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Everything posted by SolaceSoul

  1. Can the USA? The current occupant of The Oval Office is gassing peaceful protesters and faking jobs reports.
  2. Just so that we are clear, this is also true for HIV / AIDS.
  3. What “science and data” informed you that COVID-19 deaths are being overreported or mischaracterized?
  4. Feelings are nice to have, but facts are more important in epidemiology. COVID cases and deaths are, in all likelihood, underreported. The conspiracy theory that you refer to (pushed by right wing media) has been debunked by nonpartisan fact check organizations. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/social-media-posts-make-baseless-claim-on-covid-19-death-toll/
  5. Practically every disease more adversely affects the elderly and the immunocompromised. First and only post, and it’s both an epidemiological fail and a loony conspiracy theory all in one.
  6. Started with Pimsleur BrazilIan Portuguese CDs. Went from 16 Beginner (Level 1) CDs to 16 Intermediate (Level 2) CDs, then moved on to Level 3. Burned the CDs to mp3 files and uploaded them to my iPod. Bought a membership to Rosetta Stone and take lessons on the app every other day. Downloaded both Duolingo and Mondly apps and alternate taking those lessons daily. Every now and then, get together with Portuguese speaking groups for practice in person (Meetup and Facebook are good resources for this). Communicate with Brazilians through WhatsApp, email and phone — trying my best not to use translator apps, if possible. Read Portuguese and BrazilIan newspapers, magazines. Watch BrazilIan videos and news reports on YouTube. Visit Brazil often. Nothing beats language immersion. I’ve been going to Brazil regularly for 10 years, and I am still learning. I’d rank my Portuguese language skills as “proficient”, but my goal is “fluent”.
  7. This is false information. From the US Embassy in Brasilia. ”Location: Brazil Event: Extension of Brazil’s Border Closures On May 22, Brazil decreed that foreigners are banned from entering the country by air, land, and sea for 30 days (through June 21). This is an extension of previous border closures.” https://br.usembassy.gov/health-alert-extension-of-brazils-border-closures/
  8. Slight correction. Cine Rex in the Cinelandia area of Centro, and it’s next door neighbor Sexy Rose, are still active cruise spots. Cine Tex is a dark, dirty, sleazy and smelly old adult movie theatre that also sometimes has hustlers. Sexy Rose is a video booth / peep show establishment with dark cruise areas, sometimes a DJ and a drag show, and as far as I can tell, no hustlers. As of this year’s Carnaval, they were both still open, but I have no idea about pandemic and post-pandemic.
  9. Now would be a perfect time for him to get the soundtrack and videos updated, or at least changed.
  10. I have spoken to plenty of garotos about how they can stay aroused with any number of clients, whether it is someone who may be viewed as much older or less attractive in other ways, like too fat, too skinny, or just overall physically unattractive. They’re answer is almost always, “viagra”. But on a related note, there is this assumption from some posters here and some clients at the saunas, that somehow, relative youth = beauty and attractiveness. There are plenty of people in their 20s and 30s who are either very plain-looking or just downright fugly. For some of these “younger” guys, their relative youth is all they really have to hold onto. If I had a nickel for every person online (or even on the forums) who called himself “good looking” and “fit”...
  11. 1 Even if it were true that you do have friends, you and I are not even friendly and never have been. We have never met, and never communicated offline, and I have never expressed any interest in changing that. Anyone of sound mind reading my posts could tell it was always quite the opposite. The fact that you misread my clear pity for you as some kind of “friendly banter” and invitation for you to gossip with me about guys, posters and clients goes to your own inability to pick up on obvious social cues (written or otherwise) and your distorted sense of reality. 2. What you described yourself doing to that other poster in that PM to me was nothing short of cyberstalking and doxxing another poster that you had met face to face at a sauna. The information that you gathered about this poster/client on your little fact-finding mission was none of your business in the first place! So, clearly, you learned the wrong lesson, or are incapable of learning it. Which shows that you have a serious problem with boundaries as well as a loose screw, and could possibly be dangerous to others. Smart people who are highly educated in one field can also be (or become) mentally unwell. 3. And then you told all of this in a PM to at least one someone (me) who has never even been remotely friendly with you or expressed any desire to be (in fact, quite the opposite!). Thus, confirming that you also exercise very poor judgment. 4. I know this poster isn’t the only one you’ve creeped around and stepped over informational boundaries with. It’s what you do. And what is this for you, screen name #4 or #5 on these kinds of forums? I am not posting this for your benefit, because it’s clear that you refuse to change your behavior or seek clinical help. No doubt you’ll defensively respond with yet another long-winded post of nonsensical gobblygook disguised as a research synopsis. I’m posting this so that other posters may see this invasive, unhealthy and frankly, potentially damaging pattern of yours.
