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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Unlike your newfound equally batshit friend Rioblather, I welcome you to reveal who you think I am — because unlike him, I am 100% confident that this is not me. So go ahead, tell all you think you know, names, photos, everything. WTF is a Beer Garden?
  2. I’m waiting to hear this story. Do tell!
  3. Could very be, who knows? There’s an entire group of (mostly) black American travelers that often comes down to Santo Domingo and does “recreational” drugs. Not my thing, and I’ve somehow managed to avoid drug use for a lifetime without even having a hint of curiosity. I don’t judge people for doing it, but I prefer for anyone to do it far away from me. Drug users tend to congregate with one another, anyway. They tend not to like “squares”. Now, had he accused me of sipping a few too many Cuba Libres or caipirinhas… hell, guilty as charged!
  4. The saunas are definitely the safest place in Rio for hookups. In the past, I had advocated for love motels, but this would no longer be advisable — tourist or otherwise, but especially not tourists. Both of the murdered were caught on closed-caption hotel camera, and they must’ve realized there were cameras beforehand (almost all hotels in Rio use them). But apparently, even this isn’t enough to deter desperation. Wallace de Oliveira in the past was both a sauna garoto and a gogo boy.
  5. Oh, do tell more about what you think you know, Nancy Drew. This ought to be good.
  6. Um, that’s not how it works, Counselor. That’s not how any of it works.
  7. Video of the two checking into the hotel: eca99c25-b271-4bf0-b9d3-802ffd55c08e.mp4 0b473169-5e6e-448e-aa32-de1a3918d4cb.mp4 58cd4e4b-1da4-4922-abd8-c61d8873618d.mp4
  8. Man arrested in Rio suspected of killing European tourist Ilia Kakhaberidze, 31, was found dead in a hotel room in the Lapa neighborhood (image below)  05/31/2023 at 10:15 am | Updated 05/31/2023 at 10:34 am The Military Police of Rio de Janeiro arrested a 42-year-old man suspected of killing a tourist from Georgia, in a hotel in Lapa, in the center of the capital. According to the PM, Wallace de Oliveira was arrested on Tuesday (30), in the act, with the help of witnesses. With the suspect, the police seized documents and cards of the victim. Wallace de Oliveira has nine passages through the police. Ilia Kakhaberidze, 31, was found dead in a hotel room in the Lapa neighborhood. His body was tied up and had signs of violence. According to witnesses, the tourist arrived at the hotel accompanied by the suspect. Four hours later, Wallace left the scene. Employees suspected the attitude, went to the room and found Ilia dead. His body was taken to the Legal Medical Institute (IML) in Rio and the case is being investigated by the Homicide Police Station of the Capital as robbery (robbery followed by death). Ilia Kakhaberidze was a ship engineering officer and worked on board. To CNN , the Honorary Consul of Georgia in São Paulo, Carmen Ruette, informed that the Consulate is aware of what happened to the citizen of the European country and that the Embassy of Georgia in Brasilia is acting in the case. For its part, the Embassy of Georgia in Brazil informed CNN that it is aware of what happened and has already made contact with the victim's relatives. Georgia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was doing what it could to help transport the body to its home country.
  9. Ha! That’s hilarious. I’ve never even smoked a tobacco cigarette in my entire life, much less a hard drug. As for coke, I do like a good and Coke — Cuba Libre. But keep digging! I do admire your tenacity and thirst for knowledge — even if you keep coming up empty.
  10. His inappropriateness and creepiness with posters / clients isn’t just limited to private messages and long, meandering public posts on the board. It has gone far beyond him just being the harmless little socially awkward lonely weirdo on a message board. And he’s done this with several different, completely unrelated posters / clients. Notice he’s attempted to call me every name in the book here (well, by pretending not to be talking about / to me, because allegedly, I’m on “ignore”)… but what he WON’T do is call me a liar, and he won’t call my bluff and respond, “yes, post your claims about my identity here.”
