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Everything posted by Bucknaway1614502762

  1. It goes on and on
  2. I don't idolize anyone but I must admit that I do idealize my Parents. Anyway king is not a solo act, she is just a voice in a growing chior. #walkaway
  3. I am willing to forgive a young Trump for mistakes of youth when working for his father. Even at that age I would do as my father said too. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/sep/27/hillary-clinton/true-hillary-clinton-says-federal-government-sued-/ It's not like he was a kkk leader like the late democrat senator Robert Byrd. I look at the life of Trump and what he has done while living the life of a rich playboy. Even now he is setting a high bar for the next President. I'm tickled with his every accomplishment. If Dems can elect a known KKK leader how can they dare throw stones at a young man just learning to stand on his own feet and Trump has been a friend to the black community. The government sued in 1973 and since then Trump has been awarded by ranking icons of the black community and leadership.
  4. I'm liking this #walkaway movement It all seem to start from Donald Trump asking what did we have to lose....
  5. Wow, post a link for me so I can check it out.
  6. This is something else I like about Trump.
  7. One thing I love about having Donald Trump as president is that he has his own money and is not beholding to any donor or pact. He posted this tweet today letting Pfizer know that they are on his radar. I want to see how other elected officials dependent on corporate donations will react. The President Tweeted: Pfizer & others should be ashamed that they have raised drug prices for no reason. They are merely taking advantage of the poor & others unable to defend themselves, while at the same time giving bargain basement prices to other countries in Europe & elsewhere. We will respond!
  8. I like remembering how GREAT our First Black President was. He was so cool! I This is one of my Favorite SNL Hillary Skits. I hear she may run again for President. Could you imagine? She is unstoppable!
  9. Finally.... It's good to see others get it.
  10. So much hate, nastyness, racism, bullying and name calling in here.
  11. Sorry, I still have Jane elliott playing on my phone. I could not find a lot on the net but this is close Just today I was called a colored here and also told I have to justify my support for Trump. https://chicagodefender.com/2018/04/06/black-mother-outraged-that-her-son-was-being-taught-about-white-privilege-in-school/
  12. I'm still watching this woman teach her class on racism. So much of her examples can be found here in these threads. Wow....
  13. I like this one
  14. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, HLN, they all talk about white priviladge, forefathers were racist slaveowners and the constitution was written by a bunch of white guys and on and on. Put it all together and what do you get? They are even pulling down statues, writing them out of history books and teaching the children how Indians only wanted peace and love but the white men slautered them. They gave us corn and buffalo and the white man gave them smallpox blankets and beads for Manhattan. And that Christopher Columbus... thief and indian killer. Name one historical event and let's see the new way of seeing how white men screwed the them and how they were not Victor's but oppressors spreading white priviladge.
  15. You think I am going to make that type of investment in these Hate Trump Threads? I think President Trump said it best.... We will see what happens, okay....
  16. Oh hell no! just because i'm black I don't owe you or anybody anything. I just come here to share news reports and views. I don't attend every fight I am invited to and I don't work for anyone here. I post when I post what i want to post and I move with the wind. I don't have to do anything but pay taxes and die.
  17. Dang it... I don't want to discuss me. And I see the news... They tell us All white people are prejudice. I hear the media loud and clear. I see people posting Klan pics here and want to discuss my race on how I think and feel and suggest I should consider my skin color and factor it into my thoughts. No one ever tells a white person they should think or feel a certain way about anyone because of the skin they are in. Sure the media now is teaching the young kids that white people are evil and everything they did in history is evil. Well those seeds won't bear fruit for a generation or two. But for now, I only see people who see me as a color point their finger telling me the white person over there see's me as a color! So please... Don't discuss me... Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. The words are attributed to social activist and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt,
  18. They got nothing. Trump has clean hands and never passed a single law and held no other office. He does not have history in political office. That is why none of this matters to us Trump supporters. But thank you for keeping us energized! We can't take our eyes off the goal.
  19. The beauty is that President Trump has the power to demand and get everything released that they are asking for, but he won't do it so this so it is a slow drip of FBI shenanigans with is another word for corruption with is a kind word for illegal activity. Thanks to this drip, we now know that Obama did know about Hilliary's secret server and that they both knowingly sent classified emails using that server. We also now know that the FBI did tap Trump tower even when they said they didn't. We now know about the Comey lies and leaks and he is now being investigated. I will have to google what else came out from this drip, drip, drip from the FBI but it's all been gravy for trump. This is going to be something Hilliary can't wipe away! And I don't mean "Like with a cloth."
  20. China tried to get hilliary in and if putin was tapping at facebook and managed to get facbook readers to vote for trump than Thank God For Putin!
  21. Ex-Clinton aide: 84 percent of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities Ex-Clinton aide: 84 percent of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities EX-CLINTON AIDE: 84 PERCENT OF AMERICANS SUPPORT TURNING UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS OVER TO AUTHORITIES , 6/28/2018 Prominent Democratic pollster Mark Penn said on Thursday that a vast majority of Americans don’t really support so-called sanctuary cities that shield immigrants in the country illegally from deportation. Penn, who served as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, revealed that 84 percent of Americans favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal agents. “I asked them, ‘Do you think notifying ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street,’ and they overwhelming said ‘decrease,’ ” Penn told Hill.TV “Rising.” For the rest of the story... http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/394624-mark-penn-84-percent-support-turning-undocumented-immigrants-over-authorities http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/394624-mark-penn-84-percent-support-turning-undocumented-immigrants-over-authorities?jwsource=cl
  22. No matter what she does, gives her time or her money, she can't win.
  23. They covered for Hillary and Obama, they tried to frame trump and worked to try to stop him from winning. All while the dems stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and cheated for hilliary. Donald is going to drain the swamp
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