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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Irony, the lost art form!
  2. Sorry, I just can’t do it. Maybe I’ve been too spoiled by all the choices of fine-looking men — but I don’t want someone touching and rubbing all over my body if I’m not physically into them. This is why I would’ve made a TERRIBLE garoto, gogó boy or escort!
  3. I would allow him to massage me. Maybe I have been spoiled or maybe I am just too quirky — but I cannot receive massages (whether real, certified massages or the faux massage that comes from escorts / sex workers / saunas — by someone that I don’t find attractive. I don’t care how magic their hands might be..
  4. I am not a fan of passive-aggressiveness at all, and have no respect for those who require those kinds of tactics. Just be direct, and direct your complaint or anger towards whom the offender is.
  5. In the original screenplay of “Pretty Woman”, Vivian had a heroin addiction, and in the end, ran off with the Gere character’s money and car to get a fix. it was much more like “Leaving Las Vegas”.
  6. I understand your point. I think that there is only poster here who consistently does what you describe above in the way that you describe it: Badboy. Perhaps you should address him directly, instead of making it a general consistent observation that is made by a clique of mean girls / mean boys?
  7. I don’t think you’re referribg to Olympus. Sauna Olympus is not in the high-rent, touristy Barra section of Salvador. Olympus is also a rentboy sauna. I bet that you are confusing it with Sauna Rios, which is in a neighborhood called Barris, and it has no rentboys — just local guys and the crowd tends to skew younger. The facility is nice. It’s about a 10 minute drive from Planetario so you could do both. I am told that Saturday and Sunday afternoons are good. ... or possibly you’re referring to the non-rentboy sauna Paradiso in Barra? The facilities are nice, a bit more touristy as it is near the Barra beaches. I prefer garoto saunas, so I have no dog in the fight of which one of those two is better.
  8. This must be one of those “your mileage may vary” situations. I normally encounter good to great “service with a smile” service providers who seem to go the extra yard to keep the businessy personal relationship (or the personally business relationship) going. It’s about half and half for me — and I‘d say in the field of sexual chemistry, commerce or not, that those numbers are pretty damn good odds. But then again, I’m more of a “go with the flow” kind of guy whose policy regarding interpersonal interactions in general is “expectations create disappointments”.
  9. Sauna Olympus is very small, run-down and very hit-or-miss. I have been there maybe 5 times over a period of 10 years, and only had one decent programa (and that was a threesome the first or second time I went — downhill from there). At the most, I have seen 4 GPs working at a time. The owner / manager claimed that I was there at slow times (I wasn’t) and that there was always a better night (there never was) — I never stayed more than an hour and always on my way to another sauna. i would describe it as a “neighborhood sauna”, with one or two neighborhood working boys thrown in. The neighborhood (Dois de Julio) is a non-touristy very local hood that is close to downtown and Pelhourinho — só for the dizzy, ditzy gringos here who aren’t exactly the best with hints and need to have things spelled out for them — it’s best to Uber after dark unless you know your way around or know the public bus system. Taxis don’t normally visit that street,, so you’d have to walk to the main avenue to try to flag one (hit or miss), so Uber is best. You probably won’t find any helpful little English-speaking guardian angel saviors to get you out of a bind, either. Nutshell: if you are still curious or want to break up the sauna monotony, visit Olympus early before going to Planetario, which is only about an 8 minute Uber ride away. If you still think you need assistance, I know of a multilingual Bahian gay tour guide who will also be more than happy to take your money and take you on a “sauna tour” — complete with showing you the ropes, and negotiating for you if you feel you need that as well. Apparently, that’s a thing. Not judging, I swear. If someone else has a better update on this place, feel free to add.
  10. I thought my brief commentary made that clear. I will now boldface it to make it even more obvious. ”The location in relation to some other saunas is: a 25 minute drive north of the worthy Sauna Fox in Pituba, and only 7 minutes north of the old (now permanently closed!) Sauna Persona 12 in Boca Do Rio. It’s about a 30 minute drive across town to the most popular garoto sauna in Salvador, Planetario 11, in Tororó, and about 37 minutes across town from Sauna Olympus (if you dare!), in Dois De Julho.” As mentioned, regarding the new sauna Club 13: “I have not been yet, but I was told by a very reliable local source that this new sauna has working boys.”
  11. I mentioned all of the current Salvador saunas with garotos in the last paragraph of my post with brief commentary and locations. Is there anything else that you need to know?
  12. There’s a new sauna that recently opened up in Salvador da Bahia, in the Itapuã section way northeast in the city (on the way from Barra to the SSA airport, a 20 minute-drive from the airport). I have not been yet, but I was told by a very reliable local source that this new sauna has working boys. The Instagram page also shows that, interestingly, it offers live music as well as the usual Brazilian drag show host. The IG page is here: https://www.instagram.com/thermasclub13/ The address is: R. Calazans Neto, n°13 - Itapuã, Salvador - BA, 41610-760, Brazil. It’s in the former Blue Space Club, if that means anything to anyone here. The location in relation to some other saunas is: a 25 minute drive north of the worthy Sauna Fox in Pituba, and only 7 minutes north of the old (noe permanently closed!) Sauna Persona 12 in Boca Do Rio. It’s about a 30 minute drive across town to the most popular garoto sauna in Salvador, Planetario 11, in Tororó, and about 37 minutes across town from Sauna Olympus (if you dare!), in Dois De Julho. Feel free to report on this new Bahian sauna here.