  11. So, since it’s “fake news”, Rioblather aka SirBillyBob aka Bobbalino, you obviously don’t care if I post your identifying government name and photo, along with the inappropriate contacts that you have made offsite with various posters / clients that they have stated to me and others have made them uncomfortable, labeling you as “creepy” and even “mental”? You know, since it’s fake news and not really you… Just say the word. “Yes”, I’ll post. “No”, I won’t. I’m completely unconcerned about any potential defamation claims. Truth is an absolute defense to defamation. So, let me worry about my own liability. Yes, or no?
  12. Oh, by all means. Do share what you think you know with the class. And I’ll be more than happy to share, publicly or privately, what several other very respected posters, young and old, have informed me about your batshit crazy, disturbing, socially inappropriate stalkerish behaviors with them. There’s very good reason why people avoid you. You really think that I randomly plucked you out of thin air to pick message board fights with you? Nope. I have literally been warned about you, and was given your name and photo, and told, “it’s best to avoid this guy if you see him, because he doesn’t understand social boundaries and it’s creepy.” Not MY words. Theirs. So, shall we proceed, Bobbalino? Or should I say, SitBillyBob? Or maybe just spell it out… Your call.
  13. No, you don’t have it right, Brainiac. No one here referred to BlkSuperman as “deplorable”. That was referring to the comments made here by another poster — to which both LatBear and I responded. So, the rest of your usual nonsensical long-winded blather is invalidated.
  14. To clear up any possible confusion you or another poster might have, the original criticisms from me and the other posters (LatBear, Paborn) about the “Ugly American” entitled behavior weren’t about you. They were aimed at the half-vaccinated poster.
  15. So, you don’t proofread your own posts before pressing “submit reply”.
  16. Could it be that he’s finally learned that “less is more”?
  17. We don’t often see eye-to-eye, but you’re spot-on here. Both what was said to that Dominican barber by the black American AND what was said in Paco’s in the example by the white American to the black American who was assumed to be Dominican were just deplorable behaviors. I truly hate to watch when an American abroad talks down to or treats the locals like they are "less than". It reinforces the pervasive, negative stereotype of an “Ugly American” — entitled, obnoxious, loud, showy, privileged-acting, and presuming to be superior and the center of The Universe. But it’s bad enough to see these kinds of presumptions of privilege and entitlement with white Americans. It’s even worse when black and brown Americans adopt these terrible traits. It's like some of us just can't wait to use our "blue passport privilege" for evil and act like the oppressors at the very first chance we get when we travel outside the USA. Travel better.
  18. Without mentioning any names, there was a prolific poster here who, although he never mentioned it on the boards, was recently (as in the past several years) mugged, robbed or physically assaulted on the streets of São Paulo on three trips in a row. He did not mention it publicly but he told friends. I am not sure why, but I suspect he didn’t discuss it here or any of the other popular gay travel boards because São Paulo is his favorite city in Brazil. But to suggest that crime is somehow greater in Rio than in São Paulo is not exactly absurd. It is, not just perceptually, but even statistically. The homicide rate in Rio is nearly 3 times that of São Paulo. São Paulo being the economic center of South America is just a wealthier city than Rio, with a more robust police force, which helps reduce at least the perception of crime if not the reality of it.
  19. There are more than you think.
  20. Yeah, he’s a good guy and tries to be as attentive to the clients as possible. But be honest: is he the best waiter at any of the saunas because he is a good waiter… or because he is available for more?
  21. That’s a relief! I was about to call you a “cheap muthafucka”!
  22. We are not referring here to the pay boys, but to the service workers / staff, like the bartenders who serve you drinks, the bar backs who bring drinks and food and clean the tables, the towel attendants in the locker rooms who often times can go the extra mile, the front desk attendants, and the cleaning crew who have to clean up the rooms before and after the paid sex work as well as the bathrooms, the steam rooms and the video rooms. Not one, ever?
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