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Everything posted by travguy

  1. travguy

    Over 65s

    You might consider if you are a coroa, if I have the word correct. Older, maybe furry guy. Not sure if we would call it a bear. Some younger guys are into coroas. I have met a very small number of younger gay guys that are ok with older, but mostly to hang out with. FWIW I am not a bear. If you speak some PT you have some chance of meeting such younger guys. Will not be easy though. Best of luck.
  2. Xclay rules!! On this and on the prior trip, I have had some GPs say no to various offers and counter offers. That stated, I agree that the way an offer is made likely makes a very big difference. I also was trying for what I consider the hottest guys, surfer / body builder guys, that kiss nicely, bottom etc. Therefore, I was willing to pay more vs the regular GPs - that in many cases are also pretty hot. Biggest issues I had were bottoms not being able to be receptive and GPs trying to back out of agreed program while in the room. I reminded the GPs about the agreement or face a steep change in price. Most would grudgingly agree but played nicely none the less. At Bangu, 100- worked and I did not haggle for less. No ideas what local regular punters were paying. At 117 200- was usually fine but without the GP cuming. They wanted almost double for that (before 2100 hours ish). Maybe later at the end of their night it might not be the case, but I did not want to stay until 2300 hours or so. Also note that quite a few GPs leave before the 9pm ish shows at 117 and 202. This includes many of the ones I consider to be very hot looking. I also did not hit 117, 202, MM every night as I was having quite a blast (or was that a squirt, LOL) earlier in the day fairly often at Sexy Rose close by Cinelandia M stop. Also went to Bangu 3 times on Sundays. I wish such places existed back home. If you have not been to Brazil in a few years, the prices for everything are much higher. As stated before, no idea how most folks cope with the prices. But coming from a G7 type country even these higher prices are quite affordable for us. Average Brazilians can also be incredibly nice.
  3. Rio Update as of 1 Jan 2025 Left Rio on the 1st but wanted to update my doings since Xmas. -Sexy Rose I am talking about is close to the Cinelandia M and the CMRJ, Rio City Hall ?Annex?. Wednesday, 25 Dec. A nice beach day. I made no attempt to do 202 and I think 117 was closed. Not sure about Meio Mundo. Thursday, 26 Dec. Brazil has Boxing Day, just like the Commonwealth Countries. Therefore, many things are closed today. Had many things to catch up on so a late start for sex. Sexy Rose (after 4pm) and 117 were both slow today. Friday, 27 Dec. As I am leaving at 1700 hours or so, it starts pouring rain, very hard for at least 20 minutes in Copa. So plans for Cinelandia concert were washed out. 117 was busy from 1930 hours. Saturday, 28 Dec. Met a friend in Niteroi and spent the night together. So did not do the party near The Home in Gavea near Pres Vargas. Sunday, 29 Dec. Went to Sao Bento Monastery near Rio Branco and Pres Vargas in Centro. Stayed from 1000-1100 hours. It was packed and I stood in the heat and humidity dripping in sweat for the hour there. The Gregorian chanting was quite nice but different than recordings I had heard in the past. Then went to Museum Amanha – the very modern looking museum nearby at the water. Please note that those over 60 get in free but you need ID like a passport copy to prove age. Do not wait in the ticket machine queue. Instead go to the special services desk in the middle of the entry area. The person there will process your free entry. Stayed for over an hour. Had a nice lunch and then to Sexy Rose from 1400-1530 hours. Actually fell asleep on a couch after sex for 30 minutes. LOL. Walked to Gloria, but like last week, there was no band playing. But normal big market was closing up. Took an Uber to Bangu Boite Casa Grande. As before, took several tries before someone showed up. Then he got lost, really lost, really really lost in Bangu. Asked a guy in front of a fundamentalist church (of which there are many in Bangu) where the club was and got good directions. Interesting that the church guy knew the location of the gay sauna, perhaps only by its address. Had 3 guys, mostly oral. No issues with Uber on return. Monday, 30 Dec. Busy day doing things other than sex. Sexy Rose was not as good for me as prior visits. LOL. Did not do MM, 117, or 202. Tuesday, 31 Dec. Big beach day and police were checking bags when near the beach in Copa. Two enormous stages being set up with final sound and light show checks late afternoon near Copa Palace Hotel (aka where the Rolling Stones stayed before their concert at the beach in Copa years ago). Beach was packed !!! Left and came back later for the stage shows, people watching, fireworks, etc. I had a great time with maybe 1 million of my new best friends. Where I was the crowd was fine and saw no problems. Many dressed in white, but did not see many flower offerings at the beach this year. Nine barges of fireworks over 12 minutes across maybe10 km. Gigantic show. Partly obscured due relative lack of wind. I had to leave early due to my flights for later in the morning. Glad I changed my airline reservations on the 30th. The week between Xmas and 1 Jan was predicted to be rainy but turned to be ok to great except for Friday night. I had a terrible time finding a place to stay for 31 Dec – 1 Jan but lucked out in a place 30 min walk from M Siquiera Campos. Airbnb was located in Humaita. Host was wonderful. Otherwise, I might have had to stay in a hostel or love hotel (all by myself mind you) and deal with M or a bus back and forth for NYE night. The walk for me was easy and safe as so many people were doing it. Seemed like many French and Germans were staying in Humaita. Flights on 1 Jan were ok and changing airports via airport bus in Sao Paulo was very fast due to lack of traffic. Thanking the several forum members I texted with and met during this trip. They were all great and helpful. Wishing everyone a great 2025 !!
  4. Kvaughn: You can check out my 2 recent postings. If you are into small skinny black / mixed guys with multiple tattoos and maybe some heavy drug use in the past you will be very happy. I see no reason not to go. Not really any white twinks per se. Quite safe to travel by Uber. Just don't expect too much ahead of time and you better speak conversational level PT or have a good translator on your phone. The GPs seem quite social able with the local punters. Of course, the usual hand signals per top / bottom /oral / anal, etc should work just fine.
