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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. You should at least make an effort to communicate in the native tongue when visiting a foreign land -- either by yourself or with a communicator / translator. You don't have to be fluent, but you should at least do a little advance preparation in basic conversational words and phrases. You will find that locals will actually even treat you a little better if you make the effort to NOT be a colonialist dickhead that expects everyone to cater to your linguistic laziness. It is height of arrogance and entitlement to expect others in another country to speak a foreign language that is not typical or usual for that land -- and then to get outraged, saddened or disappointed that they don't speak your language.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the first time you went to Brazil almost a decade and a half ago? And didn't you used to actually teach? And now you are retired? So why is it so hard to learn a little basic conversational Portuguese? Did you have a brain aneurysm?
  3. And yet somehow, you still don't think you come across as privileged. SMDH. "Ugly American" much?
  4. Exactly. This Euro-American privilege is getting rather exhausting. Go to another country, make some attempts to communicate to locals in their native tongue. It's that simple. You're the one with the language barrier problem -- not them.
  5. My guests are usually out after breakfast, but I have had a few stay for lunch. Keep in mind that most of the GPs have families, girlfriends, wives, children and/or other jobs or school, so they might not be able to stick around indefinitely without checking back in to their home bases.
  6. Your mileage may vary, but for me, sometimes, I want to fuck like rabbits, sometimes I just want the company, and sometimes I just want to sleep cuddled up with a fine hunk. I speak Portuguese fairly well so we can always communicate. I almost never get turned down for an overnight proposal with a GP. A lot of them live a bit of a distance from the saunas, so going home after the sauna and then coming back to Zona Sul for an overnight or even an hourly is usually next to impossible.
  7. New York City is not at all a dangerous place. Maybe if you're used to Peoria!
  8. Adam, please check your private messages for a note from me. Thanks.
  9. The condos and apartment buildings, even the ones on the beach, do not go for tenants and visitors dressed in swimwear coming through the main lobby doors -- if it can be prevented. They will ask you to go through a side entrance / service entrance or put some clothes on. It's a cultural thing. This even happened to me in Salvador and Recife.
  10. I thought the OP made it clearer in the remainder of the thread that the overnight assumption was a misunderstanding, and that the garotos wanted to leave much earlier -- so they mutually decided against it.
  11. Since you were using Google Translate on your phone, that entire "misunderstanding" could have been avoided by simply clarifying upfront that the $120R price was for "all night" (which translates to "toda a noite"). You were fortunate that you left the sauna with a decent guy. It sounds like he was hoping to work something out with you for the rest of the night even before you left the sauna, but he was willing to settle for just a cab ride back to Zona Sul. Others might not let you off that easy. But if you can take care of yourself, as you say, then no problem.
  12. Enough with the promotion of that escort site already! We get it!
  13. I know how to handle boys with bad attitudes. But plenty of people aren't equipped with the skill to do so. Maybe I should conduct a seminar!
  14. I would certainly foresake 3/4 of the guys on the planet. Even more. There are 1.9 billion adult men on this planet that you actually find attractive?
  15. Why are you restricting your discussion of not-for-pay to young guys who like OWM (old white men)?
  16. I guess he's not going back to that heterosexual brothel Centauros that he was caught going to last time he was in Rio. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2485218/Justin-Bieber-caught-sneaking-brothel-covered-bedsheets-Brazil-Believe-world-tour.html
  17. OR, "don't get anywhere near a drag queen!"
  18. I would agree that, if he "looks the part" (stereotypically gay, frail, looks like he is not a local, or looks like he cannot defend himself), that such a scenario could happen anywhere -- in Brazil, in the USA, in Europe, anywhere.
  19. When you find a good AirBnB, in a location that you like, continue to use it, if it is available. Shopping around trip by trip is a waste of time and energy. I don't intend to use the apartment for much more than sleeping, bathing, eating, cooking and screwing, so anything that's clean, safe, private and in a convenient area works for me. I'll do my sightseeing outside the apartment. There are also non-AirBnB apartment sites for about the same price. However, many of these same apartments are also available on either AirBnB or HomeAway/VRBO. Three of the ones I have used in Rio, 2 in Salvador, and 1 in São Paulo are on one or both of those sites. I've become friends with a few of the apartment owners now so no need to shop around -- and at this point, they would feel offended if they found out I was in town and did not ask to stay at one of their places.
  20. Do you speak or understand Portuguese? Perhaps the garotos told you that they would spend time with you for pay, and thought you agreed. Much can be lost in translation when there is a language barrier. I'm not certain this happened, but it's a possible explanation for such an odd, harrowing experience. If you were there with a friend that spoke Portuguese, and he was there to interpret, this is unlikely, however.
  21. It amazes me that this is even such a topic STILL. "Should so pay $100R or $120R? Am I getting cheated if I pay a higher amount?" The difference in those rates amounts to about $6 USD! If you are squabbling over $6, and that hurts your pocketbook, then why the fuck are you even traveling to another country? I suggest that instead you keep your broke, cheap ass in the States and go to Branson, MO or Orlando, FL for a nice, normal American vacation with a bunch of fat trailer trash slobs who think that a night at Sizzler is fancy dining, and Taco Bell is exotic.
  22. Saunas are preferable to many clients as well as garotos that I know personally. The reasons I and some of my friends like sauna culture are: we enjoy the festive and relaxing environment; we can sample the merchandise before purchase: safety at the saunas, the prices are very reasonable; there are usually several hotties to choose from; prices are somewhat negotiable. The reasons many GPs prefer to work at saunas over the internet are: many do not live near the tourist areas and cannot easily travel to hotels when calls come; relying solely on tourist money is fool's gold; many enjoy the culture and comradery; safety at the saunas; opportunity to make more than one client session; saunas are in the city centers and the GP can hang out before and after.
  23. For Chrissakes, stop asking this question. Learn to communicate in another fucking language. The world doesn't revolve around you.
  24. Or you could just stop being another entitled "ugly American" and learn another fucking language, the native one of the country you're actually visiting.
  25. The Week is great for music, dancing and hard, shirtless bodies. If you are going alone and without local friends, and you don't look the part, you are bound to meet no one. You'll look just like the old perv hanging out at the playground -- seriously. If you can't enjoy The Week for the experience it is without feeling like a total failure if you didn't make a sex date, then you are probably better off avoiding it. Several of my Brazilian friends love the place. Others hate it. If you remember the big gay dance circuit party clubs in Manhattan (or London, or Paris) that lasted until 9 am, where many shirtless muscled men would dance tweaked off recreational pills, then this is the Brazilian version. Some of the GPs I know well like to go there to hang out with friends, but never to make new clients. That would be an awkward situation for them as they are usually with some friends who don't know they are garotos.
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