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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. This makes absolutely no sense. You don’t want reports or reviews from people who know a place well? You only anticipate reviews and information of places from unknowledgeable sources?
  2. Maybe it’s his way of paying tribute to the average American.
  3. The name of the sauna in Santo Domingo is Apolo Spa. The address is: Arzobispo Nouel # 108, in the Colonial Zone. The website is: https://apolosaunagay.com/
  4. Also, Freddy says he specializes in more than just young twinks. He says all types, just describe what you type you like to him and he will bring it. Those are his words that he asked me to relay.
  5. Freddy just informed me that it is okay to advertise his mobile number for business here, so I am posting it here. He says that he is still available for airport pickup/dropoff, driver services, tour guide (gay and non-gay) and yes, procurement of Dominican men, and that he has 30 years of experience. My experience with him is that he seems to be more familiar with the twinks, but this is not his exclusive target demo. Freddy aka Always Ready Freddy. (829) 801-0417 — phone / text or WhatsApp *NOTE: This is not an endorsement.
  6. On the contrary, the reasons the article provides are quite detailed and have little at all to do with the sauna or garoto scene. Personally, I happen to disagree with their conclusion, but I’m not really much of a “gay traveler”, anyway. For example, their recommended alternative, Miami, to me, is of no comparison to any major coastal city in Brazil. https://www.gaycities.com/outthere/41254/5-places-to-avoid-when-planning-a-vacation-and-some-great-alternatives/ ”Brazil’s economy has been circling the drain since the 2016 impeachment of then-President Dilma Rousseff, who was accused of massive economic corruption. The Brazilian currency, the real, collapsed; violence exploded in the cities, and that led to a severe increase in attacks on gay and trans people. In 2017, 445 people were reported to have died in anti-LGBTQ hate crimes; in 2018, statistics shows 167 trans people were murdered. Also in 2018, Marielle Franco, a Rio de Janiero city councilor who advocated for LGBTQ rights, was murdered in what witnesses described as a planned assasination, with two ex-police officers arrested as suspects. Besides allowing attacks on gay and trans people to increase, even encouraging it, ultra-right wing President Bosanaro is also letting the Amazon rainforest burn, with the goal of opening the land for farming and exploitation, and this is ruining the source of 10% of the world’s oxygen in the process. The fires are also displacing thousands of indigenous tribal people, who are powerless against the fires as their ancestral lands are destroyed. São Paulo, the financial and cultural center of the country, is a very progressive city, but until the skies are clear of smoke (photos top and above), and the government takes an interest in violence against gay and trans people, Brazil is not the place to visit. Where to go instead: Get all the tropical feels and a great beach scene in Miami!”
  7. Brazil Tops List of Destinations for LGBT Tourists to Avoid “RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A famous online tour guide for the LGBT community has singled out Brazil as a destination to be avoided. GayCities, an online publication that provides advice for LGBT travelers, published its list Tuesday, August 27th, of "Five places to avoid when planning a vacation," and at the very top is Brazil.” https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/brazil/brazil-listed-as-destination-to-avoid-for-lgbt-tourists/
  8. Not only that, but if you keep yourself up and maintain (or even improve upon) your looks, physique, and health (both physical and fiscal) as you mature, then there should be few valid reasons why one should not be open to being romantically or sexually involved with partners closer to one’s own age who have done the same thing. I’m not suggesting that it must happen. I am just saying the it is important to be open to it, if partners like that are actually available to you.
  9. Surely, you must mean 4.06 reais per US dollar, or at the most, 4.16. Today’s exchange rate is 4:16:1.
  10. Oh, I can proudly go back even farther than that! When one maintains one’s self, ages well, prepared well, and lives well, there really should be no reason to try to shave years off one’s real age.
  11. “Safety is assured when you are here. You have nothing to lose with the security measures that are put in place for you. You have so many things to benefit from while you are in this city of Brazil. And at the end of the day, your holiday is going to be something you ever dream of at an affordable rate. A tourist center without safety cannot be complete. This is the reason why people are now making their holiday here in Sao Paulo. There are lots of things you would be able to experience while you are like experiencing virgin vegetation and great tourist centers at a rate you would not worry over. All you need to do is research a little before coming to Sao Paulo.“ Research a little and you’ll learn quickly that safety in São Paulo is NOT “assured”!
