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Everything posted by davet

  1. The Ecuadoreans say the mountain people (like Quitenos) are cold and reserved, while the coastal people are warm and outgoing. Therefore, Guayaquil might be your better bet. Many, many years ago, Guayaquil had a porno theater that was a riotous orgy where queens were sucking off one straight guy after another sitting in a row. However, video killed the porno theater stars, and there is very little "scene" of any kind in Ecuador compared to the bigger countries. Guayaquil does not otherwise have much tourist attraction. Quito is a beautiful big city. They have cleaned up the streets so the old colonial area is now quite safe and sparkling. The zona rosa and modern city are to the north. The pollution is kind of bad, though, so you must get out of the city because the mountain region of Ecuador has some of the most beautiful landscapes I've seen in all my travels. Weather permitting, try to make it at least to the "avenue of the volcanoes," which is just an hour or so south of Quito.
  2. I feel ... so ... inadequate. I didn't achieve that even when I was 20. Does it get better with age?
  3. I'm trying to decide on my next fun jaunt. Sto Domingo is on the list. This MP gym sounds intriguing, but why is it being mentioned here? Just eye candy? Just a place to work out? Or has there been confirmed hookups from here or, even better, action right here?
  4. Are you telling me the two ancient Turkish baths where anything and everything went (with or without Romanian pro's) are no longer happening? They'd been going on since Communist days, when East Germans came to get their rocks off. I know Romanian guys get a lot of hate on this forum, but they can be fun for what they are, and one of the sweetest, handsomest guys I ever "made a business" with was a creamy-complexioned Romanian strolling down the bank of the Danube.
  5. By upscale, I mean he doesn't look like a starving homeless person or dangerous street trade. (Not there's anything wrong with that!) I mean he takes care of himself and can afford at least a gym membership and protein shakes. I saw a mention on another site that there are a couple chic straight mainstream discos that are welcoming to gay guys as well. That tends to be where the upscale gay-for-pay that I like show up.
  6. Are there any venues in Sto Domingo where you can check out and chat up available young men? I'm into very good looking, muscly types, but most importantly, I have to meet a guy in person first before knowing whether I want to hire him. Pictures rarely convey the full chemistry. There used to be a big disco (Club Aire?) where I met one of the hottest hires of my life. That's what I'm thinking of, though a bar, hotel, gym, beach, or any other casual social setting could also work.
  7. What a wonderful, enlightened, progressive law. I wish every teenager and social media idiot would know that, much as Facebook has induced them otherwise, no they do not have the right to violate the privacy of their "friends"(tm).
  8. There are 12,000 cases in China, a country of 1.5 billion, so less than 1/100,000 people. Brazil has about 2 cases, so about 1/100,000,000 people. If that's worrisome to you, by all means cancel your trip. It would save you from the vastly greater risk of physical crime, violence, drunken accidents, and stampedes during carnaval. But then you might have to cancel all trips outside of your house, because the US has over 6 cases, so much more likely you might catch it from one of those 6 people than from the infected in Brazil. I never know how to answer a question like this because there is no satisfactory answer for fear. If your question is about cancellation of the public festivities, surely there are other wonderful things to do and see in Brazil. Some of which, ahem, poses VASTLY greater risks of other infections, though perhaps not as untreatable.
  9. If that's the only reason you're going to SP then I increase my suggestion for you to add on another locale. Unless you can get into big crazy global cities just for their bigness and craziness, you might be hurting after a few days. But I'll share my SP nonsexual attractions later if you need tips on how to fill time there. Others here can too, I'm sure. Is there no United flight from west coast Canada to Houston? That, I find, is the best connection point. I've done the SP-Toronto connection a couple times. It's like taking 2 long international (for me) flights back to back. Argentines speak a distinct, and fast, form of Spanish, including slightly different conjugations. Brace yourself. I'm not Latin but I've been to many hispanophone countries and love picking out their linguistic particularities. I am a west coaster but that sleep schedule is just from getting old. lol. (And to exercise, also very west coasty.)
  10. With ridiculously low current fares on Level, it's almost worth it to pack an under-seat bag and head to BCN for an extended weekend. That would still be a better price and better, more reliable service than taking a chance with Rentmen in in the US.