  12. I actually only wanted a simple yes or no on that particular question, because I was genuinely interested in clarification on that specific part of your nonsensical, puzzling read. Everything else is in your head. I’m not interested in engaging with you at all otherwise. If I were, I would have responded to your very long-winded and revealing unsolicited — and frankly, quite stalkerish and creepy! — private message that you sent me a few weeks ago, asking for details or an opinion about another poster. Would you like me to post a screenshot?
  13. It was a simple question, intended for clarification purposes, that only required a one-word yes or no answer.
  14. Just an FYI: If PayPal (founded by the notoriously conservative right-wing gay Peter Thiel) gets wind that you are using their service to exchange money for sex work (which in their eyes, includes webcam with sex acts or j/o involved), then PayPal could suspend both accounts and withhold or delay money transferred. Plenty of examples of this happening; do a Google search. So, proceed with caution with PayPal.
  15. @Riobard, I’m trying to understand this, and make it make sense for anyone who attempts to read it. A simple “yes “ or “no” to the following question will do: Are you booking programas in the saunas with garotos for longer periods (like 90 minutes, for example), and agreeing in advance to a rate that is about 50 - 80 reais for every 30 minutes? Yes, or no?
  16. There are several garotos currently on that site that I recognize or know from saunas, ads, etc.
  17. I understood that part. That wasn’t hard to understand at all. I know how those platforms work and who they appeal to. What I was pointing out, however, is that the end receiver of the webcam can easily record the performance they are watching, using a screen recorder or one of countless video capturing apps. Then, the perpetrator can use it for their own private use, or worse yet, send it through private message or email to anyone they choose, or even worse, post it on message boards, blogs, or hubs like Pornhub or XVideos — all of which have occurred here and elsewhere, including in private groups. If the garotos you are using are fully aware of all of these possibilities and consent to this in advance, then have at it to your heart’s content. Those are (typically) not the ones I deal with — but they still deserve to be treated with the opportunity to provide fully informed consent. Two points here: (1) I have never stated it was “disturbing”. I just said it’s not for me. (2) I’m not into having simultaneous sex acts in groups or having sex in public scenes with others around, whether live or on webcam. Who the garoto has sex with behind closed doors or what the customer / client looks like has little to do with this. I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that it did.
  18. I will agree that the best approach is to simply say upfront, “eu pago x reais” (I pay x BrazilIan dollars), and don’t ASK the garoto “quanto custa?” (how much?). If you’re in the “going-rate” range, if you’re not some smelly hideous ogre, and if you’re not asking for some crazy deviant sexual shit, then 9 times out of 10, you’ll get a yes. For that other 1 out of 10 that counteroffers with a higher price that you just don’t want to pay, you can simply walk away — there will be no hard feelings if you didn’t take up too much of the garoto’s time. Sometimes the garoto will just walk away himself! Sometimes they return to you for your original asking price. If you do choose to pay the higher price, I would suggest ONLY doing this in those rare cases that this certain garoto is an absolute must-have, never-to-be-experienced-again type that is every dream for you. But newsflash: there’s one like that around every corner in Rio, so you should not be afraid to simply say “no thanks” or “maybe later”, and just walk away. And in follow-up meetings with a garoto you’ve been with in the past, it never hurts to repeat before the programa is booked, “x reais”, so that there’s no misunderstanding (or if it’s been quite a while since your last visit, and his prices might have gone up). But if you’re a first-timer and you’re only going to be in Brazil for a few days, and won’t experience it again (or for years to come), then I’m not going to tell you to let a 50 reais price differential cause you to miss out on your dream garoto that you may never see again. That’s your judgment call to make at the time. I know if I were ever in that position (which admittedly, would have been a long time ago!), I would choose the experience with the man of my sexual and physical dreams over a few dollars price differential — but that’s for each person to decide.
