bag is usually around 50-60 pounds and my carry on is about 20 pounds. This is well under international limits, which is about 75 pounds, but for Brazilian domestic flights, I believe the weight limit is right under 51 pounds collectively for check-in and 11 pounds collectively for carry-ons. The best way to avoid this altogether is to fly from your origin point with less than 50 pounds total on check-ins and 10 pounds total of carry-ons. Read this page for TAM's domestic baggage policies: http://www.seatguru.com/airlines/TAM_Airlines/baggage.php
  16. It's really not that hard to figure out who the person is. Who has been recently talking about his trip to Rio, and asking lots of questions about the saunas there? Who here is fresh off the plane from Rio? It may not be "the one" who has most recently made a recent negative impact here, but there are others who made the board aware of an upcoming Rio trip.I don't think it's a good idea to post photos of anyone on the Internet without his of her prior permission. If that person has already posted a photo somewhere on the Internet, like an ad advertising sex for sale services, then of course, he is fair game. However, a sauna worker deserve just as mush discretion and anonymity as we would expect. Anything that appears on the Internet is no longer private. This board may require a password and user name but it can easily be obtained. There is no other screening method for entry and for viewing posts and photos. Of course, we as indosvials may expect gentlemanly conduct from all board members, but with no screening or membership requirements, there is no way to guarantee this. Therefore, posting photos of sauna boys (or escorts who do not advertise their wares) without his advance permission just should not be done. This is a natural consequence of such action.
  17. That's your perspective, but there are quite a few sauna clients who aren't into watching most of the shows, and have a great time doing other things while the show is on. Other things like talking, eating with, drinking with and hooking up with garotos in the outside lounge, steam room time, XXX video room time, or chilling by "The Stairway To Heaven". The shows, entertaining to some as they may be, aren't for everyone. I like the strip shows and the sometime sex shows, and "bingo for boys" is cool, but I'm not a fan of sitting through the drag shows. That's perfect time for me to close In on some garotos! I find I do this at most payboy saunas in Brazil. I think it's a good idea to use the advice at this site and other sites that works for you and keep the rest of it in your hip pocket. Your mileage may vary, so do what works for you.
  18. Everyone has different tastes. For example, in spite of all the praise heaped upon Meio Mundo on this forum, my experiences there were underwhelming (and each of my traveling friends independently felt the same way). However, we all love 117. I can totally understand why someone would not like it very much, though. Each night is different. Assuming you went last night (Thursday), it very well could've been a slower night. If there were not a whole lot of clients there, I can totally understand why the muscle guys looked bored (although you'd think they would pounce on the few available clients -- according to the rules of supply and demand). By the way, this (slow or off nights) sometimes happens at saunas in all the cities, Rio, São Paulo, Salvador, etc. Locals and expats probably shrug it off a lot more than tourists (particularly non-regular tourists) BECUASE the latter have too much emotionally (and financially) invested in every day and night being an off-the-charts good time. If possible, if time permits, you should give each place a few shots on different days before making a final judgment. Even I went back to Meio Mundo 4 times before rendering my final judgment of "not for me!" Of course, if time is short, then just pick the best night for all. And remember, if the place just isn't right for you, there ain't nothing wrong with that. There's so much more to do in Rio, or Brazil for that matter -- and there's also non-working boy saunas for you to try. It's funny how meeting that one right guy at a sauna just one time can completely shape of change one's opinion of the place. I suspect that didn't happen to you last night (bad night), but the total opposite could happen tonight or tomorrow night.
  19. I'm actually in my early 40s. 42 to be exact. Your escorting ad says you're 30, which is why I said I'm about a decade older than you. So that means by your own admission, you're actually in your LATE 30s, and still escorting, with several ads running continuously for well over 6 years now? Yes, we are all certain it is "by choice", as you say. As the old Southern saying says, "a hit dog will holler." And holler you most certainly did. As indicated by your several marked responses. Yeah, go ahead and keep thinking that I'm just some fugly sad old queen who looks so horrible and awful and only has to pay for it, but yet you're the one who chooses to do it. Whatever gets you through the night. Remember, you're the one who thinks that all these fine masculine muscular guys go to Bulldogs and Einsteins, not me. I'm glad for you that this added attention has drawn more eyeballs to your escorting. If you're doing so well at it, a few detractors and posters legitimately questioning your posts based on what you actually voluntarily said here shouldn't harm your already lucrative business. Please, just quit here while you're ahead. Well, not quite "ahead" exactly, but at least not "road kill."
