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Everything posted by davet

  1. Whenever I start feeling nervous about gay sex tourism, I'm reminded that the straight version is 10-20 times as big.
  2. I was at the two saunas in Medellin about 4 years ago. One definitely had rent guys (all 3 of them!) and about 3 customers. I think it was the already-fading Tobi. The other must have been 55 and had the hottest collection of men I've ever seen in a regular sauna. More movie-star quality than the old Hollywood Spa in downtown Hollywood, which was the very distant runner-up. It was a little confusing, but I think pay service was available at 55. Two cute guys started getting frisky with me in the steam room and said something about a massage. I later understood that they were house masseurs. Based on their interaction in the steam, I think a very deep and probing, full service massage was on the menu list, but I didn't do it for some reason.
  3. LOL. Once one gets to a sufficiently large sample set, one can start making informed calls about the biggEST/fattEST. I have a very scientific mindset. I can use my wrapped hand to get pretty accurate measurements of a specimen. There might have been 1 or 2 who were longer than Reynaldo, but in combination of long and thick, I think he's no. 1. Not that anyone minds at all continuing a search for bigger/longer/fatter/harder.
  4. That means he's ready and so am I. Cutie!
  5. I've been to Ecuador. I've done research. Middle of the pack, far as I can tell.
  6. I first met Reinaldo in 2009 when he was in his early 20s. So I'd say early to mid 30s now. He still looks fine and that dick doesn't get worn down. I would not doubt the wife part.
  7. The boarding pass looks Canadian but the street scene doesn't. I assume you're in SP and will be reporting soon about Thermas Mikonos.
  8. Whaaa? You see that scenario in porn all the time. How can it be sleazy? LOL
  9. This is mostly true, but I think there's a difference in attitude between the classes. The higher up in social class, the more you might see the typical Western/Northern sexual hangups. I had a Brazilian language instructor who sniffed about the sex tourism in her country. She was referring to the straight sex industry, which is probably 20 times bigger than the gay one, but still. During an overnight, my garoto had a long phone call with a sister who was clearly not happy with the "work" he said he was in the middle of. It's all quite fascinating to me.
  10. This is so very interesting. Had I known about it, I might have done the same. Street/bus station trade are not necessarily the prettiest, but I can imagine the frisson of danger. Sometimes I wish I had discovered the Brazilian saunas in my 20s. Would I have "gotten it out of my system" by my 30s or 40s? If any of us had discovered it during our peak hormonal late adolescence (which, for some, was apparently quite adventurous), would the universe have survived?! LOL
  11. I have an issue telling anybody that I pay for sex. Which must mean I have issues paying for sex.
  12. This is a most sobering realpolitik post yet. I've been to only 1-2 non-garoto saunas in Brazil. Other slight differences are that, in Brazil, you might find some "very few" really attractive men, whereas in the US, you won't find one at all (at least since the Hollywood Spa closed down, LOL). And the guys in Brazil are a little more friendly and less stand-offish because they are still Brazilians after all.
  13. Salvador was the one time in Brazil where I got mugged (about 10 years ago). The historic center is like an island surrounded by very sketchy neighborhoods. This was the one city I should have heeded all the warnings about, but I was cocky from my good experiences in SP and Rio. It looked like such a short walk from my hotel in the colonial center to the sauna ...
  14. How would one find a trainer one can take back to a motel? My dream would be to find a real training session, followed by joint shower/jacuzzi, massage, and whatever.
  15. That must have been the one I went to but I had fun! I think it's called Olimpo. I considered it a smaller version of Lagoa or 117, with just as beautiful and well-built guys, just fewer of them than in the big cities. Whereas 117, 202, and Lagoa might have 5 to 10 star-quality guys (I'm talking pre-covid comparison), Olimpo would have 2-5, Mezzaninu in Pto Alegre would have 1-3, and Curitiba or Recife would struggle for 1 though they might still have perfectly enjoyable companionship.
  16. If you have his number maybe you can pre-arrange something with him. I never could understand why he only came into SP on Thursdays. Given Reinaldo's size, I have told him that I had to start with a more reasonable dick first and work my way up to him later in the night, but he'd be gone by then.
  17. Reinaldo. Wow. *sigh* That one needs to be in a museum of natural history. I first saw him 13 years ago and had several repeats. He disappeared for a long time - word was he was taken in by a "cliente particular" - but the bloom must have come off that rose because he's back. (And I did see him last May.) I would not necessarily disbelieve his reason for rushing out. He always comes only on a Thursday and ALWAYS rushes out to catch a bus, no matter how much business you promise him. Did you pull the tape measure out on him? I too have a clinical mind and would like scientific confirmation of his size. Fun fact: He told me he was 1/4 Japanese.
  18. The Koreans run the garment industry throughout South America. There's a great, very hip Korean restaurant in Bom Retiro called Komah.
  19. Brazil has a large indigenous population that is likely very smooth and hairless. Not to mention all the shaved and primped guys in the videos or at the sauna.
  20. What was it like? Chinese food takes on unique characteristics of their foreign locale and there's always that moment of adjustment for those of us familiar with American Chinese food or "real" Chinese food from Asia. Given the quirks of Brazilian Japanese food (fruit sushi) and Brazilian pizzas, I'm curious about Brazilian Chinese.
  21. How did you broach the topic? I am always too shy with strangers. The few times I've asked a "nice guy" for coffee, it just didn't work for one reason or another.
  22. You'll be in Brazil during the Festas Juninhas, or summer saints' holidays, which are SUPER-interesting in the north, rivaling their local carnavals. I did it in Sao Luiz, way up north and very cool. I heard Salvador and Recife also have great festas juninhas. If you're talking about garotos, adjust your expectations. BH is the only other city that, in my experience, even comes close to the big two.
  23. Wow, and I thought I was an SP fan. Adding it up, I've probably spent more time in SP than all but 2 or 3 other places in the world other than my residences. SP has its charms but they are well-hidden and perhaps undetectable on a first trip. Therefore, only those of us who have other than touristic reasons to go to SP have uncovered its charms.
  24. That's what I used to think. But on this and the previous trip to Rio, I found it to have remarkably cleaned up. The area around the Copacabana Palace, which one used to be warned about, looked perfectly tame. I didn't hang out at the beach, though, which is where the trouble used to be. Barra is boring but suburban-safe. Sao Conrado is very interesting, despite or because of being right next to the largest favela in Brazil. I'm not big into hotels so I've stayed in 1/2-star places in Gloria, Catete, Lgo de Machado, which seemed quite safe because tourist-targeters don't have anyone to target. I've even stayed in Sta Teresa (an uber or steep 10 minute hike up from 117) and it was fantastic - walking around at night like in a small town, with little bars and restaurants in colonial houses.
  25. I just looked up Jacana. It's waayyy out. I stayed in Jardims this last trip and did not see a hint of a shred of a danger. Even staggered back to my hotel from a restaurant in Pinheiros one night, probably not smart, but again, nothing looked remotely dangerous. I remember a time when banks in those neighborhoods had an assault rifle-armed guard in front. As for more central districts, Se and Republica still look sketchy.
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