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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. This scam is also extremely common in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic — often with actual police involved in the scam. Most reputable tour guides for sex travelers (seeking men or women) dutifully warn upfront about engaging with anyone that even looks close to the age of 18. The slicker scammers will get what could be an innocent photo of the tourist seemingly engaged with the underaged boy or girl (like sitting on his lap on the patio of a restaurant) to bolster their claims. I have also heard of this occurring on beaches popular with tourists / sex tourists. Cuba is also a place where you’d want to check everyone’s ID —- by law everyone must carry one, anyway. It’s so common in Latin and South America that I just assumed that this crime of opportunity is also used in other hot spots there, including but not limited to Brazil. Although I have never witnessed or encountered it, that could be because I have no attraction to anything that looks barely legal and therefore, wouldn’t engage anyway. Nonetheless, it’s probably a good idea to check the ID if there is any doubt whatsoever. Hotels (if you use them) and some apartment building front desks will usually require IDs from visitors, anyway. Side note, and not to scare anyone (ok, maybe just a little): anyone planning on photographing or videotaping anyone in a sex act or with exposed genitalia (which could be loosely defined as “pornography”), by USA law, MUST not only check IDs, but maintain proof of that ID in easily accessible records at all time. The laws could be similarly strict or even stricter in other countries. As soon as you hit US soil with the file of those videos or photos (or you upload them to a US-based site — like Xtube), that law applies. 18 USC 2257. So... have fun, but watch yourselves.
  2. 117? That’s more like the old Meio Mundo or the new Manhattan Rios! Maybe a 117 cliente.
  3. And yet, you blathered all of that while you are traveling somewhere with lovely sights and beautiful, available local men. Empty life, much?
  4. Overruled. Counsel is ambiguous, confusing, misleading, vague, and unintelligible — per usual. No further latitude will be given towards your antics in this courtroom.
  5. Freddy’s last known e-mail address is alwaysreadyfreddy@hotmail.com. Not only is this information still posted and advertised on public internet websites, but it’s also the last email I used to contact him. As for phone numbers, since the two that I have are not public information and might not even be updated (people change phone numbers often South of the Border, especially those who deal in the skin trade) and he did not expressly authorize me to post them publicly, I don’t feel it’s ethical to post them or share them without permission.
  6. If you get another SIM card in another country, you will have another, local phone number assigned to that SIM card. You will not use the same phone number that you use in the USA or your home country. Once you h e that number, download WhatsApp (or use the existing WhatsApp app on your phone), and it will detect a new download and ask for the number you are assigning to your new WhatsApp download. You will then get a security texted to that number that you will have to enter before activating your WhatsApp account. Then, you’re in business with your newly assigned WhatsApp number.
  7. Uber hasn’t been restricted in any major city in Brazil, unlike a few in Europe. As of now, Uber is probably the most cost-effective, reliable, safe, convenient and ethical mode of transportation in most Brazilian cities. Because of the worldwide popularity of Uber (and to a lesser extent, other smaller ride share apps), taxi cab companies, which have previously enjoyed questionable ethical, price-gouging and customer service reputations, have had to step up their games to compete. Therefore, you can find taxis in cities in other countries like Brazil using apps like Cabify and 99 to hail and pay for a cab with ease.
  8. For shits and giggles, I just showed the guy’s photo to three trusted traveling buddies, and asked, “does this guy look exceptions or stunning to you?” Without any prompting, the responses in order were: — "Meh.” — “Garden variety. Lettuce with some kale.” — “Just a regular Grindr or gay club guy.” It’s okay to land regular guys. Don’t try to pass them off as some unattainable supermodels.
  9. He looks very average to me. I’ve dated better and paid for even far better. Maybe it’s not average for cornball white bread Anytown, USA, but that looks like every other male body on the beach in Niteroi in Rio.
  10. 1. Here comes the recurring theme of “I date the hottest guys in the world without having to pay”. We were overdue for one, anyway. The board was bound to get another one. What are the odds that so many incredibly handsome, relatively young, independently wealthy, and irresistibly masculine men would find this board about hiring men for gay sex?  2. Technically, a lot of us have dated and traveled the world with very handsome ~25 year olds. Your tale is not that unusual. It’s amazibg what one can do with hot younger model / actor / waiters / trainers / escorts when you’ve got a fat wallet and some free time. 3. The guy in that photo looks very average.
  11. You’re always so busy blathering to marvel at yourself writing needlessly academic dissertations that you overlooked the previous post in a thread that said: “you pay Manny (or the finder) his fee when he brings you the guy to your apartment or hotel, before you go back to your room with the guy.” It’s really not that hard for a reasonable person to understand. You pay the finder once. You’re the one that makes your own life difficult. Your eleven-paragraph tirade here — amongst many other posts — indicates you may have some kind of emotional problem that needs addressing offline. Please seek help before you place yourself or others in a dangerous situation.
