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Everything posted by davet

  1. The Cine Lido and other porno theaters in Latin America used to be packed with 20-somethings, many of whom would let you take care of their urgent needs. Now the guys just whack off at home with the phone in their other hand and the cines have become just like cines everywhere else (the few that remain).
  2. Very, VERY, wise. What do you think he was going to do?
  3. what is the reason for getting a cpf?
  4. I would say that they might not enjoy the sex, but they can still enjoy the job. Many of the guys take pride in the fact that they are working and not selling drugs or panhandling. They take pride in the work of being a stud, and people who take pride often produce better quality work, and get better compensated. They do what everybody does to make work more enjoyable: make friends, make money (good money, in their world), be chill with the customers, be chill with everybody. If you enjoy your job and you enjoy orgasms and you enjoy feeling like a stud, it's going to be hard to untangle all the threads.
  5. hmmm
  6. That be he. He was or would have been the best catch on a slowish night, but I myself won't obsess over him. More of him for you.
  7. I had a different reaction about Colombia. I found the people there to be very warm and "gay" in the old meaning of the term: waitresses were literally singing as they brought my food out. People were making so much eye contact on the streets, on the buses, etc., that it was getting confusing. I had to remind myself that they are just friendly tropical people and no come-on was intended. The DR is a much smaller country than the other two so the men are more limited in availability (no saunas with 20-30 garotos) and variety (almost exclusively caramel, moreno, or black). But the few men in this small country have HUGE things between their legs. If you leave the DR without bagging at least a couple 8-inchers, ask for your money back.
  8. I know the rule and I doubt that I'm an exception. But at least twice, a boy in a sauna has gotten me off without money changing hands. One time might have been a confusing negotiation (with lots of foreplay!). The other time, he was one of the scrawnier, gayer garotos, and I think he was just ready to get off himself. Twinning? They used to call them "clones" and it's been going on forever, with outfit changes per decade.
  9. I know who you're talking about. He has a Greek name and was moving to Greece, he told me. He is beautiful, but he asked for way more than the going price (I remembering him wanting 300). My experience has been that the more a guy asks for, the more disappointing he'll be in the cabine (because he's stuck up). I guess this one is worth it, according to your review, though I still have doubts.
  10. davet


    Can you say what day you got there? Any info as to the difference between weekends and weeknights?
  11. What are the best days at California club? Would it be a waste of time to go there on a weeknight?
  12. The sandwiches in the grocery stores are as good as in some full-service places. Rosti and bratwurst is not expensive and probably tops out Swiss cuisine, in my view. (Switzerland does obviously have higher-end fare but they are not worth it compared with high-ending dining elsewhere in Europe.) Next time, I'll check out lodging near the airport, which is cheaper and very conveniently connected by train to the center. I too noticed that a lot of boys don't seem to be working to get customers. lol. However, I did manage to separate one hunky Czech guy from his husband-for-the-afternoon and he was more than willing and ultimately wonderful. I think north- and east-european reserve is coming into play here. Brazilians break the ice for us N. Americans, but us N. Americans have to break the ice for the Europeans - that's been my general travel experience. One of the rare places in the world where you can basically grab a cute guy by the pussy but, yeah, we're still too polite! (and not running for president) Some of the guys migrate between Barcelona and Zurich. Ah yes, the days when I was mistaken for a service provider. Another sauna guy tried to steer my would be customer away by saying, "Compra, no cobra!" (He pays, he doesn't get paid.) Epitaph material?
  13. Is there a running compilation of love motels in SP and Rio? A massage site guy took me to a place at 2451 Rua Vergueiro (Vila Mariana/Ana Rosa area). Those who are accustomed to more refined lodgings would have to adjust their expectations way down, but the place serves its purpose for the hour or two it is needed.
  14. Is there an issue with a tourist v. business visa? I've never paid attention to this. I remember some warning that any business transacted while on a tourist visa could be canceled or invalidated. I suppose no one would ever check your laptop or care, but just wondering if there are any repercussions to this type of remote working.
  15. What does following these guys on social media get you? If I wanted just videos, there are already lots of options, none of which (including social media) is the same as an in-person. Do these guys arrange hookups through their social media and would you trust it? One very famous ex-belami started quoting prices to me. Then that account got cycled out. Made me wonder.
  16. Everybody and anybody can always get some kind of free sex at any time. Payment is for the other kind of sex. Somewhere, bottoms must be appreciated for the heroic sacrifice they make for their fellow men and not looked down upon as the ravenous and apparently very common sluts we know them to be.
  17. What is "a local mb"?
  18. I was wondering whether it has gotten even earlier than that.
  19. "afternoon" - has prime time moved earlier? That would explain why it was so dead when I was there, about same time last year, usually after 6 pm.
  20. 1800 for the whole weekend? How long ago was this?
  21. I've done only one overnight, about 10 years ago. The guy came 3 times and made sure I took note of the number. I believe I paid about 3 programmas' worth and vaguely recall someone else mentioning a 3X-5X rule of thumb, which does make sense given the likely amount of sex a typical client could stand. (I mean, really!) Sleeping with a warm, smooth, cute boy is niiiice. Even nicer is sex in the morning, which is when my libido is actually highest. Now an alternative would be to book a masseur to come at an early hour. I would only consider an overnight with someone I've already done a programma with and know we get along very well together.
  22. I also doubt that these guys pay taxes, so yes, it's a cash-in-the-dark business. But the micro-merchant/micro-payment movement has really taken off in Brazil, which also used to be all cash. I'm thinking somebody would soon provide such services in Europe and the few European workers would start accepting such payments. I just hope my bank statements won't show things like "54.37USD to ThiagoXXLcum4u"
  23. In Brazil, I've paid by Pix. Another guy would accept MercadoPago. These guys had "legit" massage services too, and some micro-services like that are expanding beyond cash.
  24. Sounds like the establishment does not allow the guys to basically live there anymore. I have spent a couple overnights at Thermas, once when I had a crazy early flight. It was ... interesting. Some of the overnighters were very hot, but the experience sort of takes tawdriness to another level. I could fool around right in the showers. It was like that children's book about being trapped in a museum overnight, but tawdrier. The sculpture was alive and gropable.
  25. Remember: Venezuela was punching way about its weight in global beauty pageants, which were virtually an industry in the country. Pageants for men were starting to happen to.
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