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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. There was about an 18-year age difference, one was in his early 20s at the time. I don’t know what age you consider “matures”, but I get into muscular, masculine men who are men, not guys who look like they need to be carded or chaperoned by their mommy, and over the years, including now, there have been and are a few working garotos at the saunas (not a lot) that are probably in their late 30s to early 40s. I just remembered after reading @Tomcal’s last post that I also did meet an uncle/nephew combination at the saunas. That age difference was maybe 10 years.
  2. Enema, or ducha.
  3. No, you freak.
  4. In Rio, I have had a few sets of cousins on my roster — as well as brothers, and even a father/son combo.
  5. Pretty much any pharmacy on the main drags in Ipanema (Rua Visconde de Pirajá) and Copacabana (Avenida Nossa Senhora da Copacabana) sell them. There are pharmacies / drogarias on every block there.
  6. Now would be a great time for a reminder that the original comment in question was referring to “Black Latinos” or Afro-Latinos — thus making the reply from the blathering, neurodivergent, socially awkward poster who ranted against it even THAT more kooky.
  7. Come on, man. Get serious. I’ve had the unpleasant experience of being in the same room with you. You can’t even attract attention even with $100 bills Velcro’ed to your forehead. And still you try to reach out to people here both publicly and privately to make connections. And famously, with horrible results.
  8. Wow. No wonder you have no real friends.
  9. I’ll be quite happy to peruse through your many posts over the years and point out where, in an attempt at braggadocio, you indirectly in your extremely odd and socially awkward way of speaking outed garotos and gogo boys that you were interested in, to those of us who know.
  10. You’ve literally admitted on numerous posts that you like to surf various IG, FB and TikTok pages of muscular Brazilians, looking to scoop up new conquests. Don’t all of a sudden try to pretend that when a social media address is posted on a gay sex tourism website, your interests are simply pure and selfless and you will only stop at hearing a heart-warming, poor-favela-kid-makes-good story. No one here has posted any identifying information, other the OP — on a separate platform that he identifies in his own post (and workers from two separate sex tourism destinations / nations, no less!). The unnecessary embellished feel-good story should have been omitted, especially with the added social media info.
  11. Maybe you should have addressed this instead to the oversharing OP regarding his (or rather, “the owner he met”) employees and not-so-carefully cropped photos on a message board about gay sex travel.
  12. For a one-in-a-million feel-good sauna story, the owner met his key worker at the sauna when he was a garoto. This ambitious former garoto traveled to the USA with the owner to promote the coffee and help land North American distribution deals.
  13. I have said before that the shelf line of a garoto tends to be 3-5 years, max. It can be a very psychologically draining form of employment, for those who are not soulless.
  14. Some love hotels are much safer than others. See the thread titled RIP Kadu
  15. If you’re unsure, maybe get a really secure love motel instead of taking him to your AirBnB or hotel. That’s not a 100% safe but it’s safer than bringing an unknown to your place or going to his.
  16. It really depends on who he is. He very well could have created a problem at the saunas, or he simply could just be tired of going to saunas and will now only do programas offsite. This is why it pays to have friends and contacts on the ground. Do you know any locals who regularly go to the saunas that you can ask, or are you friendly with any of the other working sauna garotos or staffers? You could ask them point blank. I personally know of a few garotos who have been banned from the clubs due to bad behavior, and they still try to do programas with unsuspecting clients offsite. One in particular has engaged in violent criminal behavior. I also know several personally who just gave up on the sauna scene because they grow tired of it — many usually do after a few years.
  17. Tourism wasn’t in significantly greater numbers without the visa requirement. This was addressed in the Reuters article I posted. ”Brazilian government studies also showed the impact on tourism numbers was minimal, though the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic may have also limited a potential boost. The number of tourist arrivals from the U.S. - who represent a small fraction of tourists in Brazil - in 2022 was still below 2018 figures.”
  18. I was referring to overnights. But even taking someone out of the club, do not expect to pay the price of 1 sauna programa.
  19. The Brazil tourist visa I was given in 2010 was good for 10 years, but the stays within the country were still restricted to 90 consecutive days and 180 days in a 365-day period.
  20. From the article: “A diplomatic source said the 2019 decision to lift visa requirements had weakened Brazil's ability to negotiate with those countries. Brazilian government studies also showed the impact on tourism numbers was minimal…” https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/brazil-resume-visa-requirements-us-japan-australia-canada-sources-2023-03-08/
  21. Just tell them you come to the saunas to see and meet other garotos. They know the environment is a smorgasbord. Very few will cop an attitude because they know how the game is played. It’s one reason why many GPs want to see special clients outside of the sauna environment. Heck, most of them won’t spend much time with you in the sauna unless you’re paying for the time, because there’s other potential clients there for them, too.
  22. The iconic prolific poster @Tomcal said that his response to requests for money was always something frank like: “You don’t give me sex for free, and I don’t give out money for free.”
  23. There’s a gay sauna in Zurich with pay boys called Paragonya. It’s been there for years. Try spending less time at lame attempts at being an annoying, snarky, eye-rolling snap queen and more time actually researching and traveling.
  24. Although the text was rude, what he said is true. It’s a numbers game for these guys. The strategy is to send the same or similar message to dozens if not hundreds of gringos and tricks. If only one responds with money sent, that’s a success story. Now, imagine if 10% of them respond!
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