  20. And I hope to be hiring, traveling and looking and feeling my best (whatever that may be) for many years to come. So I'm not going to insult older men who do what I currently do and will continue to do in the future. I'm not going to critique adults for being attracted to and engaging with other consenting, willing adults with free agency, whether I find those particular types attractive or not. I don't think this particular escort from Atlanta Badboy81 can say the same. What is perplexing is, just who does this escort think his (current, potential) client base is comprised of? Younger, muscular, fit, well-built guys? Although it is possible to have some like this (I started hiring in my 20s early in my professional career just BECUASE it was easier and more convenient), most likely his clients are older men. So he has outward disdain for his clients, which really says a lot about what's going on in his own psyche. If he has such disrespect for his potential client base, perhaps he should find other work.
  21. "Young" is relative, as is good-looking. I am not berating him for being an escort or rentboy. After all, isn't this mostly what this site is about, and why we many of us come to this and sites like it -- to learn about, discuss and find escorts and the like? However, what I was trying to point out (the point which I do not believe has gone over most readers' heads) is that this guy who talks a lot of shit about older guys who hire younger working guys, and older guys who travel to find them, turns out to be a long-time working guy himself! Irony, hypocrisy and projection all wrapped up in one big ball. I hire, locally and abroad. I travel, and when I travel, often I like to hire. Sometimes, I travel with friends, sometimes I travel with guys I have hired who I am friendly with. I have the resources to do this. And judging by his ads, I am also not THAT much older than this Badboy guy, maybe by a decade or so. And I hope to be hiring, traveling and looking and felling my best (whatever that
  22. My investigative services are not for hire. Just call it a raw talent, or an "occupational hazard"! LOL I'm in Atlanta quite often for business and pleasure, as mentioned before, but I've never hired this one. I've seen the ads before, but something was just a little "off" to me. I usually go on my gut, which has saved me from potential harm and ruin. But rest assured, I can easily find an ex-client of his. His ad has been running for at least as long as I've been traveling to Atlanta this decade. I agree that it doesn't have to be be him necessarily. He could just be using his photo and description. There are plenty "catfish" online. However, the tone of the conversation here is quite eerily similar to the tone in these ads. So that would explain how he pays for these Brazilian / Dominican trips! :-) ... although he does seem to be on a strict budget. So maybe business isn't so great? Just in case the rentboy ad mysteriously goes bye-bye, here are screen shots of the ad for posterity purposes:
  23. An interesting thing about this "Badboy81" character (who hails from Atlanta) is that he uses the very same photo that an escort / rentboy in the Atlanta area has been using on his Adam4Adam profile for years (and advertises to be around the same age). This could just be a coincidence. Or they could be one and the same?
  24. I had lots of luck at the beaches and the beach bars, a great view from my hotel, and a wonderful time at the garoto sauna in Recife. It's definitely on my return list. I enjoyed Recife much more than Fortaleza, which was too slow for my tastes. And the garoto sauna there was more than a little slow when I went.
  25. The beaches of Salvador, especially Praia de Porto do Barra and its neighboring Praia de Farol de Barra, are almost always filled with denizens involved in athletic activity (soccer/football, rowing, swimming, beach volleyball, etc). The beaches of Rio, particularly the more touristy Ipanema and Copa, seem to be more about seeing and being seen. I'd say the beach bodies in Salvador tend to be more lean, naturally athletic builds while the ones in Rio tend to be more muscled (men) and/or surgically enhanced (women). Salvador is much more laid back than Rio. And also, if I saw you with that coffee-skinned, green-eyed beauty of a guy, I would have to be a home wrecker. Just saying. I love Salvador, but I also love Rio. I also really love Recife. That's another great visit, with lots of handsome,e sights
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