  5. Update, Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, 2024: Happy Holidays to all Past weekend was partly sunny, partly horny, partly cloudy, some drizzle (weather and penile, LOL). Saturday night / Sunday am: Arrive 230am at The Week. The Home is the new name. Barriers but no one in line. Then they ask for ID – which I did not bring. LOL. R, vs 0016 0419 hrs. Thumb printed me mult times upon enter and once at exit. Finally gave a long number in place of ID as even my ID app did not work due to lack of wifi. Had to give birthdate ? Country?. Then get a drink card which likely links to ID. Search of small bag – had cell phone in it. I was patted down on entry and on exit. Had to turn cell phone on and put code in to prove it was mine at exit (due to many thefts I guess). Also used metal wand at entry and exit. Almost no one in line when I entered. Likely should have entered earlier – but when? 0100 hours? Maybe crowd was less due to Holiday party weekend? Change of DJs and show was at 0300 hours. Maybe 10 minutes long. There was another DJ and dance area on 3rd floor near balconied area. Second floor balcony was for VIP wrist banded folks only? VIP was extra 60 R$ when they wanted my ID. Pay all bills at exit only. Wanted me to pay cash at exit even though they had handheld CC machine. LOL. I insisted on CC payment and receipt. Had fun. Sort of like big clubs like Heaven or Limelight? In London or large NY or SF gay clubs 15-20 years ago. Lots of steroid and surfer type build guys (20-70 yo). Some hot looking twinks (no fat and in shape minimal muscle; 20-25 yo). Not much sweating as the AC worked well. But the shirts were mostly off. Moderate number of young women, maybe straight. Did not see any drug use and not much water or anything else on the dance floor. Some older bears simply could not stop rubbing against me or invading others’ spaces. These were the only rude folks. No sex on the dance floor beyond grabbing and deep French kissing; mostly 20-40 yo extremely attractive guys. As the semi clean bathrooms had floor to ceiling dividers in the stalls, you could frolic in these if desired. Yeah, impossible for the WC to be really clean. Crowd on the balconies was thinning by 0330 or so. I left after 0400 hours. Music was a bit too loud, but not painful. Did not see any ear plugs, but would have helped. My guess is that the loudness was mostly from the bass. Spot light show was reasonable and no lasers in my eyes. Would be fun with friends, but tough to hook up as an older guy alone. Given how wiped out I was on Sunday after an all nighter Saturday night / Sunday am, probably will not do this again alone. Part of the issue Sunday was someone banging away doing construction work next to my bnb apartment Sunday – so I could not sleep after 0900 or so. After Home, I walked to Pres Vargas and a bit beyond on ave Rio Blanco, got lucky and waved down a bus which was going all the way to Ipanema close to my bnb via Copa around 0430 hours. Used Rio Mais card for fare, but driver could take cash and make change as well. Almost nothing was open in Ipanema when I arrived. They were starting set up for Hippie Market. On the bus, passed a newer? Gay club, Pink Flamingo, near where Copa and Ipanema meet. There was a small cue to get in around 0500. Got cleaned up and slept. Never woke up at 0800 to make Sao Bento Monastery back in centro (which I almost passed walking from Home) for 10am Gregorian Chant service. There was no band today at Gloria on Sunday, just the market which was closing down at 1600 hours, likely 30-60 min earlier. Took 3 tries to get an Uber to Bangu from Vila Rica. They even tried to hit me with a cancellation fee of 5.25 R$ even though 2 drivers never showed !! 430-530 pm Uber to Bangu Boate Casa Grande. No luck at all. The few GPs I liked just walked right past me. Not that they were hot vs bearch, 117 or 202 guys-not. Offered me a free raffle ticket but I left before raffle was drawn. It rained heavily just before I arrived, but rain stopped within an hour or so. It mostly seemed more like an office holiday party where the boys were getting some beers from their usual punters and some would head down or up the stairs for sex. Some GPs were more interested in drinking and hanging out than providing services. Oh well. Seemed like a few GPs were doing groups of local punters at a time. One better looking light skinned black GP seemed to have a new customer every 30 minutes or so ! So I assume he was a top. Even the tatooed twinkier scally lads had big tools. Left around 2000 hours after hanging out for 3 hours. Min rain on return to Rio via uber. Back in Ipa at 2100. By now I was tired and too wiped out to even try 117 or 202 at 9pm – due to The Home all nighter. Ubers were about 75-100 R$ each way. Attendant at Boate Casa Grande helped to make sure Uber driver picked up at the club. Unlike 2 weeks ago, there were many cars parked outside, and the music was blasting out into the street - seemed like a commercial area. Saturday and Monday (23 Dec) I went to Cine Iris, rua Carioca 49. Too hot inside on Saturday around 1430 hours and Monday was cooler inside. Had some trannies both days. No other obvious pay for play guys of interest. Got 1 good BJ. Then went to Sexy Rose to follow on Monday and had a blast. Stayed from 1530-2000 !! I guess I won the ho' award on Monday Dec 23rd. I don't think my dick had been serviced by so many mouths and holes in eons. I wore the linoleum down beating a path to the washroom to clean up after each episode. I still humble myself before our legendary sexer (TomCal I think. Apologies if incorrect). On Tuesday 24 December, 117 was closed. At Fazendola for lunch there was a Super-hot guy eating near me, but I could not get his picture. So, I am including a pic of an older regular guy of similar type found on a hook up website today. If this violates anything, as his face is visible, my apologies and please remove. Lots of guys like this and younger at the beach and were found often enough at 117 / 202 pre COVID. As others have noted, maybe they are on OnlyFans now. Went to the beach due to an unexpectedly non rainy day. Partly sunny am. Dark nasty clouds over far Leblon and the Sheraton, Dois Irmao peaks etc to the west, but mid Ipa Gay Rookerie was only partly cloudy, but not too busy. Despite a base coat, I still got a bit pink - red. Met a young stud Russian guy who spoke good English and might have been the item for an older quite overweight guy, that I did not hear speak. Possibly an oligarch or other older Russian guy that one simply does not mess with unless you are into "small pieces" as Joe Pesci said. Got to Sexy Rose around 1500 hours and a great first 15 minutes or so of great action. But then the place, which was already dead on Xmas eve, went a bit a bit quiet. But multiple folks were still trying to get off and there were some decent group scenes as well. On patron even brought his luggage which was held at the front desk ! Cinelandia was mostly closed up when I left around 1645 hours. The lights went on at S R and they were cleaning the floors, as if that is even possible before closing at 1700. Drizzling so I took the subway back to Ipanema. Many places were closed or closing there too. At least the supermarkets were still semi open to buy food until they started wrapping up for xmas eve at 1800 hours. Could not figure out where to go for a nice drink. Xmas day looks like a beach day. Unlike the forecast of thunderstorms, rain and drizzle all week into NYE, it is sunny today. 117 is closed. Not sure if 202 or Meio Mundo is open. Checking on my flight back I was greatly surprised to find some flights for only about $200-300 USD more than the usual lower fares for 1 Jan 2025 evening departures to the US. Seat maps showed many unclaimed seats as well. Not sure if related to the AA meltdown on 24 December that is apparently fixed now. However, finding a last-minute nice place for NYE would be very expensive. They were beds available in youth hostels that are likely just fine. Without a main squeeze or some buds to hang with here for NYE, decided not to change plans and leave before the 31st.
