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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Having a gun and drawing one are two different things. Police carry guns visibly all the time.
  2. They would've been vilified, treated like animals. Calls for them to be held in American jails would've been loud as church bells. Their reputations, as well as that of the country they represent, would've been dragged across the mud. Endless discussions about how "those kinds of people" behave like animals, etc.
  3. This was no robbery. If it were a robbery, the 4 entitled white American pricks wouldn't have gotten back to the Olympic Village with their smartphones, their watches, their jewelry and enough money to take a cab back, then grinning like Cheshire cats and patting each other on the backs like they got away with some caper when they returned. The film footage doesn't lie. Furthermore, the independent eyewitness who acted as the translator during the incident stated that there was no gun drawn on the swimmers, and that the swimmers were the ones who begged for the gas station workers not to call the police (for fear that they would certainly get into trouble): http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ryan-lochte-robbery-story-translator-opens-up-brazil-incident/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=27866056
  4. So, it looks like I was right. The US swimmers made up the story about being stopped in their taxi and robbed at gunpoint by fake police. Turns out that the privileged entitled "ugly American" pricks (led by 32-year-old Ryan Lochte, who already had a reputation for being a knucklehead) got into a fight and damaged a gas station bathroom door, paid cash for the damage and fled the scene of the crime before the Brazilian police could arrive. It wasn't hookers, but it was worse because these are actual crimes in Brazil. "The entire episode, Winter said, “has tapped into one of Brazilians’ biggest pet peeves — gringos who treat their country like a third-rate spring break destination where you can lie to the cops and get away with it.” " http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/19/sports/olympics/police-say-ryan-lochte-lied-about-gunpoint-assault.html
  5. Could it be that the drunken entitled lads spent all their money on hookers at a brothel, missed Olympic Village curfew, and needed to make up a story that just so happened to defame an entire nation? "The men, who said they were intoxicated upon leaving the party, said they could not remember the color of the taxi they took, or where exactly the assault took place. Investigators have been unable to find the taxi driver who delivered the swimmers back to the Olympic Village." http://nyti.ms/2bcT0gi
  6. The salient part of the story right here. Investigative tip: find the cab driver. Protip for newbies: hire a driver for your stay. "The American swimmers robbed on Sunday were leaving a party at Club France, the French hospitality house established during the Rio Games in the upscale Lagoa neighborhood, the U.S. Olympics spokesman said." I read in another article that the athletes are told not to leave Olympic Village. BTW, Olympic Village is in Barra Da Tijuca which is a 30 minute drive from the Lagoa / Copacabana / Ipanema neighborhoods in Zona Sul. So, if they took a cab there, unless they knew the driver, they hopped in a car with an unknown driver -- who might be in the area looking for unsuspecting "rich" foreigners there for the Olympics, and would just so happen to drive them into a trap.
  7. So now you finally reveal your REAL issue with Rio. The kinds of men you prefer aren't readily available to you. So you can stop with the preachy tone, Judge Judy McJudgerson.
  8. And this kind of violence against gays happens in the USA. So are you going to avoid American vacations? http://huff.to/1ZIucNk
  9. You would be going there on vacation and staying in tourist areas. I seriously doubt you'd encounter anything close to being that dark of an experience. Also, that same shit happens here in parts of the good old USA. Why would Ellen Page go to Ipanema Beach dressed in all black like some goth girl?
  10. One of my good friends in Rio just told me (English translation): "Yes. It is a lot of responsibility. It is as if you are the father .Plenty of expenses. Helps with some college expenses and other things that can help."
  11. Not good news, although one case certainly is not scientifically conclusive.
  12. It's also about saving face for the Summer Olympics. After that, the crash.
  13. There are plenty of non-garoto (no working boy) saunas in Brazil. Just go to those if that's what you're interested in.
  14. The gain on the real is artificial. They're trying to prop it up for as long as they can, perhaps until after the Olympics. Brazil's bubble is about to burst and burst big. I'm waiting for the real estate prices to drop like stones.
  15. I know this questions has been answered by some posters before, so maybe another regular poster can recall. It might be one of the tacked threads about rates. Everything is negotiable but since most of them might think that by cumming that is knocking them out of business for s good portion of the night, maybe the price of two or so sessions? You'll probably come out better if its toward the end of theI honestly don't know. I don't really care if the guy cums for me and it doesn't get me off. The ones that have done it with me did it on their own volition. I hope this helps. Maybe someone else has more info.
  16. I enjoyed reading about your experience. Everyone's mileage may vary, but Rio G Spa really does very little for me. The kinds of guys there seem very average compared to the rentboy saunas of 117 and 202. I realize that average in Rio may be considered better than most other places, though. I am into very muscular men. As I said, your mileage may vary. Carnaval, however, might bring in a bigger, better crowd at Rio G than just the average local. That's certainly something to consider. Regarding your 117 guy who seemed distant after the deed and didn't cum with you, most of the garotos won't cum unless they're paid more or if it's close to the end of the night. They need to get back out on the showroom floor and perform for more clients. Don't take it personally. It's not about you. Rio (most of Brazil) certainly does make you want to move there after visiting. But as the saying goes, "don't quit your day job!"
