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Everything posted by ifheallows

  1. There are a lot of cheap ryanair flights, so it may be easily reached from completely different directions. And I think that they are expanding, based on what one flight attendant trainee told me two days ago in my bed ...
  2. I met one in Krakow, truly bisexual, in gay sex of course bottom.
  3. I do not see many differences.
  4. I learned German rather well in part because I wanted to understand their profiles, which are often long reads
  5. "Универсал" means not Station wagon as google translates, but "universal", i.e. versatile "Уни" is a short form "asset" is apparently a translation of Актив="active", i.e. top.
  6. It seems from his profile that he does not go beyond oral, right?
  7. This was an interesting read My memories are rather old, but: Your timing was when all students study very very hard. It was about the week when they have to take tests and submit papers for the courses graded on pass/fail basis. Since 95% of students do not do much during most the semester, they try to make up for this in the end of December. For St. Petersburg, 12 am must be way too late. The city has a big center, broad old industrial belt, and only then "sleeping districts". When metro closes, how younger people would go home? Night buses, even if available, must be slow and can not cover much of the "sleeping districts". Taxis are too expensive for students. As for the clubs in St. Petersburg, maybe Bunker would provide more opportunities: http://bunkerspb.ru/ Besides bluesystem , there is also qguys
  8. Oh, he is also modest Such a good guy.
  9. Dear Tassojunior, this twink is looking at me apparently expecting permission to fall into my arms and kiss Would it be possible to know more about him?
  10. You could try qguys.ru and bluesystem.org, they seem to be much more popular there, and there are options like "escort" and "looking for a permanent sponsor". For example, there are some 50+ escort profiles with photo of guys younger than 26 who used the website in in last three months only in Kyiv at bluesystem. Also, there are 80+ looking for the sponsor.
  11. there are some more local sites as well, with specialized sections like bluesystem.ru and qguys.ru
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