  6. Buttercawan is Jedi Master ! How did you know about the name change to Home? I am in ipanema near G Osorio, p m me re Home tonight or Bangu Sunday if you can. Thx walked past the address for the week which is 137 and home is 135 and there does seem to a club in there at 135 and 137. Security guard at 135. Seems to be same space from the outside doors. Home has an instagram website that is up to date and includes a flyer for tonight. So big (but not high) hopes for tonight. I am no longer a 24 yo gym bunny. Iris was a bust on Saturday afternoon. Mostly 3-4 trannies looking for ? Pay for play? I had been there before when it had some action. At sexy rose now and having the chrome on my tool polished. Lol. Not tons of folks but folks who like to service
  7. Babybear2: excellent comment. But I paid the other guy at 117 without leche 200. I think it was with leche for same price a year or so ago. He wanted almost double for leche and I said no thank you. The highly paid guy would have been a top paid GP in prior years as well and he was close to my ideal guy and did bottom, good kisser, oral, leche and all. Just no massage. Lol. So for me this ideal guy was worth the high price one time - but also invited to the Frequent Cummers Club with discount 😯. In prior years some of the tall hot muscular mostly black GPs also quoted double the other GPSs for everything. So if 200 ish is the new going rate for them to bottom without leche, welcome to the new world. Glad to hear the comments of others as I certainly do not want want to set a bad example for paying gouged prices. Please also note I do speak some PT and for what it’s worth I am in reasonable shape for age - yeah and viagra plus alcohol helps us all. Lol Thx again babybear2 👍
  8. Update Saturday 12/21/24 1300 in Rio Thanks folks for the various comments and currency graph. I have been quoted 350-400 R$ from multiple GPs if they bottom and also provide leche. 100 R$ at Bangu Sauna, Boate Casa Grande - but the GPs in Rio were what I consider more muscle jock or surfer types, pretty darn hot in my humble opinion, vs Bangu GPs who were simply young guy next door types - and mostly fairly thin and looked a bit sketchy overall. Almost all were black or mulatto and quite friendly for the most part - I would not have paid much more for the PT only speaking Bangu guys. So, in brief, I think I was looking for top priced talent at 117, 202, and N Meio Mundo (300 R$ - but sex was almost impossible due to romp room being an oven). On Friday afternoon, the clouds started rolling in at Ipanema. Did a bit of shopping and by 1630 it was a downpour for about 30 minutes. Rest of the night was on and off drizzle, rain, with patches of no rain. Just a crappy night, so I did not go out. There was supposed to be a good Friday night club on T de Melo, 31. (Friday possibly being the only gay night) But due to the rain, I think most folks stayed in. Likely explains lack of activity at 202. Saturday am has been dark cloudy but now patches of sun can be seen offshore to Ipanema's beach. May head to centro for play as more rain is predicted. Might do the trip to Bangu again if Sunday proves rainy as predicted. If others are in Rio, feel free to contact me and share a cab / Uber. Thinking about going to The Week, r Sacadura Cabral 137, if it is still going on Sat night. However, I cannot find any current information about it. There is one in S P as well. Might try to walk past the location as it seems walkable from Pred Vargas and the M Rio subway stop. Could also consider Taurus at rua da Lapa, 8, again late Sat night if the Cines (Cine Iris, r de Carioca 49 Cine Rex r Alvaro Alvim ?33) and Sexy Rose (r Alvaro Alvin ?33) are bad this afternoon.
  9. Update Friday 12/20/24 noon in Rio Thanks folks for the various comments. I will leave out some of the typical tourist stuff. Tuesday: Went to the beach around the Aproador area, climbed the rocks and found the muscle gym at the beach near the rocks - sort of like the Flintstones as the benches and weights all seemed to be reinforced concrete. Guys were pretty hot - literally and figuratively as there was no shade there. Not sure how they secure the weights at night. And then another free cabin Tuesday night at 117. The visual smorgasbord was great, though not quite like last week. All depends on what type of guy you are looking for. I was looking for a muscle god with very little fat and a 6 pack. Or even a skinny twink with a nice face and dick. I lusted after Marcel from Sao Paulo. Great kisser. It was a hot session; AC barely was on. Room was a bit warm. LOL. He was hot. This was a 33 yo guy that reminded me of one of the hotter guys in high school years ago. Folks, here cums the bad news: yeah, I paid too much, or did I? Chinese guy from Helsinki made the intro for me as he knew him but did not hire him while he was in Sao Paulo. Another younger guy punter from Rio that I sometimes hang with knew him from a few years ago. Thought he was from Belo Horiz. Guy from Rio also remembered when we balked at me having sex with another super-hot guy for 200 R$ last trip this past spring - because he would not bottom, only oral. The GP from Saturday night remembered me from prior trip. 200R$ to bottom plus oral, kissing, etc, but almost double if he would cum. Inflation, I guess. Marcel offered me a discount for another round of sex ? different day? "Frequent Cummer Club" (gives new meaning to the FCC - regulates broadcasting in the US) …. How about a business class upgrade or a free night at a hotel. Green Stamps maybe? Why did I pay his high asking price? Escorts on Grindr wanted 400 R$ for everything including both of us having happy endings. I tried bargaining with several GPs over several nights at 117, 202, and Meio Mundo. Most would barely drop the asked for rate. So maybe they knew they would get their price from another punter. The guys I talked to and mostly in PT or FR with some EN were hot to my tastes. Or maybe because I am a top. Regardless, I needed the Priceline negotiator, and it wasn't happening, and I did not want to lose this guy. So, I paid and we played. I was at 117 from 1820 to almost 2100 hours. Did not see anyone I thought might be from the Forum or foreigners I recognized from other nights. Wednesday: Spent the day in Niteroi and went to an early evening samba school art exhibit opening at MAC, the museum that looks like a flying saucer, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Yes, as before, the museum has tons of unused space and almost more employees than visitors. Great fun and they had food and drinks for the exhibit opening party. Interesting to mix water, some type of orange juice, very cheap champers, and beer with potato and other hors d'oeuvres and possibly the best guacamole I have had in a long time. If you are shopping for "stuff" or meds, price things out in Rio first, price it out in Niteroi to follow, and you will likely buy in Niteroi, as many prices are much lower here. Caution: a few prices are higher across the bay. Meds (need to check many places) and food can be 1/2 price vs Rio. Got back late via the ferry, so no boys today. I heard there is a sauna in Niteroi but did not check it out or even look it up....LOL. Thursday: Another beach day in the Rookery. While there, I really did not connect with anyone. But then I saw a vision of heaven Imagine Venus de Milo, Ursula Andress (Dr No Bond movie beach scene) gay equivalent coming out of the surf at the gay rookery as I was going in. I took some pics later on. I hope they are ok to post. If not, I understand moderator deletion. Not sure where he was hanging out but was frolicking in the surf with another young friend as I left the beach. Definitely had to get off after seeing him. Yup, Sexy Rose again. from 1730-1900 hours. It was busy, but not like Monday. Places to eat nearby in Cinelandia like Amarelinho da Cinelândia and Chapolin next door - where I ate were packed and had tables up set outside beyond too. Saw many gay couples hand in hand walking around Ipanema when I got back. Friday morning has been sunny then cloudy, back and forth. Might not rain today, though rain is predicted on and off for the next week. Might hit the Fort near copa and aproador. Thinking about going to The Week, if it is still going on Sat night.