  17. Those travelers who already may be immune-compromised in some way, such as HIV, cancer, flu or perhaps on some antibiotics, treatment or treatment that could affect the immune system, might be more at risk of developing Guillain-Barré. I am certainly not a physician, but I would recommend that anyone who is already immunocompromised including those who are asymptomatic to consult with their physician before making a trip to any place where the mosquitoes that transmit Zika virus (which might cause Guillain-Barré syndrome) are prevalent.
  18. I'm sure you intended no harm by this, but I just wanted to point out to you that Salvador is certainly NOT a "second tier city". It's the 3rd largest city in Brazil, the former capital of Brazil, and the one of oldest cities in the Western Southern Hemisphere. OTOH, Porto Alegre, which you listed as a first-tier city along with São Paulo and Rio, is the only 10th largest city in Brazil. It's frustrating to see someone describe Salvador as second-tier especially when juxtaposed against PA. Of course, the former is more black and Afro-Brazilian, while the latter has more white-looking Brazilians.
  19. Asked and answered. Read this thread: http://www.boytoy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25828-gaygay-friendly-hotels-in-santo-domingo-dr/#entry148599
  20. The last time I was there in Santo Domingo, that brothel was still open. It's on the northwest side of Independence Park about a block and a half up. I'm not a fan of the place, because the kinds of guys I like never seem to be there (muscular types). I can do much better on the streets or in the bars and clubs, but I can understand why someone who might not be as proactive as I am or who might like the average boy off the street type would prefer this brothel. There is also the sauna / bathhouse called Apolo Spa that is non-rentboy although there is usually a masseur there (as to how far you can go, your mileage may vary). The facility is very nice, modern and clean, but again, no hustlers or rentboys. It's in the Colonial Zone just one block south of the Conde, on the same street as the 2 gay nightclubs and the gay hotel Adam Suites which is across from the 2 nightclubs.
  21. If you're staying at s resort in Punta Cana or another resort town like Puerto Plata, you will be very safe. The down side is that no locals outside the resort will be allowed on the premises. Your best bet for messing around will be with a staffer -- which is possible, with complete discretion. I am sure there are local places to go outside the resorts in those towns, but I am not too knowledgeable about them. It end to avoid resort towns like the plague, because they aren't my speed. As for Santo Domingo, you are relatively safe at night along El Conde pedestrian walkway and less safe on the streets that intersect it and surround it. If you are traveling by yourself and don't "look the part", you're strongly advised to take taxis or drivers anywhere else. If you are staying at a hotel on the Malecon shoreline and traveling to a bar in Colonial Zone, that's a 15 minute walk that is not advised for the uninitiated, especially after dark.
  22. I haven't stayed at Casa Conde Hotel Boutique, but earlier this month, the management responded to a TripAdvisor customer complaint about their guest policy at the Trip Advisor website with this quote: " Visits. Even though you made a reservation for a room with capacity for 2 persons, if you do not register that person at the check in it is considered as a guest and we charge USD$5.00 per visit, as many other hotel of the area." So it seems if you have the same person as your extra guest and that name/ID is registered at the beginning of your stay, it is no cost. However, any other new guest would be $5 per visit. I don't think $5 per visit is unreasonable, but others might. The two Romas and the Discovery, I think, do not charge for guests, while the Mercure may charge $20 (but not per visit, I think that's per day).
  23. The Discovery Hotel, Mercure and Roma I and II all allow guests with ID. Mercure may charge a fee for guests (not sure, the policy changes every now and then) but last I checked it was $20 USD. One way to try to sidestep that charge is to book the room for 2 but that has had mixed results. The good thing about the Mercure is that hotel guests get the great free breakfast in the downstairs patio while everyone else pays, so it somewhat evens out. The Romas and Discovery are well-known in the straight sex tourism community as hotels that are friendly to male tourists there to pick up women discreetly, and gays that are discreet can easily use the place and check in their Dominican guests for a visit as long as they have their cedela (ID) which is left at the front desk and/or copied there. These three places are no frills and very simple but the Roma 1 and 2 do have rooms with kitchens available and every room has a TV and small refrigerator. I would describe all of these places as "friendly to single travelers" instead of "gay friendly", because some more culturally naive posters might get the wrong idea about the establishments or about the DR in general. All of these places are along the Conde, either the exception of Discovery which is one short corner off the Conde but adjacent from Grand's / Paco's, the 24-hour restaurant / pick-up spot.
  24. Personally, I am a little skeptical about Scott's tale about being assaulted outside a nightclub near Lagoa. First, he trash-talked Lagoa because he didn't find the odd sex that he wanted. Then he says he was assaulted while leaving a relatively safe and busy neighborhood. Now he is complaining about saunas being all about guys wanting your money (yet he plans to return to Brazil for a 90-day stay).I know the area around Lagoa and the brief walk to the closest Metro. The area is relatively safe and very well-traveled with both car and foot traffic. I think he either may have concocted the story of his assault and robbery near Lagoa because he is a little bitter that he was not successful at hooking up with the kinds of garotos he prefers and the sort of sexual arrangements he likes there, and wanted to trash-talk the place. Or he may have approached the wrong person in a cruisy, dicey situation (he did state that he was into doing that before, even though he doesn't know how to communicate in Portuguese).
  25. Yeah, I'm thinking a gay guy who knows no Portuguese and hates sauna culture is going to have an awful lot of moments of uncomfortable silence during a 90-day stay in Brazil.
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