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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. I’ve put your annoying ass on ignore, but this is worth a response: Maybe you should just stop posting about shit that you know nothing about in desperate attempts to seem like a know-it-all?
  2. There are strip shows at BoyBar BCN on Fridays AND Saturdays. I was just there on a Saturday. The owner is a very friendly but business-minded Panamanian. His partner also works there. It’s a very nice spot, but as mentioned above, the shows start late — and I’m no longer a late-night person.
  3. Short answer: YES. But stick to the well-known cruise / hustler pick-up spots.
  4. Heavy sigh. The Consolação Metro is on Avenida Paulista. The new location is about a 10-minute walk from that. The messages on the official IG and the website “In November, we are moving to the Consolação neighborhood very close to Paulista Avenue”, by “very close to” it means about a 10-minute walk to the Consolação cemetery area, to a side street near it. The Estação Paulista Metro stop is a few minutes walk closer — 8 minutes, if you’re on that train line. The other stop that is nearby, Higienópolis - MacKenzie, is about the same distance as the Consolação stop — 10 minutes. By comparison, the current Thermas Lagoa location is about a 6-minute walk from the Santa Cruz metro station. Of course, this only matters to those of us who actually care to travel by Metro. For the Uber and cab crowd, it’s pretty much all the same. In either event, this coming week, the exact address reveal is being promised, so those that solely get their scoop from mad Googling can give their scraggly fingers a rest. As I said already, it’s going to be on a smaller street almost directly across from the Consolação landmark cemetery. And the name will change slightly from Thermas Lagoa to Espaço Lagoa (probably due to its newfound “coziness”).
  5. This may fall on deaf ears here, but... In spite of a poster or two saying “no records required!”, considering the current state of the federal government in America, if you are a US citizen traveling to Cuba, be sure to maintain accurate records showing that you went to Cuba legally and complied with the restrictions and requirements under the travel category which you claimed when you started the trip. The current administration may be dysfunctional but it is also vengeful. American tourists to Cuba ARE being busted and used as examples. The busts may be random, but you never know when your number may be called at Customs upon return to a US port of entry.
  6. Yep, except see my following post. Instead of “right off Avenida Paulista”, it’s actually “right off Estação Paulista”. Pay no attention to the Googlers.
  7. With preparation and work, and plenty of good record keeping, it’s still possible for US citizens to travel to Cuba legally under the “support for the Cuban people” category. You have to avoid patronizing or even entering almost all places and businesses that are owned or operated by the Cuban government — and this includes many if not most famous tourist spots, and almost every hotel and almost every restaurant. What you can do legally is stay at casa particulares and AirBnBs because they are privately owned and operated — thus, supporting Cuban people directly. You can also eat at the family-owned paladares. You also should have your 9am to 5pm every day scheduled and documented of support for the Cuban people activities — and no tourism activities, because that’s technically illegal. Also be prepared to show your activity logs and schedule with evidence of your activities when you return to US Customs, and for 5-7 years after your trip. It may not happen, but you can get randomly questioned.
  8. The clarification that I just received is that when I was told it would be in Consolocão and on / near Paulista is that it is off the Estação Paulista Metro stop (NOT Avenida Paulista, as I originally thought one of my sources said), and that it is both near Consolação (which is the name of a large well-known cemetery, but also the neighborhood around it is often referred to by the cemetery and street name, Consolação) AND is on or right off Avenida Consolação. This would make it between the triangle of the Estação Paulista Metro, the Higienópolis - MacKenzie Metro l, AND the Consolação Metro. All of these stations are between an 8-10 minute walk to the center of Consolação. NOTE: if correct, this further eliminates the existing saunas Club Rainbow or Top Man, as possibilities. So, mystery solved. If all my independent sources (now three) are to be believed, then the only further clarifications are the exact street (large Rua Consolação, or a smaller side neighborhood street?), and the grand opening date.
  9. Here’s the face-to-face, in-person “insider info” that I received late last week — from two separate Paulista working “boys” with tight relationships with the owner and/or his traveling clients who also regularly send for garotos overseas. According to each of these two, Rodolfo has told them that the new Lagoa is opening in December, and that it will be in the Consolação neighborhood, either on or right off Avenida Paulista. Two different, unrelated “high-end” garoto sources that work regularly in Lagoa said this to me in independent conversations in just the last week that it would be on (or right off) Av. Paulista. Now, I also tried to ask if this new sauna will be taking over an existing sauna space, such as the failing Club Rainbow. I could not get a direct answer, but this may have been due to that part of our conversations being lost in translation — and we were talking about several other topics. However, according to Google Maps, Rainbow is 3.5 blocks from Av. Paulista and is not in Consolação, so that fact pattern doesn’t really fit what I was told by these two different jet-setting garotos. But, like everything you hear second- or third-hand and like everything you read on the internet, take it with a grain of salt, consider the source material, and use your own judgment.
  10. Probably the simplest way is to show up to one of the several gay hot spots (listed in the more detailed Cuba threads), like the discos, bars, cruise spots, and start meeting guys. Let them know you don’t speak much Spanish and you’re hoping to meet someone who speaks English. More than likely, you’ll eventually find someone who does — or they might approach you. Whether or not they will be to your liking, well that’s another matter.