  19. Hopefully, you’re being facetious here. The obvious difference is that in a packed sauna, I’m taking my action behind closed doors to a cabine or suite, or sometimes to a love motel or my AirBnB, outside the unwelcome eyes and ears of strangers. That is, unless you’re one of those who enjoys exhibitionism and mounds of PDA and does sex acts in the steam rooms and porn rooms. (And if that’s you, great — do you. No judgment. But it’s just not my thing.)
  20. I’m a hard NO. Reasons: (1) I have a particular type that is markedly different from that of regular posters here; (2) I can already do this on my own, with garotos I know, and who trust me NOT to do anything with the webcam videos or streams (which cannot be guaranteed with others); (3) Many of my favorites aren’t interested in being caught on film doing things I would want to pay for privately; (4) I don’t do groups, and most definitely not with groups of people I don’t know. But good luck in your endeavor.
  21. You must be new to this? For the most part, the sauna garoto scene is close knit and most of them know each other, are friendly with one another, or try to get along, if not as friends then at least as business associates. Helping each other out helps extend their own business, and makes their own time spent as a garoto easier. Letting each other know about clients is one really effective way to do that. My observation is that for most garotos, talking about other clients to garotos is less about pure gossip and more about business communication. But there are ones who do enjoy gossiping and shooting the shit, just for the sake of it (a small minority).
  22. I agree with this, @Tomcal. I have been going to Brazil regularly for a decade (though definitely not as much as you!), and I am aware that I have built a certain reputation amongst the garotos — a good one. The garotos for the most part know what I am attracted to and what I like, as well as what I pay. But like you, Tomcal, I visit often enough to establish that reputation and rapport. The ones most likely to be quoted high prices are those clients who are least likely to be seen again (or at least not for quite some time) by the sauna garotos. Also, as @badboy says, the clients who are found to be less appealing in some way will get a bump in regular rates. And for those here who are extra-sensitive to this topic, this is NOT just about the client’s looks, build or perceived physical attractiveness (although that can sometimes contribute to it). It also includes other things that sauna garotos find to be more trouble to deal with, like anything from certain requested sex acts, to difficult personality, to even body odor or hygiene (all things that I have heard garotos complain about concerning other clients before). Basically, anything that is viewed as more difficult work or less tolerable work, in the garoto’s eyes, can get you a higher price tag from them. Nonetheless, if you’re spending too much time worried about what you’re paying versus what the next client is, then you’re doing having fun all wrong. Quibbling over an extra 50 reais is (as of today) quibbling over an $8.75 USD, an extra 100 reais today is $17.50. Sure, everyone should keep to a budget and not go into their living expenses, but if you’re kvetching over $8 USD, maybe it’s best for you not to travel abroad at all.
  23. Travel insurance issued on or after April 1 of this year specifically excludes coverage involving COVID-19 or the virus that causes it. Insurance companies have gone to great lengths to carve this coverage out in their new policies. Medical claims, evacuations, delays or cancellations unrelated to COVID should still apply. Make sure you read your policy before it is issued.
  24. It’s not the role for medical experts to come up with a “compromise” in order to reduce unemployment or boredom at home. Their job is to save as many lives as possible during a global pandemic. Right now, the USA has more recorded cases and deaths from COVID-19 than any other country, mostly due to the lagged (at best) or failed (at worst) response — not by our medical professionals, but by our federal government leader, and many state government leaders who take their cues from him. I didn’t think it was even possible, but the response to the pandemic by Bozonaro at this point lags behind that of Drumpf. He’s about where Drumpf was a month ago, and Dumb Donald’s current position is not quite evolved enough to flatten the curve and curb a pandemic. The respected Oxford University model predicts 478,000 deaths from COVID-19 in Brazil alone. Recent news reports indicate that Brazil is seriously under reporting both its coronavirus cases of infection AND its deaths (known and unknown) in impoverished areas (favelas). meanwhile, Bozo refers to it as “just a little flu” and encourages the country’s largely catholic population to attend crowded churches every Sunday. This thing in Brazil is NOT going to end anytime soon. Not without months of forced closings and social distancing. It’s probably going to be one of hardest hit nations, at this rate. It brings me no joy to say this, but it’s shaping up to be a blood bath down there. The last thing any of us should be concerned about is when a sauna will re-open.
  25. Hey, @Tomcal — Did you mean to post this in the European forum instead of LATAM? Maybe another post there?
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