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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Is Lagoa in São Paulo still doing the Wednesday special and attracting fairly big Wednesday crowds?
  2. Most of the clients of garotos and escorts are married or in relationships.
  3. If you have an expired US driver’s license, use that. Very few in Brazil will know or care that it is expired, and if you lose it or it is stolen, it won’t matter because it’s expired.
  4. Nothing on the Internet remains private.
  5. I was always taught to give gifts from the heart, without any expectations in return and without any conditions attached to them. If you are reluctant to give a gift because you are unsure of how it will be received, what the receiver will use it for, or what the receiver might give you in return, then you are probably better off not gifting anything — just keep your relationships purely transactional and call it a day. I would think that this rule would apply to any relationship — including even employer — employee, or contractor-contractee relationships like garoto-client or hustler-trick.
  6. Havana, Cuba is probably the safest city to visit in the Western Hemisphere. Cubans aren’t trying to get thrown in Cuban jails — and crimes against tourists are taken more seriously because the government doesn’t want the bad publicity. That being said, doing something in public that is illegal or frowned upon can easily get you locked up, even as a tourist. So, don’t be stupid. No public sex, no drugs, no porn and no obvious solicitations. Hotels do not allow Cuban visitors. Get a casa particular or rent a room in a casa where the owner or landlord allows in advance Cubans to visit, The law there requires all casas to register all visitors, whether tourists or Cuban, in a book at the house, and ID must be shown. This is usually just an informal book, like the kind you’d see at a wedding reception or a funeral. BTW, if you’re American, most hotels are now off limits, because they’re state-owned or operated. Trump has banned this. Another reason to stay at a casa particular — they are all privately-owned.
  7. Look, I have never been a Meio Mundo fan because my type tends not to be there, so unless that sauna is an option for you, your two choices for garotos are 117 and 202. I’ve never had a problem hitting both on slower nights.
  8. Ok, sure, Jan. Whatever you say.
  9. Or maybe that big dick does!
  10. Of course you wouldn’t. Trolls usually avoid mirrors. And gyms. And treadmills.
  11. Trust me, I know. Sometimes, Just for shits and giggles, I’ve gone out of my way to meet internet trolls in person, just so that I can laugh in their miserable faces. They almost always look like you’d expect a troll to look.
  12. The Garatolsndia ad indicates he speaks English, so you can contact him in advance by phone, text or WhatsApp to address your concerns personally.
  13. Wow. This is really the textbook definition of “a distinction without a difference”. It is exactly what I mentioned to you in my previous text — that you seemed not to want to get or accept. But to each his own.
  14. Reading Kevin’s posts reminds me so much of this gay law professor that I had in law school over 20 years ago. He was scrawny, very insecure, geeky, not anything at all to look at, socially inept, and always inappropriately speaking up just to be heard. He thought it made him seem charming, witty and bright, but everyone just thought he was obnoxious. It probably all stemmed from his insecurity about his personal appearance, as he was a real troll.
  15. You may find other Havana tour guides online, but the likelihood of finding another one online who is also openly gay are slim to none. If you prefer, you can just take your chances when you arrive that you will meet or be introduced to someone who can act as a professional tour guide in Havana and has the necessary relationships.
  16. I can’t speak for him, but it seems as if you are viewing it through an Amerocentric lens. Think of the personal and public damage that this guy could endure if Cuban neighbors, government workers or police labeled him as an escort or a facilitator of prostitution in a still-Communist country.
  17. Luis is a professional tour guide who is also gay and knows the Havana gay scene. He can take you on standard city tours, beach tours, nightlife tours and gay nightlife tours. He can act as an interpreter if you need it. He is a professional and is not an escort or a pimp. There is a gay casa particular in Old Town Havana in which the owner will be glad to introduce you to boys — many of whom are his friends and regulars. However, they may or may not be your type. Google “gay casa particular Havana” and it will pop up. One of the easiest things to do in Havana is meeting guys who will play for money if you are a tourist and in the typical spots. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Why would you even need a third party facilitator?
  18. Which favela? Some are much safer than others.
  19. Wow. I’m a (fairly) risk-averse adventurous guy who enjoys chilling with locals. But I don’t think I’d feel comfortable at all doing a walking or driving favela tour in Rocinha. There are other, safer favelas open to outsiders. Nearby Vidigal has homes recently bought by Madonna and David Beckham. “O Globo identified her as Ruiz who was riding with her sister Rosa Margarita Martinez in a Fiat with other tourists. The newspaper also reported that the driver, an Italian living in Brazil for the past four years, said he didn't hear any order to stop or see a police barrier.”
  20. It’s also cheaper than any regular movie date or dinner date going out in the USA. And those are never guaranteed to give you a nut at the end.
  21. I may have shared this story here before, but on several trips to Brazil (Rio, Sampa, Bahia), I have gone with or met up with several of my USA travel friends there. Usually, my friends and I are on or around the same level of age, build and attractiveness, but one of my best buds who I also feel comfortable traveling with is very overweight. In almost every case, he ends up paying more for his dates than the rest of us do. I’ve taught him the generally accepted range for garotos, massages and just pay dates in the various Brazilian cities, and he’s almost always on the higher end of that range and often over. I asked some of the GPs that I know in Portuguese if they could do me a favor and drop their prices for my friend, and sometimes the answer has been, “mais ele é muito grande” (but he is really big) — not necessary meaning that they won’t do it, but that they consider that more work, and thus should be compensated accordingly. BTW, my large friend has never really complained. He has always said that he had the times of his life both times he met me in Brazil, and he knows that whatever he pays there, even at an elevated rate, is pennies compared to what he would pay in the USA.
  22. If you can still remember college, just consider it part of your “hazing” as a newbie. It’s no different from a New York tourist getting conned out of a $20 for a fake watch. As the saying goes, “just charge it to the game”. It’s part of the learning process. If you don’t get back on the saddle, then it will never get better. Regarding the translation of dirty / sex words, simply copy and paste the words and their corresponding English translations into your “notes” or storage section of your phone so that you can always refer to it offline.
  23. The São Paulo Museum of Modern Art, built by famed architect Oscar Niemeyer and modeled after NYC’s MOMA, is spectacular.
  24. You live, you learn. The first time wasn’t a charm, but the next time, you’ll know better.
  25. Kevin C: Actually, you’re the only one I relish calling an ugly American. Your obnoxious posting history since that original post has proven my point.
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