  11. If you don’t get a hotel, and you stay in a casa particular or an AirBnB, then if the host / landlord has no guest restrictions (some have them), you won’t have a problem having a Cuban local stay with you. Hotels in Cuba, however, will give you a big problem, as it is literally illegal for a Cuban National to stay at a hotel as an unregistered, non-paying guest. And no Cuban wants to go to a Cuban prison, especially not for something so easily avoidable. Regarding a recommendation in advance, you can try emailing the “Gay Cuban Tour Guide” Luis at his official work email: luis@gaycubatourguide.com . This was his publicly advertised email, so I do not mind posting it here. Make sure you use an email account that won’t be rejected under the USA - Cuba embargo. If that email does not work or if it bounces back, then I can privately give you the last private email account I have for him (in DM). Luis knows English very well, but he is a gay tour guide, and he does NOT double as a Rentboy or a pimp service, like the ones always discussed in the Dominican Republic. He may be able to introduce you to someone who can do this for you, however, if you hire him for a legitimate gay or nongay tour. Luis also knows the owner of Casa Aleido, an older lively Cuban queen who runs the “gay casa particular” that is also another option for you to meet someone for you to “spend time with or show you around”, as there are always gay or gay friendly local guys at the casa or at his disposal for his guests. Or you can jut stay there or contact him yourself by email: http://www.cuba-junky.com/havana/casa-aleido.htm . But as I know nothing about you or your tastes, I can’t recommend the place or his regular denizens to you. It and his crowd may be your cup of tea or it may not be. Or you can just show up in Havana and meet someone there who will probably be glad to spend time with you and show you around for the entire time you are there, for a pre-negotiated rate.
  12. With 1,852 posts to date, I’m sure you squeeze in quite enough time in between shuffleboard, bingo, and tapioca pudding to comment on barely legal twinks that are 60 years your junior.
  13. Frankly, I don’t understand why this blathering idiot is covering what he considers his “big Google discovery” in such a shroud of secrecy. Per usual, the socially inept, dottering old fool’s only real friend and connection to the outside world is a Google search engine, and this is just yet another lame attempt to seem like he is some insider who scooped us all. Here’s the Google link to the Justice Report, which basically says nothing and reveals nothing. Read for yourselves, in Portuguese. It can also be translated into English in the Google translate engine on its browser. It’s a big nothingburger. Life here is so much more enjoyable with that blathering old fool now on “ignore”. http://web.trf3.jus.br/diario/Consulta/BaixarPdf/20336
  14. I have been to Seven Cruising Bar in SP, and now I remember that there was also one in Rio that I chose not to visit. The official policy of Seven Cruising Bar is that garotos de programa are prohibited. It’s pretty much all over ever description on the internet of the São Paulo location, and looking at the descriptions of the RJ location, it looks like that’s the official policy there, as well. ”Sem garotos de programa.” ”’Garotos de programa são proibidos.” But just because it’s prohibited by the club, that doesn’t necessarily mean that some garotos and clientes aren’t getting away with it.
  15. There’s a Seven Cruising Bar in São Paulo. I wonder if it is the same ownership?
  16. It’s Sacha Baron Cohen. Speaking of spelling. “Please proceed, Governor.” https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0056187/
  17. Yes, I absolutely would. Because I’m not interested in that at all. If he is, then he’s much better off with someone else who is, and I am much better off without him. Now, if it were something that I WERE interested in, that would be much different, As I mentioned, I’m just fine being single. Sure, a committed relationship requires some compromise, but IMHO, the compromise should never take more than you feel good about giving.
  18. A total turn off for me, but I’m sure this kind of outdated stereotypical Castro Folsom Street attire appeals to a shrinking number of leather queen clients here who still listen to The Village People. His social media imprint is large, fairly permanent and very easy to find.
  19. He is definitely Brazilian. I have seen his ads on Rentmen and other ad platforms regularly in Brazil (São Paulo) for a few years now. Even though I almodt exclusively prefer big muscle, I always opted to pass on this one. I could be wrong, but he seems a bit too overly dramatic and frou-frou for my personal tastes — although the body looks nice. I also doubt that he is still only 29. But to me, that’s neither here nor there — that’s just part of the escort game. He could be visiting or on an escort world tour. Regarding the English, I wouldn’t bust his chills over that, if Portuguese is his principal language. He very well could be a lawyer in Brazil. Attorneys make comparably very little in Brazil, and there are quite a few garotos I have met who are highly educated, or are in rigorous degree programs.
  20. Having experienced them in a relationship, I can attest that threesomes in a relationship aren’t for me. But if they are for you and everyone involved is consensual and enjoys them, then go for it. No one has the right to define the four corners of your mutually consensual, adult relationship. But if I were in a relationship and the other party wanted threesomes, I would prefer to remain single —- which for me is preferable anyway, so win-win. Now, outside of a committed relationship, as in a hiring situation, I’ve also done a few threesomes. To me, they are only enjoyable when I am equally attracted to both of the other parties — which has been the case when it’s been two hires. But the others were usually situations where I’d rather leave out one of the others in the threesome — and that’s why a ménage a trois rarely interests me.
  21. My decade of experiences taught me that buggarone is considered a slur when used in the face of the person it is intended for, and is meant to describe the street hustlers. I have also never heard the term buggarone used to describe a street hustler who has sex with female tourists for money. Sanky is viewed as less of a slur, but can still be considered offensive to the ones it is intended for. It doesn’t really describe a street hustler, but more of a working guy out to get money from unsuspecting female or male tourists by feigning love interest or having sex with them. Neither term should be used in polite company or to address a Dominican man, even if you think he might be one of these. Regarding the mentioned hotels, I agree. The webmasters probably gets a referral for bringing clients to Casa Sanchez. I don’t really have much good to say about Adam Suites. There are better accommodations in the area.
  22. No, I have not, but the information and advice given is pretty solid.
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