  12. 1) My experience has been that Manny gravitated towards more muscular guys, while Freddy knows more of the twinks. The buggarones that hand around Paco’s and the Condé tend to be all ages, and I think that’s Francisco’s market (Condé hustlers). If you prefer younger but legal, it’s your responsibility as a customer to specifically ask for that up front. 2) I can’t soesk to anyone’s true motivation, but I will say (1) anyone who hooks up or even has sex talk with ANYONE in the DR before verifying the age on their cedula (government issued ID) is begging for legal trouble, and (2) by law, all adult Dominican citizens must have and carry the cedula on their person. (3) People go to brothels because the options are plenty and the environment is safe and secure. Plus for some, nothing beats good dick more than new good dick. (4) Sharing ANYONE’s contact information without their explicit, advance permission — ESPECIALLY if done on the internet! — is absolutely foul and a violation of privacy. Don’t assume that all of these guys want or appreciate the advertisement / infringement on their privacy. (5) Don’t expect much English to be spoken from most buggarones. Your guides will almost always speak English.
  13. You’re overthinking it, as usual. You’re only paying for the initial introduction. Once you have the initial meeting, and you like the guy, after you pay the finders fee, you don’t have to pay the finders fee to see the guy again. Just pay the guy directly next time.
  14. Ah, you’re starting to learn how this board (and the internet) works. There are a number of posters here who claim to be much younger than they are in real life. And much hotter. And much richer. And sometimes much more traveled. And even much bi-er. Protip: if you’re going to insist on making up a false (or exaggerated) description of yourself, you might want to make sure you can’t ever be identified at any of the places you post about. The walls have eyes. Even in foreign lands.
  15. Not interested in your refereeing and hall monitoring of my posts. Go troll elsewhere, old man.
  16. I’d expect a much snappier, wittier comeback from such a cunty cuck. It’s pretty clear that your girlfriend wears the pants in your relationship. Maybe you should just let her do all the talking / writing instead.
  17. So, we’re back to paying for the guys to fuck your girlfriend if you are in the picture — which was exactly everyone’s point (or at least mine and @badboy‘s) that you vociferously protested). You’ve been posting on this site since November 2017 about Rio male escorts and saunas, and in some of those posts, you’ve claimed that you have already been to Rio and like going there. So, now, all of a sudden, there is confusion about what happens at Rio beaches and with sauna boys, sex workers and escorts? If you like going to Rio so much, and you’re such an experienced cuckolder who knows how men will respond to your request, then just go and take this newfound girlfriend of yours. Quit the obvious trolling.
  18. Yes, but would they do it FOR FREE?
  19. I suggest you read everything in the links I posted. @sanddunes was kind enough to share a portion of it. My contacts in Santo Domingo, who I have known and trusted for years, all emphasize that the prison is a very risky, dangerous experience, particularly for non-citizen tourists. The one person that I know who HAS done this (the prison sex experience) was only protected because he personally knew one of the top drug lords in the prison, who worked with the guards and administrators. The rooms were private, as they would be in a conjugal visit. Here are the very real risks of this prison sex trip (as described to me by my contacts): getting blackmailed for more money by inmates or guards, getting busted and thrown in prison and possibly being blackmailed or extorted for release, getting busted for real or imaginary crimes and then having to call US Embassy for an assist, getting assaulted and no one there to help you, being locked in the prison when a prison riot breaks out. These evident risks are bolstered by the fact that none of my most trusted guides or contacts would agree to getting involved in the orchestration of the prison sex trip — one would only agree to driving there and back, but nothing else ;even though they all know Francisco personally). My guess (this is an educated guess based on my past and present conversations with contacts, not from personal experience) is that @Kevie770‘s prison experience went smoothly because it was a fairly sizable number of them going at the same time, as opposed to one or two — AND Also because Francisco somehow has a way of running interference there. I’ll let Kevie speak for himself, though, as I don’t know him. Francisco works in and around Paco’s. If no one here can give you a contact, you can find him there on most days. I don’t believe that the name of the old man that runs the whorehouse is also Francisco or anything similar, but I’m not sure. He is actually a very good honorable person, and runs a tight ship. The house is in the small town of San Cristobal 45 minutes away and it’s called Casa del Campo. Safety or other risks would NOT be an issue there, and you can easily get a driver to take you there, wait for you and take you back. I guess which activity you want to do all depends on how much risk you’re willing to take. As we know from other threads on this board, some here are less risk-averse than others.
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