  10. Update Monday 12/16/24 pm: Folks, likely best to leave politics off the forum. But somebody had to start in on it. So, I will try to finish it. "Damn Biden" was posted. He neither controls coffee prices (bad harvest due to bad weather conditions in the growing areas I was told) nor inflation. Question: who supports LGBQTI+ civil rights: much of Europe, Canada, Brazil (Lula), and the US Democrats. Push back against Trans and abortion rights: Republicans. Easy Breezy to figure out. Outside the US, many folks are aghast by the US election results. Here in Brazil Bolsonaro (boasting he was the Brazilian Trump) was elected some years ago when Lula was banned from running for office due to alleged or true crimes in office. But he was not re-elected. South Korea, Britain, France, and Germany all have major political issues now. Japan isn't exactly stable politically. Thailand has a King that you cannot sort of disagree with publicly. Canada is right behind in political instability, but quietly. Is anyone on the Forum from a stable place? The world has become a crazy place. As for the tips, as a customer in a restaurant, sort of hard to sort this out at the last minute especially after drinks. Yes, perhaps best if the restaurant added the 10% as most do. Should we ask the restaurant to add the tip to the cc bill? What if they don't or what if we cannot ask that in a language foreign to us. Is it poor form to say "charge it" or leave no tip at all. In the US and Canada, managers are expected to pay out tips in cash to the employees each night. So they eat the ? 6% cc fee. I assume they have enough cash paying customers to cover this. Cultural stuff is difficult to sort through even when sober. I certainly do not have a magic solution. Saturday, the only gay thing I did was pay a visit to 117. Locker 007, but was Bond gay? Busy enough, but not like a week before at Junior's Bday party at 202 or Tuesday night at 117. I think drink prices must be pretty high as I got some for the GPs I hung and did stuff with. DId not stay out late Saturday night after the Friday all nighter. Not 18 anymore. LOL Sunday started icky from what must have been some decent amount of rain overnight or very early morning. But by noon was nice. Had lunch which came with 2 shots of some unknown firewater. Thankfully, my belly had food in it to withstand the D Day landing the shots tried to do on my stomach. Hippie Fair in Ipanema was quiet vs last week. I walked the beach, but it was not that crowded. Water was freezing cold. So, I assume there was a big storm overnight. Far fewer hotties at the beach vs prior weekend. Lots of out gay couples. I was a bit pink, so I stayed less than an hour. I saw a young kid missing a leg. So sad. Reminds me of how lucky we are. Went to Sexy Rose from around 1630-1800+ hours. My luck there continued. Then walked to Gloria, Caipirinhas were as cheap as 12 R$ for 770 ml - which would last me a week, a month, a year.... though most seemed be around 20 R$ for 400-500 ml, stopping by Beto do Rato and the end of the Gloria Sunday market. Caught 2 music groups by the M Rio station. One group was doing samba type ballads. Multigenerational groups were singing along. Never heard any of these before. Lots of young folks trying to get laid. About 500 plus folks in this area. The usual suspects...... The second group, a Banda, had a larger pick up brass band and drum circle combo. Technically they were good. These folks included many gender fluid individuals. But only around 50 or so folks hanging out. Saw a few gays tonguing and grabbing ass in front of their straight friends. But I have never seen so many of our lesbian sisters going at it before. Seems to me like they often are not into public displays of affection. Maybe the CIA was dropping some acid in Gloria via drones onto folks...LOL. Stayed in Gloria until around 1930 hours, and it was still pretty busy with music and crowds. Mind you, all of this was free and not even a tip jar for the Banda. Lots of gay couples out in Ipanema Sunday night as I strolled back to my place. Monday became pretty hot in the afternoon. Did tourist things of old Portuguese influence: the library near M Urugaiana. 350K books, many shipped from Portugal in the late 1800s. Lovely place - but mosquitos ate me alive here. I was also soaked in sweat from the heat and humidity - yeah, a real dream date. Sao Bento Monastery, also lovely, but no Gregorian chanting when I went. Sundays at 1000 hours I think. Went to some more old churches as well. I did not understand the opera house style 2nd story balcony like areas in the churches here in Rio. Maybe the rich and powerful attended services in them. Did a bit more shopping in centro. Then it poured rain, but ended in about 15 minutes and was much cooler. Some street flooding quickly dissipated. Went to Sexy Rose from around 1630-1815 hours. Yup, more loose bottoms. But it only takes one tight bottom...LOL. Yes, more fun, so no Novo Meio Mundo or 202/117 tonight. Still no luck via the apps. Lots of friendly chat but no meet ups yet. These guys are 25-45 y.o. and not GPs. Not sure what the attraction to me is. I watched some folks try to resolve some business issues while stuck in the rain. I do not know the context, but it seemed the Brazilian business guy had an unhappy customer / group. I thought compromise from both parties would solve the issue, but the Brazilian guy simply wanted to return the money to the customer / group in cash and offered apologies over circumstances he could not control. Perhaps he wanted business from these folks in the future. Brazilians can be very kind and generous in both big and small ways. Let the kindness show through.
  11. Update Saturday 14 Dec 24: Friday I was busy doing other things so no trips to centro or 117. Friday night I went out late. Walked to Beto de Rato area for music, from M Gloria, but too packed as were the nearby alleys. Saw some 117 GPs drinking at Vila Rica - must have had a good and late night! Then to Taurus around 2345 hrs wait a bit and walk past it to Arcos de Lapa and walk back – near Selina. 40 R$ entry + 5 for locker 0010 hrs ish. People leaving as I arrived. Put stuff in locker except for undies or jock strap. Downstairs is a bar, lockers, and smoking room. Second floor has play spaces, but mostly a 3 x 9 meter or so darkish room. It is not a big place overall. The “show” around 2-0230 hours was simply ?2 gogos having sex with a few customers. But it encouraged others to have sex on and around a 3 x 5 meter big plastic play “mattress”. Almost all of the sex at Taurus is open or semi public as there are only a few private cabins. One sling. Most customers were 40s-60s. A few around 30. Mostly average type folks you might see in a gay bar. Perhaps 1/3 black. Most bottoms were very loose – so not much fun for a top looking for a tight bottom. Lots of oral. Condoms were used by some, though I could never figure out where folks found them. Best to bring your own. I think bottoms brought their own supply of lube. Number of customers varied, but around 30+ would be my guess between MN and around 0300 hours, when I left. No real issues with folks not taking no for an answer. And lots of group sex. But all things considered, I actually had a better time getting off when I get lucky at Sexy Rose. Mind you, I this was my only visit to Taurus and it might be different on different nights, etc. Taurus is bigger than Seven Cruising - but I went to 7 in the afternoon. After Taurus, I walked into Lapa and to the few gay bars in Lapa on r Mem de Sa. But I did not go in, they did not seem busy from the street and unlike in the past the 2nd floor windows were shut and I could not hear the music blaring out or judge the crowd from the street. The rest of the Lapa area was packed to the gills. Mostly folks in their 20s to young 30s partying, drinking, or trying to get laid. Lots of cute young couples. Cab back to Ipanema was easy to find, 60R$ though driver did get lost between Copa and Ipanema. LOL. Saturday is a bit to cloudy for the beach, but at least not raining so far. Late start as I went to bed at 5am. Not much luck via GPs on Grindr, Scruff or GCL website. Maybe I am too timid, but indicated escorts are ok. Maybe the folks were really just tops. While shopping, some items were less expensive. Perhaps the Chinese are discounting in order to move products. As for restaurant bills, I am accustomed to seeing a 10% service fee added. I do check the bills, at least to be in the ballpark of the expected amount. One trip to Prague (years ago had a reputation for rip offs; not sure about now) cures you of not looking at the bill. The food prices are higher than in the past. I think coffee at the supermarket has doubled in price in the past year for the 1/2 kg vacuum packed bricks. Restaurant prices are up too. The squeeze on middle class Brazilians must be terrible.
  12. Latbear4blk: I am in your debt for pointing out my unseen cultural / business insensitivity. I did leave the asked for tip in cash.
