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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. This has got to be the most ridiculous attempts at deflection or rationalization of poor behavior that I’ve witnessed on this site thus far.
  2. Don’t feel bad about such a decision, @mvan1. Heck, I’ve opted out on guys whose looks or builds have gone south only three years later! Just be polite and respectful about it. There is a harsh, unspoken rule, and of mutual benefit when it comes to our fleeting relationships: the sex worker keeps up whatever it is we physically like about them (looks, build, dick, ass, whatever it is), and in turn, we keep the coins flowing. Try telling a garoto that you lost all of your money and you are now living in a cardboard box under a bridge, but you’d would still love to hook up with him for free —- and watch him flee faster than Road Runner!
  3. Of course you like what you like. Viva la difference! My main point is that the type you are describing that you like also generally tends to be priced lower in and out of the saunas. That, of course, doesn’t mean it’s better for or more appealing to everyone. If twinks were to suddenly double their prices, I still would not be interested. I would think you’d feel the same about my preference.
  4. The Washington Post covers the story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/dozens-of-tourists-in-brazil-robbed-on-trail-to-rios-famous-christ-the-redeemer-statue/2019/01/04/c08685b8-1025-11e9-8f0c-6f878a26288a_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.870b765f8353
  5. You’re the only one posting here who has been to this new Thermas (Club 13) sauna in Salvador, but from what I gather from your comments and from descriptions from locals, that place gets the lower-tier working guys (like Manhattan Rios / old Meio Mundo in Rio, or Fragata in São Paulo). There’s nothing wrong with that, but I think we were referring to “top-shelf” garotos.
  6. Yeah, I agree, and I don’t get that at all. Boasting and bragging about paying what basically amounts to $13 USD less? It doesn’t make you seem like some economic wizard, and it certainly doesn’t make you seem like the garotos found you so much more attractive than everyone else that they cut you a deal. You just sound cheap.
  7. I’ve done a few walking trails up to the top of morros (Dois Irmãos, Pedra do Telegrafo, etc.), but not the one going up Corcovado leading to Christ The Redeemer. That one just seemed WAY too steep a climb, even for me. But if some malandros want to mug a few international tourists on a hike and make out like bandits, I’d guess that Corcovado (followed by Sugarloaf) would be the ones to pick.
  8. My experience is that certain guys do charge more than others, if they can command that rate. I really don’t think the twinkie / average guys charge the same as the muscle boys — but yes, there are always exceptions. Personally, I don’t care about how much they individually charge. Capitalism works fine for me. I only care about how much I’m willing to pay.
  9. Most of the garotos that I deal with (the more muscular “body boys”) will usually make in the range of about $400R - $600R and up for about 3 programas in a night during a sauna visit — when they do go to the saunas, as most tend only to go somewhat sparingly (2 times a week, 3 times at most). Of course, it can be hit or miss, and some nights are just duds, while other nights can be a major windfall. And then there are the offsite client meetings that tend to pay more. I don’t fuck with the twinky / slim boys or average-looking / average-built guys, but one that I do like to converse with casually whenever I see him at the beach (because he makes me laugh) tells me that he stays busy at the sauna and can more in 1-2 days than his older brother makes on his regular job at the hardware store (“they like them young!”, he exclaims). That being said, I don’t think that most garotos are doing those kinds of numbers, and not consistently. A lot of it is based on looks / build,, personality / attentiveness / charm, and those physical assets that certain clients like (big dick, great ass, etc.) — and sometimes, just a good or bad day (a few GPs at the end of the night have asked me privately for money to cover their entrance fee as they didn’t make anything at all that night and need transportation costs to get back home). It’s also a short window of opportunity and most tend to burn out after a short period — although I’ve seen some garotos still working after 5 years.
  10. By “rentmen”, he just meant an overarching term that includes escorts, payboys, etc. He wasn’t referring to the site.
  11. And for those here who don’t care about racism, here’s his homophobia thrown in for good measure: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/brazils-bolsonaro-targets-indigenous-groups-lgbtq-rights-on-1st-day-as-president Brazil’s Bolsonaro targets indigenous groups, LGBTQ rights on 1st day as president
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/02/world/americas/brazil-bolsonaro-president-indigenous-lands.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur Jair Bolsonaro, on Day 1, Undermines Indigenous Brazilians’ Rights
  13. Some clients will also share information about other clients with garotos (or try to get information about other clients from garotos). Some garotos will also volunteer information about clients to other nosey clients who ask. Nothing is ever private on the internet. Unless the private group is so controlled that everyone viewing it is personally known to everyone, I cannot possibly see a way that information posted even at a private group on a public message board can be exposed.
  14. Porn is probably still fine to post. What should not be fine, however, is gratuitously posting identifiable pics of sex workers, especially without their knowledge and permission of specifically what these photos are going to be used for and where they are publicly posted. If the latter is truly “fun” to you, then we should see how “fun” it is for clients to have their photos involuntarily posted on what amounts to be a publicly accessible message board, too. There are several clients and posters here who some of us know who they are and may even have photos in our possession (from WhatsApp messages or profiles, face-to-face meetings, even garotos sharing with clients). How much “fun” would that be if the shoe were on the other foot? Fun? Yippee! In the past, clients’ or posters’ photos have been involuntarily shared here, and the moderator has removed them lickety-split! Why does our privilege protect our anonymity, yet identifying garotos and sex workers can be fair game?
