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Everything posted by Ojibear

  1. I arrived here at 11 a.m. this morning (Prague time) after an arduous trip from Canada. I met a very friend straight guy from Norway on the flight from Frankfurt to Prague. He happened to be staying at the Radisson Blu Arcon and we shared a cab. I had a 7 hour nap and then went out to Escape around 1 a.m. There were about 15 dancers and 5 customers. When I arrived 3 dancers were have sex on the stage. All of the dancers were slim and boyish. The two bigger and muscular guys left early. I chatted with two guys and they explained how the escorting works. I was offered biznis for 3000 crowns ($160 Cdn.). I was too exhausted to take up on the offer, so I left after the 2:00 pm group strip. Overall it was a quiet night because there were so few customers. 2 1/2 Stars. lol
  2. Here's the youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3bRsfwTjos Czech dancers seem to have their own style of dancing. Dancers in the U.S. and Canada are more about the traditional bump and grind. Anyway I can't believe I'll be there this weekend. Yeehaw!
  3. I'm coming from Canada.
  4. Shameless self-promotion! He is pretty. How sexy he is is another matter. The proof is in the pudding. lol
  5. I will once I have a sample of boys to report on.
  6. I'm going to Prague in 3 weeks. I'll arrive Thursday morning July 31 and be there for 4 days. I'll be around the corner from Club Escape at the Blu Arcon!! I'm looking forward to a lively time.
  7. I don't think the economic rights of the owner of the Washington Redskins extend to exploiting the image of Native Americans. I think it is important to look at the opinions of Native Americans themselves before coming to any conclusions. The National Congress of American Indians recently (October 2013) released a paper entitled, "ENDING THE LEGACY OF RACISM IN SPORTS & THE ERA OF HARMFUL “INDIAN” SPORTS MASCOTS". Here is a link to a PDF of the paper: http://www.ncai.org/attachments/PolicyPaper_mijApMoUWDbjqFtjAYzQWlqLdrwZvsYfakBwTHpMATcOroYolpN_NCAI_Harmful_Mascots_Report_Ending_the_Legacy_of_Racism_10_2013.pdf I'm not offended by your opinion RA1. I think it's important to establish a dialogue about these issues in order to come to a consensus and to educate each other. In Canada, Aboriginal Canadians (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) have a special status that is protected by the Canadian constitution. In 1982 the Canadian constitution was amended to include section 35 which acknowledges our rights. It was a long hard battle by Aboriginal Canadian leadership. (NB the word "Indian", although a misnomer, is a legal word for First Nations people in Canada). Aboriginal has replaced "Native" as the adjective applied to us. However, the Aboriginal Canadian population in Canada (1.2 million) represents a much larger percentage (3.4%) of the overall Canadian population (35 million) than Native Americans in the United States. So our numbers and political savvy give us a lot a clout. Never a day goes by when some controversy about Aboriginal Canadians is in our major newspapers. Most of the controversies are a result of the bungling of our federal government ("Indians" are under federal jurisdiction in the constitution). The Canadian economy is resource based. Most of Canada is covered by "Indian" treaties which means that Aboriginal Canadians have sui generis property, treaty and aboriginal rights (e.g. the right to harvest and protect our culture) and therefore must be consulted and accommodated (e.g. revenue sharing). There are also large areas of Canada where there are no treaties and they are currently being negotiated. Thanks (Miigwech).
  8. Adjunct to the team name are such things such as the mascot and the fans dressing in "faux" Native American regalia, e.g. headdresses, face paint. For many Native Americans those objects are sacred and should be respected and use with reverence.
  9. I'm a Native North American (Anishinaabe) and given the history of abuse of Native Americans, broken treaties, poverty, and stereotyping of "Indians", reducing us to caricatures adds insult to injury. There are no sport teams called the New York Jews or the San Francisco Chinamen. I don't think it's overly PC, just a sign of respect.
  10. Now you're found!
  11. "Barry Lyndon" is my all time favourite movie. Brilliant.