  13. Update, Friday the 13th of December 2024 am. Thursday and today are nice days so far. None of the predicted rain and just a few spotty patches of drizzle yesterday. It is forecast to rain Sat, Mon and next Tuesday. Changed apts and new place is nicer to look at, but bedroom AC does not work and other more minor issues. Went to the cinema by Sext Rose at 1300 hrs (26 R$). From prior trips, I knew it gets a mostly older clientele, but when it does get hot with even a few younger folks (20s-40s and 1-2 pay for play - around 40 R$ in the past though none today), it can be very hot, even better than S R, though as hot as 117 or 202. Left for S R at 1345 as nothing was going on that I was interested in. At S R, 1 or 2 doors away, after messing about with a few guys I was finally very happy in less than 30 minutes. Stayed to play more until 1500 hours. Seemed to be a different group of guys than Tuesday. Got too hungry and left for a late lunch / early dinner. Went to a centro Portuguese restaurant, then a dessert place with better food reviews than Conf. Columbo. The restaurant food was good, but the lady with the CC machine asked me multiple times to leave the tip in cash. Never been asked this before and the food was not inexpensive compared to other nearby restaurants. Quite odd and she insisted the service of 10% was not included. My PT is far from perfect, but I ordered and spoke to the waiter and her only in PT. The nearby dessert place was ok but not as good as the one near Atlantico on Siq Campos in Copa or Cardin in Leblon. C Columbo was right out of a 1900 ish turn of century novel, but most reviews said not to eat there due to high price and poor quality. Went to Bip Bip in Copa near the Fort and the 5-7 member band played from 2200+ hours. There is very little information about the place on the web, and I only found out about it from another tourist a trip or 2 ago. The instagram site says almost nothing, though I expected music to start at 2000 hours, arrived after 2100 hrs, and went a block to the beach at Copa ?Posto 6 area? for a while too. There was a nearby souvenir market at night. Surfed the web courtesy of the Selina Copa hotel / digital nomad workplace across and a few doors down from Bip Bip. The wifi code from Selina Lapa worked just fine. Crowd size is fairly small at Bip Bip as it is a tiny place and maybe 30 folks hang out inside and on the sidewalk to listen. I left in less than an hour due to many bug bites on my ankles / legs, but when I walked back to apt, barely saw any swelling, though lots of itching. Stayed in to follow. So, no Taurus bar in Lapa at r de Lapa 8 - will plan to go tonight - Friday night - which really means around 0200 hrs Sat am. Folks just arrived to fix the AC here and do some other minor repairs. Now they tell me and the owner that they need parts, which, of course, they do not have, despite these AC folks doing the install, and parts likely will not arrive until 2-3+ weeks. Saw the mini-split air filter. Completely caked with dust and debris. Was never cleaned. And of course, they cannot show me the broken part(s) but will try to do a temporary fix. Owner cannot find me another place for tonight but will "try" for Saturday. LOL and so it goes.
  14. Thank you to both XClay and LatBear4blk. There were some small groups of gay guys and couples at the gay beach area of Ipanema today. Some nice-looking younger guys kicking the football around too. Tuesday: Went to Sexy Rose cruising place near Cinelandia Metro stop and Rio City Hall. Got there late, around 1530 hours. Got into a hot 3 way with some folks that also had just arrived and was happy by 1600 hours. No idea why I have such great luck at S R sometimes. Just average looking, etc. The other 2 guys must have been the winners of the Mr Brazil slut contest and like energizer bunnies, they kept going and going...... They were still at it when I left at 1700 for dinner. S R was getting quite busy at that time, but I was hungry and 117 awaited as well. Then walked to Gloria and 117. Was there from 1800+ to around 2145 hours. It was packed when I arrived. If I hadn't cum a couple hours earlier, I would have spent major R$ as the muscle and the few twinks GP talent was excellent. Met a few punters, including from a prior trip - all still very friendly and very much admiring the view. The show at 2000 hrs or so was 3 dancers, no stripping and it got very tedious as they were the entire show and the music was too loud. Many punters left the ACd show room. At 2130 a drag queen show started and first one needed some major cosmetic assistance. Oh well. The music was unbearably loud and again, many punters left in a few short minutes, including yours truly. FWIW, in talking to fellow admirers of the GPs rates up to 300 R$ were noted. Inflation? Newbie punters? At least one well-known long-term customer noted higher rates vs a few years ago. Many old faces and many new ones too (GPs and punters). I think my chest got an inch larger due to the steroids leaching out. LOL. 117 might have some new food choices, perhaps others on the forum should comment as I did not eat at 117, the food that is. Wednesday: There was the threat of much rain Tuesday and especially Wednesday. But just a heavy drizzle or 2 Tuesday night and early Wednesday am. By noon Wednesday it was beach weather . Since arriving Friday, the surf has been quite forceful and Ipanema / Leblon had red flags out due to high-risk waves. After a nice stroll along a pretty empty beach in Ipanema I continued doing paperwork etc that I could not put off any longer. Did not finish until after 1800 hrs and needed to eat dinner. So never made it to Pointe 202, or anywhere else for that matter. If anyone else is in town, feel free to comment. The next few nights might be quiet. Rain is predicted for Saturday through next Friday a week from now. Just started pouring as I type this out. Will try to meet a friend at 117 Saturday night if it is not pouring. There is some seriously nice-looking talent on the GP websites, but I am a bit shy regarding reaching out. Especially as I will not host at an airbnb. So would have to play at a love hotel like the one near Cantagalo metro area of Copa towards the Fort, or Cinelandia. About 100 R$ in the past for an hour or 2 or 3.... Others have noted the need for caution with an unknown guy. I had a regular Grindr guy get weird, possibly threatening, on the last trip. Glad I choose the love motel after we had drinks and a walk around Lapa. Easy to simply walk out. He seemed ok until after we got into the room. Quite odd. I would like to do more tourist type stuff if the weather holds out. That's it for now from your Eye Whit Less news reporter.
  15. Mon Cher Xclay: Gay beach was in Ipanema, not Leblon. I was walking from Ipanema back to Leblon mostly along the beach. The "gay rookery" was near the start of my beach walk, at R. Teixeira de Melo or R. Farme de Amoedo - Ipanema. So far as I know, Leblon does not have a gay beach zone. I have been told there is also a gayer area at the beach in Copa, but I never saw any evidence of it. The beach was so packed Sunday that I did not see an exclusively gay area nor were other beach areas devoid of LGBTQ+ folks. Apologies for the long post, but I have appreciated it when folks provided details in the past.
  16. Update, Tuesday, 10 December 2024: Went to the beach Saturday and Sunday. Used a bit of sunscreen and did not stay but an hour. Very packed in Leblon early Sat pm., so I assume the Copa and Ipanema beaches were packed to the gills. Still a bit jetlagged. Received a message about Junior's Birthday Party at Pointe 202. So, changed my plans and got there around 2000 hours. It was PACKED. More like a popular bar than anything else. Music was unbearably loud. Made it truly difficult for me to stay. Some buffet pasta, etc was available and the entry fee was 90-. A few nice-looking GPs per my tastes. Unfortunately, I was too tired from jet lag to do anything. Still, I was happy to have made the trip. Had I slept from 1900-0100 hrs I would have been in shape for serious late-night adventures elsewhere. Will be the plan for next week. Sunday, went to the G Osorio Hippie Market, then walked the beach back to Leblon. Strangely, my gaydar never went off and due to crowds of people never saw a geographic area of just gays. Did see the expected gay rookery to be quite mixed including many families and kids. Went to the usual Sunday feista at some parks right next to the M Gloria stop for 117. Did not stay long. Got an uber for Bangu Sauna, aka Boate Casa Grande (?spelling). Took about an hour each way and was around 170 R$ R/T. Stayed from abound 1815-2030 hours ish. Most guys were not pushy, just a couple were a bit pushy, but not too bad. Conversational PT is needed, but translator app helped arrange a program and price. Many thin mulatto and black guys. One had a white eye ? blind from that eye, etc. No muscle gym bunnies. Some slender white guys. A few GPs said hello, but we simply could not communicate. I tried saying hello to a young twink but it went nowhere, and he might have been a shy customer !! Did not hang with any of the BR punters. For 12 R$ they did have a small plate with some rice and meat. I decided not to try it. As often happens elsewhere, I sighted a couple of GPs potentially of interest once each for a few seconds and never saw them again. For sex there were some rooms upstairs with showers, but most folks seem go to ground level where there are free super basic rooms / beds to have sex. Where most folks hang out is on the floor above. Music was quite good and had some Carnaval songs playing when I left. A guy at the entry helped to arrange the uber directions. Cost for entry, flip flops (which I think you have to pay for), and a soda was 70 RS. 100 R$ for the GP. A bit of an adventure. Came back and ate. I agree with others, not worth the trip unless you are on a long trip to Rio and have better luck than me in finding GPs of interest to you (which you cannot know in advance). Did a bit of shopping Monday after the beach in am (got a bit red on a cloudy day, but not burned) and moving to Ipanema. Went to Novo Meio Mundo to follow from 1700-1930 hrs. Security at the door was patting down the GPs. They have bigger lockers there (great given what I bought shopping earlier). Not as twinkish as when I was there years ago. A bartender was constantly pushing drinks on the punters, even at the tables. Did not appreciate that. Hooked up with Anderson a muscular GP that I think also works 117. The programma was expensive, but I said ok as I thought he was the hottest guy there by far. Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. He kissed very nicely. The room had no windows and there no other room available. Not sure why Anderson did not want to wait for a better room, perhaps he did not know how bad our room would be. It got so hot we were both dripping in sweat and neither of us could really perform; I paid agreed price as I did not want an argument with him. And so it goes. Decided not to try a program with anyone else as the room was so bad. Hung out with 2 pleasant punters from BR and left. Not sure if they were going to have a show to follow. After dinner in Ipanema I felt as if I was drugged. Felt like this in Spain once. Not sure if I was really drugged as I thought I was careful with drinks in both places (just a beer which seemed to be opened in from of me at N M M). Also, the strange feeling kicked in at least 1-2 hours after leaving. Tuesday am is cloudy. Hope 117 will be good tonight despite the rain expected to start soon. Had some nice chats on grindr today. Central gay area of Ipanema seems better than Leblon for gay hook ups. Leblon is very nice and upscale for Rio. Folks dress up to go out. That is all for now.....