  12. As mentioned above, the email address for Freddy (alwaysreadyfreddy@hotmail.com) is already publicly listed at other DR blogs, so I think it’s appropriate to list that. Any phone numbers I have for him may or may not be private or may be outdated (I haven’t spoken to him in a very long time), and I have no permission to post them publicly, so out of respect for privacy and in an abundance of caution, I won’t post. When I have more time, I will re-read your full OP to see if there is anything more I can contribute.
  13. Or they play that age on TV. Quite a few are well over that maximum age and are still “holding back the years”.
  14. I have some friends (more like acquaintances) who also attended XLsior in Mykonos this year. They enjoyed Mykonos but they also really like gay circuit parties. I, on the other hand, no longer really get into them. There is a large group of muscular, body boys who save up all of their coins to hit many of the gay circuit parties all over the globe. They do not all have sugar daddies — that is a myth — although some or many of them wish they did have them. Many of these “circuit gays” save up all of their money to go to these parties, to meet other circuit gays like them. They work out in gyms, diet and take drugs to get their bodies looking their absolute best for these circuit parties. A lot of them are also recreational drug users. These are the same kinds of circuit gays that fly to São Paulo and Rio, and can’t wait to party all night and day at The Week on Saturday (they also have little interest in the working boy saunas in Brazil, for the most part). I agree that there are very few posters here who would feel they fit in at XLsior, or any of the other gay circuit parties for that matter. These tend to be very “body conscious” and “looks conscious” events. Assuming the average boytoy poster does not meet these strict physical standards, then the posters would probably not feel welcome —- and if they are economical travelers and buyers of sex, then their money would not go very far at all (often times, even the escorts who travel to these parties are unavailable for hire during these events). It is no different from the posters here, who love the payboy saunas, not feeling very comfortable at The Week in Rio or São Paulo — because of the loud, thriving, modern music, the late nights / early mornings, the recreational drug use, and all the shirtless hunks that are completely unavailable to or open to them. To each his own. But this is most likely the wrong crowd for OP’s post.
  15. Slight correction: Francisco can’t really “take” you anywhere, as he doesn’t have a car. He will go with you in your own transportation (taxi, Uber, etc) or on public transportation (bus). Most definitely Manny, and probably even Freddy, can drive you to Narcisso’s house out in the “country” (about an hour outside the city).
  16. That sauna in the Barra section of Salvador, Paradise, is a regular gay sauna without any rentmen. It’s convenient to those in Barra by the most touristy beach(es) but it’s usually not very well-attended. Sauna Rios, another gay sauna with no working guys, is more crowded. But this story should remind us that, especially as the Brazil economy continues to falter, saunas and their customers could very well be targets for armed robbery.
  17. An estimated 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest! If destroyed or degraded, the Amazon, as a system, is simply beyond humanity’s ability to get back. Even if people were to replant half a continent’s worth of trees, the diversity of creatures across Amazonia, once lost, will not be replenished for roughly 10 million years. What happens to the Amazon is ALL of our business. Oxygen is far more valuable to humans and living creatures than oil. This is non-negotiable.
  18. Hopefully, Eduardo Bolsonaro will only have about a year on the job. His qualification for US Ambassador is that he once flipped burgers in the USA? He will fit right in with Ivanka, the World Diplomat, whose sole qualification is putting her name on handbags made in China.
  19. Finding a circumcised Dominican male in the DR would be about as rare an event as locating an uncircumcised adult Jewish male in Israel.
  20. Post-menopausal dried-up old cunts like you no longer have periods, but that looming early onset dementia must be a real bitch. “One sign that a person's language is being affected by dementia is that they can't find the right words. They may use a related word (eg 'book' for 'newspaper'), use substitutes for words (eg 'thing to sit on' instead of chair) or may not find any word at all. Another sign is that they may continue to have fluent speech, but without any meaning - for example, they may use jumbled up words and grammar. Dementia can also affect the person's ability to make an appropriate response, either because they may not understand what you have said or meant. There may eventually come a time when the person can hardly communicate at all using language. This can be distressing for them and those supporting them, but there are ways to maintain communication and support the person to express themselves.” https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/symptoms/dementia-and-language#content-start
  21. It’s possible to enjoy both. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a binary choice.
  22. “God helps three kinds of people: fools, children, and drunkards.” Berthelin, Pierre Charles (1762). Abrégé du Dictionnaire universel françois et latin: vulgairement appellé Dictionnaire de Trévoux. 2. p. 253.
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