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Everything posted by davet

  1. There's been more recent info about garoto rates, but they seem to have held steady over the past several years. Start at 100, don't go more than 150, and leave room to give them a little extra for good service. Have fun. Be safe, be alert, be kind!
  2. Curitiba has been called the Minneapolis of Brazil: Clean, orderly, pleasant, a little boring. There are gorgeous young men and women with a stew of German, Polish, Ukrainian, Iberian, and Latin heritage (model scouts allegedly dig through the back-country here) but the best guys go to SP and Rio to work. Too uptight to ply their trade at home. I'm glad I went, but adjust your expectations. Florianopolis is nice if you can find some undeveloped stretch of beach. When I was there 20 years ago, they were building like crazy. PA I'm kind of meh on. Sao Luiz and Lencois - big thumbs up! A different history (French and Dutch) up there. I saw Brazilians from other parts gasping at foods that they'd never seen before ("farofa de caranguejo!"). The town across the waters from Sao Luiz is like an 18th century time capsule. My faves are two colonial cities of Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto and Diamantina. Even the names are beautiful.
  3. Here he is at the new club, with his full name, the professional one at least: It does sound like a Japanese surname. More pics from internet: I'm still a little hung up on another buff, BIG-DICKED Brazilian nisei I tumbled with a few years ago so pardon my little obsession here.
  4. Still no reports?
  5. Very interesting. I've sometimes recognized guys from 3-4 years before, but not often. I suspect that, by that point in their career, they infrequently drop in as opposed to being a regular. Overexposure is a factor. I had a guy who started out going to Lagoa every day and pulling multiple clients. That rate was already dropping precipitously, and when I saw him the next year, he was already an irregular. There's a constant flow of fresh meat competition. I myself tend to prefer shiny new things. I don't know if even the best guys can keep turning 3-4 clients 2-3 times a week for long. Oh, and it's rarely the gods whom I see after 3-4 years. Those seem to disappear. When I asked one of my well-hung faves about doing a 3-way with another, monster-hung jock (Reynaldo, I'm sure some know who I mean) I was told he had been taken private by a client. The long timers seem past their expiration dates to me, but maybe they have skills behind closed doors that are not apparent. Now as for Termas in Barcelona, sheesh, some of those guys have been there for ages. Some live right in the sauna.
  6. Rio's party districts are Lapa, where there is (or used to be pre-covid) massive weekend street parties, and Copacabana, where there are enough hookers and breast implants to keep you from seeing your straight friends for days. Lapa is for the hard-core partier; watch your surroundings, stay mostly sober, and you could have a lot of fun. The one time I went, I ran into a boy I just did at 117. He had a hot friend with him. I regrettably didn't know at the time that multiple love hotels were in the vicinity. Copacabana is mid-market and sliding. Ipanema has more upscale everything, plus a gay beach. As I understand it, the straight commercial sex sauna scene is 10 times bigger than the gay one. I've never had the need to find one, but I assume there spread all over town. "Sauna Mixta," I was told, meant a bordello. "Sauna Masculina" means men only, not necessarily gay, but definitely not a bordello. I'm not sure what you mean by gateway city. There will be far more flights from Rio to Iguacu than from the other cities, which will probably connect you inefficiently through Rio or Sao Paulo anyway. If you think Iguacu is a buzz-in, buzz-out day trip, I would dissuade you from that. You need preferably two days to arrive at Iguacu and see both sides of the falls. My dream is to one day stay at the Belmond hotel that's right inside the national park.
  7. Does "paid instantly" mean it goes into the cop's pocket? And that's if the guy is a cop at all, as I would have trouble telling a fake badge from a real one.
  8. I was last there during the war so no gay activity that I could tell. But Bosnian men are gorgeous and friendly. Think blond Slavs with the outgoing friendliness of Muslim cultures. If you're going to Croatia (think blond Slavs with a tan), check out the nudist beaches (more like rocks). Observe the decorum of serious nudists, but we know there's always something gay going on at the edges!
  9. Thanks for the info. I would think that in a locale like this, some of the staff must be amenable, but who knows. I had my eye on a few non-garoto guys at Brazilian saunas and never got any return vibe. How about resorts in other areas, like Samara? Or more outdoors and eco type resorts?
  10. That sounds intriguing too, but I'd want to be fairly certain on who will be there. As the old saying goes, you pay an escort to leave (or let you leave). Do you have more info on this weekend estancia?
  11. I looked on the map and this is WAY out there, but something I'd be curious to check out. Hopefully its busy time on Sunday is in the afternoon, as I would not know how to get back to my tourist hotel later at night. Is this a particularly rough neighborhood? What kind of garotos are here?
  12. Did Manny send the guy over after you selected from pictures, or did you go to an apartment party where the guys are there to examine?
  13. That's hot. My dream would be to have a real, serious training session, take a shower with the trainer, put in a few discreet semi-public gropes, then take him to the hotel.
  14. that would be a good update to have. Have you seen Kaique in the last 3-4 years?
  15. The one place in Brazil where I got mugged (about 10 years ago). Be VERY careful in the quaint colonial area. The safety changes block by block.
  16. What are your favorites?
  17. I know the Egyptian guy and yes, he has the bazaari pushiness that's hard to get rid of. But others have reported good experiences with him. He's just not my type. I'm wondering how the E. European and S. Americans at Termas have weathered the past 18 months. Are they still in Spain or have they been forced to return home?
  18. Thanks for the share. I'm often too inhibited and scared - even in the saunas, sometimes. Have you done this in the US or is this for other countries? I assume the luxury gyms like Equinox would have the hottest trainers, but I'd think they'd be too corporate and uptight. But I agree: Here's to not wasting time.
  19. Thank you for the find. I didn't recognize him before because he seems to have gone for the rough, manly look whereas when I saw him he was 100% pretty boy. Now I just have to avoid the obsession disappointment syndrome. (I once had a really disappointing session at Lagoa, only later to recognize the garoto as the one whose online pics I had obsessed over.)
  20. The chair lifts up the mountainside make for an incredible touristic and cultural experience at the price of bus ride. Go all the way to the top and you can enjoy a nature preserve with orchids, etc.
  21. By random coincidence (or message from the universe), I think I located my Asian-Brazilian beauty: https://md-massagem.com.br/#team/kaique He has roughened up his look with facial hair but I still recognize the beauty in the bone structure! Since he's been found and apparently offering services, why am I not on a plane to Brazil right now?
  22. The prices are above those in the sauna, but if you get one full hour and you can get a REAL massage along with real sex, it's worth it. Yes, I'd be poorer too!
  23. Did you "pop the question" after a long, trust-building relationship with the trainer, or did you spot a likely-amenable candidate in a new gym/new city and get right down to business? How did you broach the topic, as I think lingering glances and batted eyelashes no longer work nowdays. I go to one of those fashionable urban gyms where the clientele is half gay (and the straight half is even more vain) and the trainers are gorgeous. I've never had the guts or even known where to start.
  24. That's great news. I hope one day to make the trek to find the location.
  25. Marcio is hit or miss but he is undoubtedly a hot looking guy, the perfect white/Italian Brazilian hunk. I wonder what the pandemic did to the Brazilians and other migrants living Spain. Were they forced to go home? If any of them overstayed visas, they would not have been eligible for any aid.
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