  11. I really regret passing up Junior on my last trip to BCN. Chalk that up as one more instance where the dismal lighting was a detriment to the guys' business, not a boost. In the dark corridor, I was definitely drawn to his gigantic shoulders and charming personality, but it was't until we got to a better-lit place that I thought, Holy smokes, his face is much prettier than I thought. By then it was too late. I echo Young11's report on Gabriel. Stunning bod, almost scary dick, but not terribly warm. He looked familiar and after my trip, I found him (also under name Gabriel) in one of the porn clips I saved. Maybe in a first, he's actually taller, bigger, and more hung in real life. The Egyptian has been way pushy on multiple trips. It's the bazaari aggressive-sale mentality, if you've ever been to a tourist site in Egypt or the Middle East. He seems to be a very smart guy, and he obviously remembers me from one trip to the next. Maybe a nice guy, but my caution bells tell me "too clingy." As the old and slightly depressing quip goes: You pay an escort to LEAVE after the engagement. Marcio! 5-stars all around. Somewhat Hesitantly, I'll give the shout out for another Brazilian who has been an infatuation of mine since I first did him in SP years ago and thought he was one of the 5 most beautiful men in the universe. Perfect body (though ever more tattooed), face as pretty as a girl's but most definitely a boy (if you know the type). Sweet in the sack. He'll kiss, pound you in 3 positions, and then stay to cuddle with no side-eye at the watch. In this last trip, I found out he will bottom orally and anally too. His cocksucking (with condom) is outrageous! I had to make him stop, and I'm guessing he was trying to make me cum so that he wouldn't have to put out anally, which he was not as comfortable with. I'm also guessing that next time, should that so fortunately occur, he will have progressed as he's always done. One curious thing though: He gave me a different name each time, and he apparently doesn't remember me despite 3-4 engagements by now on 2 continents. I don't know whether that makes him too smart or too dumb (yes, there is such a thing as too dumb for sex, which would not be the case with this one) or just the sweet simple "just right." Sorry I can't identify him by name, since I think he just gives out random ones. There is another tall, tattooed, hot-bodied Brazilian there named Pablo, and that's not who I'm talking about but mine is kind of similar, a little shorter and a lot prettier. I've been kind of keeping him as my imaginary secret boyfriend, but now I want to find out if anybody knows anything more about him. If it's disillusioning, that might not be a bad thing
  12. What are the new hot spots? Palermo and its infinite sub-barrios? I'm toying with the idea of heading down later this year for the eclipse.
  13. @Anthonyvan - pardon me for assuming you are from "the States". I thought I actually saw that in the thread but no. Add my chime in that you could have a very nice, relaxed, easy-paced trip doing 4-5 days in SP and 4-5 days in BA. Two very different cities, cultures, and "scenes." While Sao Paulo does have its charms, it is not by any means considered a touristic town. I've found things to like about SP and always made a point to explore new neighborhoods or restaurants, but it's been my longstanding belief that the single greatest most mindblowing must-see-it-to-believe-it, won't find it anywhere else tourist attraction in SP was the old Lagoa. I can only say that to a small segment of people who ask about SP, so I'll say it here. But most people find SP to be a concrete jungle unless they scratch the surface real hard. BA is special to me because I've been there at some interesting, restless times in Argentine history (of which there is much). It is a place of many tales, many eye-opening impressions, and many very talkative people. The most memorable tales, impressions, and talkative-if-dubious people have usually occurred at about 3 a.m., somewhere near Avda. Santa Fe. I'm normally a bed at 10, up at 4:30 (!) kind of guy. Sleep dep hits my body real hard and tends to give me a cold after a few days. But I loved soaking up the nocturnal side of BA, as there's nothing like it anywhere I've traveled. Things I've seen around 3 a.m. on the streets: Entire family window-shopping with young child in hand and toddler in stroller, video game hall packed with teens, blue haired fur-decked ladies powdering their nose or having fainting spells or both, cartoneros driving horse-drawn carts, an angry gate-pounding demonstration. The famous (and overrated) cemetery has a massive bar and restaurant scene going all night right outside its walls. But it's been a while for me so maybe things have changed.
  14. @anthonyvan - what part of the States are you from? If from the W. Coast, just don't reset your internal clock. 10 pm W Coast time is 4 am South American party time, still a bit early, but you will have put in a respectable night by 4 am.
  15. Bogota and Cartagena are great. Medellin is pleasant but I did not find it that culturally interesting. Because so many Colombians have put in experience at the best restaurants in Europe, there are phenomenal Michelin-bait restaurants in Medellin and Bogota at half to 1/3 the price of a comparable meal in the U.S. There are many beautiful historical towns: Villa de Leyva (near Bogota), Santa Fe de Antioquia (near Medellin), Mompox (not near anything but so much atmosphere and history), more. And if you have the time, inclination, and tolerance of mosquitos, Ciudad Perdida is Colombia's answer to Machu Picchu and requires a 4 day hike into the jungle near Santa Marta.