  17. My old iphone does not have eSIM. The airolo or similar eSIM vendors seem very easy and cost effective to use per various web postings. SIM card purchase and activation was very easy this trip. At a typical kiosk in Leblon I bought a TIM SIM card after the first kiosk did not sell SIM cards. Call in regarding TIM SIM card for old iphone was easy and took about 5-10 minutes. Using SIM card tray removal tool or small paperclip, changed out the old SIM to the newly bought 5G 11GB 28R$ TIM SIM card - which did NOT come with a SIM card tray removal tool. Then on the same phone dialed *144, you hear some recording, then I dialed 3, then another recording, then I dialed 3 again, then I pressed *. Then some stuff in PT then guy from TIM comes on quickly. I believe these TIM representatives can speak PT, ESP, and English. Not sure about FR, DE, IT, etc. I reached him in less than 2 minutes from start of my call to TIM. He wanted my passport number, date of birth, start date of passport validity NOT expiration date, confirmed that I was calling in from Rio (no address asked for), and my name with check of spelling. Asked to hold for a bit. He said no more questions but was waiting for his computer. It was finished. Before we said goodbye I started to receive text messages from TIM. He did not confirm my new Brazilian number for Rio. He could not confirm the actual GB of data or length of my plan (20 days). I could start texting only a couple of minutes after the call. Was very quick on a late Saturday afternoon. Please note that I used the same pp information when getting a TIM SIM card for another phone on the prior trip. This never came up in the new SIM card activation process. I do not remember if he gave me that prior phone number back or not. A start contrast from the nightmare of going to the centro Claro office in Rio about 2 years ago.
  18. Thank you LAtbear4blk and TotallyOz !! Flights to Rio and Sao Paulo ended up full, or with 2 open seats Thursday night on a different flight, even with low prices hours before. Due ATC tower issues in MIA delaying flights, AA allowed me to grab a seat on a no longer full flight that was delayed about 3 hours in order to ensure my connection. The benefit of carry on without checked bags. Food on AA in coach was ok for dinner, but better on UA in the past. The AA seat was comfortable in the main cabin. I was able to sleep a bit. Many Brazilians on my flight. I assume returning home for Xmas. AA Flagship business class on MIA-GIG looked like a worse product vs UA Polaris business class, as UA seats have much more privacy. No idea regarding seat comfort between AA and UA. Service makes a difference as do the lounges. UA Polaris lounges are nice, but service on board has been very variable since 2019 (I get a yearly upgrade). Delta One Lounges have the best internet ratings, LOL. Sao Paulo to Rio flight prices are very expensive now without booking far in advance. Once in Rio, I could not sort out if any nice busses actually go to Copa / Ipanema anymore as they did before COVID. As is typical, no decent information available and no schedules. Only route numbers are listed on website. For a major international airport, no excuse for this lack of information. UBER area can longer be seen from the intl area exit points !! So, a newbie or first timer has no way to know which pick up point to use - but Orange, Green, and Purple are all next to each other. I was worried due to lack of Brazilian wifi card, but UBER area did have wifi. You have to walk with your bags about 2-5 minutes away. Almost no signage either. And no-one inside the terminal from UBER is there to assist you. Again, terrible way to do things. Traffic was gridlocked almost all the way into Leblon. Took about 90 minutes. At least the car was AC'd. Many are not. Uber VIP was least expensive at 86 R$ or so. Driver said this was common but not related to weather or beach holiday traffic. Even around the lake by Ipanema and Leblon, counterclockwise traffic was visibly gridlocked. Going clockwise was slow, but it moved. Airbnb was small but ok considering the last-minute booking. Leblon is a nice area, but not the best for gay hook ups unless you are younger and in shape. Not much action on Grindr and similar apps. M Rio fares (R$7.50 one way) and food prices are up vs earlier this year. No idea how folks get by. Went to Seven Cruising at 1530 hrs on Friday. Entry 35 + 5 for locker. They did not raise the price to 60 + 5 after 1600 hrs. I left by 1630 hrs. Not many folks, but 3 of the 5 wanted to play and had reasonable bodies, etc. It seemed clean enough. We all very much enjoyed the sex, and left quite satisfied all around. So, I had no great desire to go elsewhere to follow, plus the jetlag and effect of multiple drinks would kick in. Walked to Arcos area including drinks on Selina rooftop and by the Stairs, and then to Gloria near 117 for dinner at Vila Rica. I left before a local friend could show up. We will meet up later this week. Not a garoto. Was asleep by 2000 hrs or so and stayed in through Saturday am. Will be a hot day with real feel around 40+ C. Planning to go out tonight. Maybe 117 and Taurus bar in Lapa at r de Lapa 8. Buttercawan, not shure if I will be here for Xmas. That is all for now.....
  19. Just realized this did not end up in the Brazil subforum. If a moderator can correct this that would be great unless they want me to try again to post in the correct place. Apologies.
  20. Hi Folks: Crazy airfares. For a little bit more than going to some cold places I found a few cheap fares to Brazil. Places and costs seemed to vary by the hour over the past 2 weeks. Bought my ticket same day! Anyone else on the Forums here now or cuming soon? Nice and warm now but will be very hot Saturday. Will try to hit my usual places like the Cinelandia gay cruising cinema by City Hall (I think its city hall) Orly Theater, Rua Alcindo Guanabara 17, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Sexy Rose a few doors down. Might try Seven Cruising Bar Praça da República 141. Maybe try Cinema Iris Rua Caroica 49, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Might be hard to find. As for 117 or 202 this weekend, might do 117 if it still has more muscle boys, but who knows. Sometimes I get twink hunger: Meio Mundo Otoni and Marco just N of Pres Vargas. Open to any other suggestions. Really want to sample the piggy perhaps group pleasures of Bangu Sauna, Boate Casa Grande, on Sunday. Let me know who else is around.....cheers.....