  13. How about, “because some of us are trying to keep your dumb self-absorbed gringo asses from being robbed, beaten or killed”?
  14. Answer: if posters would stop asking about highly improbable scenarios that are far more suited for non-payboy, mutual physical attraction meetings and hookups, then there wouldn’t be any need for respondents to remind those posters of The Laws Of Attraction.
  15. Hopefully, you know by now that the “how attractive are you?” question will not always result in the intended honesty and self-reflection. Many people particularly those from more privileged backgrounds or cultures, attribute qualities to themselves out of thin air (sometimes even out of their ass), and qualify themselves as “attractive”, “fit”, “hot”, “witty”, “intelligent”, “cultured”, “engaging” before taking a survey of others. But even without the looks factor, suggesting this aggressive pickup route to the uninitiated is an invitation to a beatdown or a murder. Helpful Heloise Hint: if you aren’t capable of pulling this suggested stunt off where you live, then don’t try it in Brazil or anywhere else.
  16. It can’t turn a gay man straight — in spite of the many hopes and dreams of fat fag hags everywhere. It doesn’t hold that kind of magic. Pussy power only works on those who are actually sexually attracted to women.
  17. Please, STOP with the delusion! OK, sure, Tom is probably a very good time. He seems like a real riot and more than just pleasant company. But it’s clear that he pays well and picks up the tab(s) for his dates. And he’s established a solid reputation over a period of time. If you really think that you can pull off what Tom does with just a winning personality and a smile from ear to ear — be my guest!
  18. There is a thing called “situational sexuality”. Really, look it up. In American culture, it’s most common in prisons, college campuses, naval ships or Army barracks. Male prostitutes and porn stars can also engage in it. The harsh irony is the escorts and GPs who actually DO self-identify as “gay” or “bi” are probably going to be a lot MORE physically selective and picky about who their clients are and/or what they do with them, than the ones who identify as straight. So, many of the posters here may want to just STFU about labels and count their blessings.
  19. But why use only 20 words when 400 will do?
  20. (1) There are very attractive men all over the world — not just in Brazilian saunas — whose girlfriends or wives superficially may not be considered the physical stunners that they are. Some of it could be cultural — what your standard of beauty as a white European or North American gay man could differ dramatically from that of a South American, African or Asian hetero-identifying male. It could also be that straight men are generally attracted to things in women that gay men are not — and that “Miss Universe” unattainable perfect Barbie look might not appeal to many straight-identifying men. ... and, as ANY woman will be more than happy to tell you, never underestimate the power of good pussy on a straight man with a working dick. (Note: in spite of what some gay men like to think, this power doesn’t really work for men’s asses.) (2) A lot of the better GPs and working guys that maintain a valid passport do get trips from more well-heeled clients. Just as you are feeling them out, over time they are doing the same with you — and trying to ascertain if your money goes long enough to invest time and energy past a programa (or two) and a Red Bull (side note: this is probably not going to be the same clients who are haggling over what amounts to $6 USD for a programa). Some aren’t willing to go anywhere, due to other commitments, but some are very open to the trips (and paydays that accompany them).
  21. There are quite a few competitive bodybuilders and physique competitors at 117, Lagoa and 202. During my visits, I’ve met some local and nationwide champions and top medal placers — old and new. Some still go, and it’s always a revolving door of new faces and bodies — especially in a downturn eco only. I’m not an internet name dropper or picture poster, and since I appreciate and respect anonymity (and would expect to be given the same by garotos and clients alike), but if you have an eye for muscle, you can easily spot the ones who are either near-competition-ready or off-season.
  22. Peoria, Illinois is usually used as a -“typical American town”. A common media phrase: “Will this play well in Peoria?” Also, see: Scranton, PA.
  23. The average Rio nightcrawling discogoer > the average Joe Blow from Peoria.
  24. LeBoy is closed. The Week is like going to a nightclub at one of the many gay circuit parties held around the world. It caters to hot, well-built shirtless men in groups, and the sound and light system is set to 11. You’re not going to get even a speck of attention if you don’t fit in. Maybe — and this would be a stretch — a garoto or a local friend will be willing to escort you there with his group of equally hot friends if you agree to pick up the tab (which would be a costly night). I say this could be a stretch because most garotos have lives outside the sauna, and may not be too keen on introducing their regular group of friends to some graybeard who looks like the Orville Redenbacher popcorn guy — thus completely blowing his cover. ... but if you enjoy being a spectator, go alone and just watch the fun.
  25. My favorite line from the comedy film “Liar, Liar”, starring Jim Carrey: Son: “My teacher tells me beauty is on the inside.” Dad: “That's just something ugly people say.”
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