  16. From my two trips almost 20 years apart: Cuba is rough travel but unforgettable experiences too many to recount. The food's not my favorite, but the music is awesome and everywhere. It seems every person on the island can play a musical instrument. On my first trip, all 3 guys I found eagerly ejaculated with no prompting or demand for cash bonus. On my second trip, the two guys I found (both of whom had kids!) rimmed with no prompting or demand for cash bonus. They are not a sexually-reserved people.
  17. Step away from the beaches or the saunas and Brazilians don't look any better or worse than anywhere else. You may have read that obesity has hit Brazil as hard as it's hit the U.S. and Europe. As with anywhere, the average-looking people are invisible to you! So you remember only the cocky god who steps onto the beach, takes off his office clothes, and just stands there for 15 minutes with his eyes closed - his daily minimum requirement of sun and/or being worshipped (which I certainly did and still remember).
  18. I think the string of neighborhoods from Botafogo to Gloria is much safer than Copacabana, which can be run-down (near the Palace hotel) or seedy (breast-implanted hookers on the beach). Most of all, Copa is where the tourists go so crimes of opportunity follow, especially on the beach and the waterfront avenue. For that reason, Ipanema is not that safe either. I've walked from Gloria to Flamengo. It is a lively stretch that gives you the sight, sounds, and rhythm of middle-class Carioca life.
  19. I remember this on free cabine night and did not like it. Not only did I have to wait, but the stunning blond surf-waif I wanted was also waiting in line - for another customer. That's crazy. The whole business would grind to a halt, wouldn't it? Which brings me to ask, what is the etiquette of asking a GdP to engage in a quickie in the bathroom or steam room or video room? I actually find semi-public sex rather thrilling and have done it at some saunas. But other times, it seems the boys do not want to do that. (Certainly the tanned, blond surfer didn't.) Do they get in trouble with the house because they're taking away room rental income? But on a free cabine night, it shouldn't matter, right?
  20. Hopefully, that means something has improved since I was in Salvador 8 years ago. It was the only time I had any issues in Brazil. That was from walking from Pelourinho to Planetario. Every street was different, turn a corner in Salvador and I would find myself in a completely different, much scarier place. Even my hotel in Pelourinho said things like, "walk to the left when you leave, not to the right." Does the new safety apply to most of the city or just certain parts? When I was there, Pelourinho was like an okay island surrounded by sharks. That little valley between the old town and Planetario was where I got mugged.
  21. Passing of an era. The old Lagoa occupied a bigger part of my life and psyche than I would have thought. How could I feel otherwise about a place where my most amazing sexual fantasies came true? where I had one guy after another whom I honestly thought, even in objective post-coital reflection, was the most fucking beautiful man in the world? where cocks bigger than any I've seen in porn and muscles more massive than any in competition were for the offering? Having always been grossed out by American and European dark and grotty bathhouses, I was bowled by Lagoa's bright, open airiness, where flawless men did not need the assistance of charitable lighting and you could soak up the thick pulse-racing sensuality in the air. While there were hustlers and operators, there was rarely a bad news guy, and more absolute sweethearts than I would have imagined who did not hesitate to stay on the bed to chat afterward. It was the most fucking wholesome place for debauchery in the world. I've been to other saunas in Brazil and I know there's a strong contingent of Rio fans, but for me, nothing was as pleasant or delivered so reliably on each and every visit as the original Lagoa on the street by that name.
  22. Has anyone visited the new lagoa on different days? does the weekly ebb and flow replicate the former venue? i.e., peak on Fri, Sat, and Wed.
  23. In the price list someone previously posted, "morbo" was in the lowest scale, less than "penetracion." I think in this context it would mean "fooling around" or "making out." Kink is usually a higher price than full service, no? Slang is very country-dependent, even when they ostensibly share the same language so while morbo means kink in Spain or elsewhere, it might have a different meaning in Colombia.
  24. Please post your plans so that I can apply for the training and recruitment position. Come to think of it, is there any training or recruitment in the current houses? Does a guy just show up and if he's awful he won't make any money and won't come back, kind of like natural selection? Seems like a waste of potential. There have been some awfully gorgeous guys who just needed some hints and practice. There have been good guys who could be great. And there have been guys I would have jumped at had their sales tactics not been so awful and downright obnoxious. I promise to be a very patient but firm trainer.
  25. Thanks. This helps a lot. During the posted hours, the guys are there on premises? I thought it meant the times they could be available if you arranged for them first. Again, I want to check them out without being committed first or bothering them to come without my commitment. The set up sounds a little like the house with boys I went to ages ago in Buenos Aires. It was a so-so experience, but I'm sure the customer service would be better under Brazilian talent and management.
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