  21. Another strange weekend, in part due to brutal heat and humidity, especially Sunday. No issues with the sun on Friday. But I wisely limited my time while jogging and hanging out at the beach. Not many guys in the Ipanema gay area mid pm. 117 was not as busy vs last Friday night. Completely different vibe and many different GPs. Made the mistake of doing 2 trips to the beach Saturday, and just that extra 15 minutes in the very brutal sun made my upper areas fairly red. The guys were out in force around 1500 hours at the Ipanema gay beach area. So I decided to stay in Saturday night. On the Scruff app, they listed multiple parties, though not The Week. Two parties were nearby in Ipanema, but I thought it best to rest thinking I might get a moderate burn, but didn't. It was also pretty hot. Sunday am was a sweatbox and I think the feels like temperature of 40C or 100F was way too low. I was dripping in sweat at the Ipanema Hippie Fair market at G Osorio at 1100 hrs in the shade. Never went to the beach, in part due to redness and the oppressive heat plus humidity. Found some cuts of meat that I really liked and made a big lunch at the apartment. Got a late start intending to go to Bangu Boate Casa Grande via Uber (too hot to bother with an hour long non AC bus ride after the Metro). Previously quoted me about 90 R$, but would be about 70 R$ due to some Uber promo or special. Took the M to Gloria expecting to spend part of a steamy early pm at my 4 known places for live music on a Sunday. Not one of them was doing any music, not even the parks by M Gloria - though a big market and tons of filled streets were happening. I hung out for a while, drenched again in sweat, but around 1630 hours thought it too late to start the long Uber trip to Bangu. The heat also takes a lot out of you. So, I went to Sexy Rose, where one guy made me quite happy. As in the past, no clue to explain my luck. Cinelandia was pretty dead when I left around 1800 hours. Lots of flirting on Grindr and Scruff, but no hook ups. Had some airbnb issues to deal with and skipped the Bip Bip club near Cantagalo Metro (sort of near...) again due to the heat index, low 90s now and I was not looking to have a 3rd or 4th shower in 1 day. Found lots of outdated information regarding gay clubs still being circulated on the web. In brief: Le Boy and Le Girl are long gone. My best guess is that all or almost all of the pre-COVID bars and clubs on or near Farme de Amoedo and de Melo in Ipanema are GONE. Maybe some changed names or owners. The muscle and drug boys at The Week might be eye candy for us, but unless we are in shape sugar daddies, I sense that the readers here might not fully fit in. The sauna by the beach in Ipanema is still around. I don't think it is a GP sauna. I did not go to it. There are some gay bars / clubs on the NE end of Copa and 1 near M Cantagalo, but I did not go to any of them so far this trip. Have not been to Lapa this trip either. Gay clubs there are farthest ones from the Arches / Arcos. In the past, some were busy at MN, others quite dead even at 0200 hours. To change the subject: Another strange custom here is that when some local food markets close down, some sellers refuse to sell perfectly good food as part of last minute sales, although most are happy for any sale.
  22. 22 February 2024 update on Brazil (Brasil) SIM cards for foreigners When visiting Brazil using your cell phone can be a problem if you do not have inexpensive roaming on your cell plan. Do not expect a non BR prepaid plan to work in BR. Briefest version: Airalo via eSim which you might be able to buy and then use even after arrival in Brazil seems like the easiest solution and not that expensive for light to moderate use, if you can use wifi as often as possible. Less expensive and will be I think the best choice if your cell phone cannot handle an eSIM is a TIM prepagado SIM cartao or chip pre pago (prepaid SIM card from the company, TIM) bought at a local newspaper and candy kiosk (which seem to be omnipresent on busier shopping streets) for about 15 R$ (3 Euro, Pound, or Dollars) seems to be the next easiest way to do it, but you still need to understand a bit of Portuguese (PT). Claro and Vivo seem a bit hopeless and Claro at least will likely be time consuming for no good reason. In BR for a foreigner to get a BR SIM card some Claro/Vivo/TIM offices (if they will even assist you, and some will not) will need you to bring your passport and prefer it if you have a CPF card – like a tax ID and should take 2-10 business days for a foreigner to get one. With the CPF, you can also get some discounts at stores and supermarkets. Getting the CPF is a different topic and there are many web links. Please use a newer link, as this can all be done online now, post COVID. Here is one: https://media.doterra.com/br-otg/pt/flyers/gac-step-by-step-english.pdf At some Claro/Vivo/TIM offices, they might only speak PT or SP. They might not have any interest in assisting you per numerous web reports. At the post office, the process to get a post office SIM might not be so easy and some report that coverage is not great. So why bother…..exactly !! Searches: https://search.brave.com/search?q=brazil+sim+card+for+tourist&source=web https://www.traveltomtom.net/destinations/south-america/brazil/sim-card-brazil Nice detailed information. He likes airalo. Please check Airalo.com and the various links to make certain your cell phone is on the list for eSIM compatible phones for airalo. I do not know if any eSIM enabled phone will work or not. Same for iPads, tablets, etc. You will find up to date pricing as well, currently 30 days, 3 GB, is 11 USD. https://toomanyadapters.com/buying-sim-card-brazil/ Good advice and comments here too. https://www.iheartbrazil.com/brazil-sim-card/ Somewhat older advice. https://abrokenbackpack.com/brazil-sim-cards/ Makes this seem too easy, which it is not. https://www.phonetravelwiz.com/buying-a-sim-card-in-brazil-guide/ Some might find a few helpful hints here. Ok, airalo might seem a bit pricey or you do not have a compatible eSIM phone. A TIM SIM card seems like the next best choice – you buy this once in BR. Step by step directions: -make sure your phone, tablet, etc is not locked to your current cell carrier. Easy to check with iphone. Not so easy to be certain with Android. -After arrival in BR, go to local newsstand and candy kiosk. (Might be able to get TIM SIM card at airports in BR after you arrive, but you can arrange local transportation with airport wifi and arrive at your place ok.) Ask for a TIM prepagado SIM cartao or chip pre pago (prepaid SIM card from the company, TIM). They might have 4G or 5G SIM cards. For most of us 4G should be fine. Expect to pay about 15 R$ (3 Euro, Pound, or Dollars). This is the price ONLY for the SIM card itself-nothing else, no data, no minutes, no texts. At most kiosks, they will only speak PT and maybe some SP, so please don’t expect much assistance, if any, from them. You can do the rest on your own….well yes, mostly, sort of (if you cannot handle any foreign words). I think this would be most difficult for non western language speakers, like Japanese. -After you buy the TIM SIM card, go back to your place (hotel, airbnb, etc) and use wifi and the SIM itself to do the rest. Why? You will prefer privacy when giving details of your passport to follow. -take a photo of the numbers on the sticker of your SIM card and write them down as well, just in case. These include parts of the SIM card number. Also photograph or copy all of the numbers you see on the credit card size SIM plastic card and the actual SIM number (zoom up a photo for this). Mine included PIN, PIN 2, PUK, and PUK 2 numbers. You might not need any of them, but you never know. The PIN and PIN 2 are NOT your password code for the meuTIM app. -you can insert the TIM SIM card into your phone or tablet now. Be aware that my TIM SIM card came with 3 size choices in the packet. The expected tiny SIM with 2 larger surrounding pieces of plastic if your SIM slot requires this. I have never seen this before and the tiny SIM worked fine in my cell phone. BEFORE contacting TIM, have your passport with you or a copy of the page(s) with your number and issue date, etc. Also have a copy of your full address in Brazil, just in case they ask (which, apparently they don’t). Ok if it is a Hotel address. Some old posts indicate TIM uses this to figure out the correct BR area code and number for you. However, these days, when you insert your TIM SIM card you automatically receive a phone number !! There is no need to go to a TIM store unless you expect major language issues (eg Japanese only speakers) -BR phone numbers: 55 (21) 12345 6789. 