  12. This past Wednesday Canada's Attorney-General, Peter McKay, announced new legislation to replace the prostitution laws struck down last year by Canada's Supreme Court. The Supreme Court struck down the existing laws set out in the Criminal Code because they exposed prostitutes to violence and danger and therefore violated section of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms -- "security of the person". The Charter is part of Canada's constitution. The ruling party, the Conservative Party of Canada, instead adopted a "made in Canada" approach based on the Nordic model (Sweden and Norway) which criminalizes the purchasing of sex. The legislation that would impose a high penalty on those who buy sex. The law would include punishments of up to five years, or fines of $1,000 to $4,000. Canadian legal organizations have reacted negatively to the proposed legislation saying it will continue to make prostitution dangerous and push it further underground. Prostitute Advocacy groups are very disappointed. They had hoped that the government would have followed the New Zealand model which legalized brothels and prostitution in general. It has been highly successful. The debate on prostitution in Canada has almost exclusively been focused on female prostitutes. Male prostitutes are hardly ever mentioned. The bill will wind its way through Parliament where it will be debated. The major opposition parties (the Liberals and the New Democrats) are calling for the Conservatives to reference the legislation to the Supreme Court for their legal opinion. Canadian legal experts predict that the Supreme Court will find the new legislation unconstitutional. However, the government will probably not ask for the Supreme Court’s opinion. It would rather go through the long and expensive process of going through the many levels of Canada’s judicial system and allow female prostitutes to continue to be exposed to danger. The Canadian government’s goal of eradicating prostitution is just not realistic.
  13. I watched it and I liked it. I hit the gay scene in 1981 in Toronto. I still remember the panic. I think the movie capture that feeling very well. That panic scared me into being extremely cautious about hook ups. I was a virtual nun for a time. I'm now in my 50s and one of the few of my circle friends to still be alive. So it was hard to watch and I shed a few tears. But I'm an advocate of letting out the sadness now and again. After all, I am a sissy!
  14. I'm sorry to hear of your health issues. But you are maintaining a positive and proactive stance with regard to this problem. I am hoping there will be a cure or a new treatment for your illness. Yesterday I finally took the plunge and booked my flight to Prague for early August. So I'll try and enjoy the city in the spirit of Tomcal. All the best!
  15. I would set up a foundation for the preservation of my language, Ojibwe, which is disappearing fast.
  16. Suckrates, I'd love to find out his other talents. Anyway, I'm a fan of drag culture as you can tell from my Divine avatar. RuPaul is doing a great job bringing it to the mainstream. Drag has been a part of gay culture since day one. It's time we stopped hating. "Pay It No Mind" Marsha P. Johnson
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0PoSClDsV8 Check it out. A hot latino boy shakin' it in RuPaul's new video, "Geronimo"!
  18. Hi Tomcal: I'm going to the Czech Rep in early June. 4 days in Prague and then 3 days in Tabor which is about an hour by train from Prague. I have a young friend who lives in Tabor who likes bears and has invited me to stay with him. But Escape and Temple will be on my agenda. I've taken note of all the comments you and Paulo have made. I'm thinking of stay at the Ariston which seems priced quite reasonably. Airfare from my city to Prague is about $1260 Cdn, I'll be flying into Toronto from my town and then on to Warsaw and then to Prague. 16 hours in total. So looking forward to it.
  19. Wish I had been there! Escape published it on Facebook.
  20. Maori warrior clenches his butt cheeks to keep from farting in front of the Cambridges.
  21. "Now sissy that walk!"
  22. A plethora of penises!
  23. He's getting a vicious tongue lashing!
  24. Mads Mikkelsen is awesome as Hannibal. Dr. Lecter is so cerebral that he doesn't seem to have any baser human drives like a sexuality. I like that he has an exquisite sense of smell and taste. I suppose that compensates for his lack of a sex drive. Hugh Dancy is wonderful as the tortured victim of Lecter. He is very handsome. Hugh Dancy is married to Claire Danes. Recently on the CBC news, they profiled Dr. John Bradford, who is a pioneer of profiling at the FBI. According to the report he was asked to profile Luka Magnotta (the notorious Canadian rentboy turned murderer). Suffering from PTSD, he turned down the Canadian authorities' request. Magnotta videotaped the murder and dismemberment of his victim Jun Lin. Bradford would have had to analyzed the video. He was traumatized after watching hours of another Canadian murderer's videotapes. Russell Williams was a high-ranking Canadian military commander; he murdered two woman and videotaped them.
  25. He's a scorching hot ginger with beautiful hair. I'm in love!
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