  15. Badboy has definitely posted identifiable nude photos of garotos in the past. He may have stopped that process so as not to offend or upset garotos — and IMHO, good for him for doing so, but he did post these kinds of photos early on. https://www.boytoy.com/forums/topic/23961-my-experience-in-rio/?do=findComment&comment=138094 https://www.boytoy.com/forums/topic/24623-rio-here-i-comeenjoy-the-pics-fellazill-have-new-ones-in-a-few-weeks/
  16. I don’t know what you consider the threshold for “highly paid”, but are you aware of the number of garotos (their pay to me is mostly unknown) that have become angry when they discover that their photos are posted on this forum?
  17. I could be wrong, but I am thinking riorockstar is an old poster who is now posting under a new screen name. It’s quite unusual for a totally new poster to just jump into a thread in full throttle attack mode like he did.
  18. I never stated that ALL rentboys are highly paid. You might want to re-read my last comment more carefully. I was referring to the garotos (a term which refers to the garotos de programs in Brazil) that I personally deal with. But as has been said by myself and others, even the ones that aren’t as I described can make a comparably comfortable living for a few years in the legal sex trade in Brazil. We can agree that this is clearly not the case in a place like Cuba, where the ability to earn and acquire much at all from any kind of side hustle is much more severely restricted — and a side hustle of prostitution or pornography, if prosecuted is punishable by years in tough, unforgiving Cuban prisons. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding your beef, but you somehow seem to believe, oddly to me, that there is some correlation between the amount of money paid to / earned by a sex worker and their ability to consent to photos used for the internet. In my observation, the stark class imbalances come not necessarily from what the garoto or sex worker can earn or buy from his sex work, but from the comparative differences of socioeconomic class between the sex worker in the area where the client is traveling and the actual tourist client. This is where class and race / color get tricky and sticky, because (and you will probably agree with me here) it’s clear to me that the darker the sex worker and the poorer the country, the more liberties some clients and posters here seem to be much more willing to take with them — like gratuitous photos, identifying information, and low-balling offers for their work. This conversation seems to be turning into an academic dialogue. I’m not prepared to defend my dissertation — especially since no one gave me a stipend for my extensive research.
  19. Most of the garotos I deal with laugh at me because I am an American professional and *only* have an iPhone 7 Plus. The guys I see regularly have brand new iPhones or Samsungs, motorcycles, Nike gear, Invicta watches, Wireless Beats By Dre headphones, the latest LeBron James shoes, etc. Quite a few have their own cars that have been paid for with cash (or in at least two cases, bought for them). At least half have been on all-expense paid trips out of the country while the clock was still running, so they also got paid. But, sure, let’s keep up this stereotype of the poor, desperate garoto. They’re professionals and they’re on a job. They should be treated as such, not as charity cases or newfound lifetime loves.
  20. I think you might mean “benevolence” and “non-malevolence”.
  21. I now see your problem here. You really DO believe that any sexual transaction, whether mutually consensual and mutually beneficial or not, between adults of two starkly different socioeconclasses must, by default, be problematic — no matter the players or circumstances involved. That is something that, at least academically although probably not practically, is worth examining. I can agree that we all with mere first-world problems very well should “check our privilege” — and often. I am, as a man of color in America, constantly made aware of my lack of privilege here compared to others — yet reminded of privilege I receive during my frequent foreign travel, simply by virtue of my Americanism and relative economic security — so unlike many here, I experience both sides of the privilege coin. Thus, I am arguably more keenly sensitive to how sex workers (both professional and amateur) are treated by privileged travelers in foreign, more impoverished lands — especially the non-white ones. I was much more struck by the photos than the language used. I suppose our mileage does vary.
  22. This should read “ARE permanent in nature”. i hate not being able to edit after 2 hours!
  23. I understand that you’re not a US citizen or resident. However, the U.S. federal law 18 USC 2257 REQUIRES that anyone filming, photographing or producing anything that could be considered pornography (adult content) MUST have valid photo identification and date of birth of each subject proving they were at least 18 at the time of filming, written agreement of authorization from each subject, and said notice of where and who keeps these records must be prominently affixed or displayed on the photos or videos. This is true if the images were taken or displayed domestically or internationally, and whether or not they are for commercial use or not. Newsflash: ANYTHING posted on the internet meets the legal standard for interstate or international commerce, for the purposes of federal laws. In other words, by US federal law, you, any blogger, the owner/operator of this BoyToy website, or anyone who posts, by posting nude genitalia or sexually explicit images of sex workers, faceless or not, are considered pornographers — and MUST comply with the law. Punishment, especially in the Trump / Pence era with the new FOSTA / SESTA law, can be severe: “Violations of 18 U.S.C. §2257 are punishable by huge fines and up to five years for the first offense and ten years for each subsequent offense. Violations of 18 U.S.C. §2257A are punishable by fines and up to one year in prison for each offense. It is also illegal to aid or abet another party’s violation of any of the 2257 Regulations.” The proof of age verification / records requirement is usually the one that the Feds take most seriously. Play at your own risk, but ignorance of the law is no excuse (unless your name is Ivanka Trump).
  24. You are being incredibly naive, to put it politely. Do you not understand what could happen to Cubans who are identified (or even misidentified) in their government’s definition of pornography (which is still strictly prohibited and strongly enforced in Cuba, both creation and possession)?
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