55 is the country code for BR. If you are in Rio, 21 is one of several State codes within Brazil. The next 9 numbers are your number. But when using the TIM phone app, do not use 55!! Your number begins with the numbers 11-99 depending on what State of Brazil your SIM card links to. So there will be 11 digits to enter for the meuTIM app. My 11 digits start with 21 and then the 12345 6789. - with the new TIM SIM card in your phone, dial *144. Despite previous postings, the robot never defaulted to English and hung up on me around 2:15. If you are luckier and hear English, press 3 to get to an English speaking attendant. If you do not hear English around the 50 second mark, after hearing “DOISHE” the EN pronunciation for the PT word for 2, listen carefully for “trAYsh”, like “trace” with the C replaced with SH, PT word for 3. Then press 3 on your cell phone (not sure if also had to hit “*” as well). When I did this the English speaking attendant came on quickly in less than 15 seconds (weekday, around 1500 hours in Rio). The connection was not great, but it worked. She wanted my passport number, country, date of issue, and my name. Nothing else. I spelled my last name for her, although she did not ask for this. I thought it best just in case name she put it did not match name on credit card to pay for data etc to follow. She said I could buy service plan, data, days of service etc at drug stores, kiosks, TIM stores, etc, but not with her by phone now. -throughout the process of plonking the TIM SIM card into your device and activating it by calling TIM you will receive MANY text messages. - Pay special attention to any text that includes the word “senha” and copy the 4 digit number down. This is the password code you need for the meuTIM app. -I clicked on one of the text links that followed my TIM English conversation within minutes to get a prepaid plan. Paid 30 R$ (about 6 Euros, Pounds, Dollars). I think it was via ativar.tim.com.br. I could not pay with the phone VPN on, so might need to start from scratch with the phone VPN off if you do this via phone. Went through seamlessly. -It will be difficult to figure out what you actually bought !! I thought I was getting 30 days, but it seemed like I got 90 days of service and 12GB or more of data, with bonus data depending on when the data is used, like overnight. Using a few apps and checking emails, maps, a few websites and social media I can often get by on 2GB/week using wifi when eating, at museums, etc. I think texts are unlimited and calls are unlimited (perhaps in State of RJ or only BR). There are multiple discount and other offerings as well. For example with the Ze food delivery service. (Claro adds completely free whatsapp, which is hugely popular in BR, but this was not noted with TIM) So no complaint about price or set up time with TIM. From buying the 15 R$ TIM SIM card at a nearby kiosk to finishing call with TIM attendant to buying a 30 R$ 12 plus GB 30 or 90 day prepaid plan took less than 30 minutes and cost around 9 Euros, Pounds or Dollars !! -you can add the meuTIM app on your phone via Apple or Google Play store. Can do it on your computer browser as well if you like. I assume topping up if you need more data or longer stay will be very easy as well – but I have learned, never assume. -as always, can save cellular data via using wifi when able. Always use VPN when possible. Other numbers to be aware of: *244 or *244# to top up *222# to check balance Hope this step by step guide will assist folks and sorry for the long post necessitated therein.
  23. I wanted to post this as a separate note from the Campeas. Felt ok late yesterday and went to Sexy Rose from 1700-1930 hours. I had so much sex. I don't understand it to be honest, as my looks and body are nothing special. Mr Happy is a bit larger than most, but not huge. As in the past, I have seen a few very hot guys, A&F surfer types, somewhat older (late 20s-40s) muscle guys and the odd twink having sex with similar. Nothing unusual about that. But then you sometimes see the same guys having sex with much older and heavy set guys to follow. Also, some guys who will not even look at you will quickly polish the chrome on your....if you grab them accordingly. As I don't like being grabbed (unless by a hottie of course) I will (rarely) grab a guy after seeing him respond well to someone of similar type to me. I also don't want to cause a fight, etc. I also seem to have some luck with younger guys in BR as there is less age bias against older gays when hanging out at a bar or as a sex partner, etc. Glad to hear the thoughts of others. Perhaps some type of daddy / machismo thing that I don't see north of the Rio Grande (US and Canada).
  24. I have been to the Campeas before, so I knew the times were not the truth. I arrived a bit late and expected it to finish around 7am or so. Thank goodness for my butt cushion. I thank Pauleiro for his comments and great pictures. The pictures alone do not do this spectacle justice. It is perhaps as close as we mere mortals will come to a Triumph of ancient Rome. Unlike New Orleans, there are no throws, beads, cups, doubloons, toys, etc. It is a visual and audio feast. It is also much warmer than Koln Karneval, etc. Apologies, I do not understand what any of the numbers mean. I noted many folks had left by 0230 hours or so. In the past I noted waves of folks from the favelas where these groups are from came and went to cheer on their own. Saw very little of that from my archibancada setor this year. Looks like they removed the TV tower that crossed over the S D around setor 6 or 8 or so. Therefore, none of the floats were height limited or required animatronics to dip the figures, like a 4 plus story Portela Eagle so it could fit under the tower years ago. This year's Eagle was much smaller. I think the prices this year were very high vs prior years for us tourists.
  25. Marc, Thx for the Carson info. I like liked the Tea Time Movie Guy, Carnac, and the Editorial rebuttal (hunter) characters. The foot swelling was not the pitting edema I remember my older relatives getting. I went down slowly and gone now, but no idea why I had it. Basically no rest after the Campeas. Got back to Leblon by around 8am, Banda at Leblon beach around 1100-1230 hrs. So many A&F type surfer hot guys, mostly late teens /early 20s with girlfriends etc. Then I rested a bit as my feet were a mess. Went to Sexy Rose later in the day. It was busy. Things were quite different throughout the city post Campeus and it seems the celebrations continued well past Tuesday. By 1700-1800 hrs I was walking to Gloria from Cinelandia. Two bars that often have street music in front were quiet, likely folks on a major pause. There was great music in a park by Gloria Metro, adjacent to the park with the statue. Had a nice beer and went back to the apt. Never made it to Bangu. Too tired and no working SIM card for cell phone. I was pretty sick over the next few days. Trots just on Monday am, and feeling like le grippe / the flu to follow. Eating ok but no desire for fun. Bit of a constant upset stomach. Feeling mostly better now. Not sure about going to 117 tonight, not cool to get anyone else sick. Major success with SIM card earlier today. There are web postings re TIM and it seems to work. I will post the details later as not all is obvious or in English. Claro in the past has worked fine for up to a few days, before it stopped working, so I hope TIM is better. Been fairly warm and humid here. ....if only I could come up with something funny to say here like Carson. There is always Dangerfield: My wife's cooking is so bad the flies fixed the screen...AAt the zoo: Officer, I can't find my parents...Officer to young Rodney: Yeah, there are so many places they can hide.....
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