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Everything posted by Ojibear

  1. http://meridayucatanrealestate.com/property/?wpp_search[sort_order]=DESC&wpp_search[pagination]=on&wpp_search[per_page]=10&wpp_search[strict_search]=false&wpp_search[property_type]=condos&wpp_search[price][min]=&wpp_search[price][max]=&wpp_search[listing_number]=
  2. Hi Tom: I was looking at the price of one specific condo in Merida and after I did the exchange calculation it was only around $20K CDN. Is that possible? I would love to buy a winter place down there and escape the harsh winters of Northern Ontario, Canada. Thanks.
  3. Is that Darkseraphim in the pink pants?
  4. Hello Rimbaud: I find it funny that the height of a garoto is an issue with you; after all you will be horizontal and not vertical. Also short guys usually have nicer bubble butts. My most recent encounter the fellow was about 5'6", totally adorable with a smoking hot butt. Hurrah for short men!
  5. I must be a masochist because I've been watching "Fire Island" (Produced partly by Kelly Ripa). I'm desperate for some gay content on television, so I started watching this series. The cast of "men" seem so inane and narcissistic. They obviously all have good paying jobs and spend a lot of time and money on grooming, but this vacation is bust. There is so much whining and complaining which, I guess, is supposed to be drama. Not very compelling. Shame on me for watching, but one gets lonely up here in the far north and I hunger for even a modicum of pseudo gay culture.
  6. Unfortunately, I have had the same experience in my own country, Canada. The couple of times I've been in a potentially violent situation, the rent boy has been drug addict or mentally ill. I'm saying this because occasionally you will meet a desperate guy who needs the cash right away for their next fix. I don't think situations like that are unique to Colombia. Just look at the hideous Luca Magnotta case in Montreal who dismembered his victim and committed cannibalism. Gay life has its hazards. Erring on the side of caution is the best policy. If they exist, staying at a gay B&B in Colombia might be a better choice. In the case of Cuba, the staff at Havana casa particular I stay at (Casa Arian) screen the boys for you. Stay safe!!
  7. My friend was dating a daddy who he thought was in his 40s. Daddy was very viral and handsome. It turns out he was 65. Miracles can happen!
  8. Instead of Burlesque!
  9. Very Kafka-esque. LOL
  10. What a life! He cannot go anywhere with paparazzi following and a crowd forming. A long way from playing guitar on the streets of Stratford, Ontario, for loonies! lol
  11. I was only ever accosted once by a drag queen in Havana. She grabbed my crotch and I quickly disengaged myself. I later found my wallet on the street. She must have stole it. Luckily I left my cards at the Casa and moved my money to my shirt pocket. No harm, no foul. A word of warning: Don't get totally inebriated in poor country! You have a sign on your back that reads, "Roll Me!"
  12. All of them are beautiful twinks. Like the Amerindian looks of Cristian.
  13. Hmmm! From what I can decipher, I think Bobbalino is looking for a more up market experience. A mon avis, as long as the guys are hot, I'm totally unbebothered by inferior linen.
  14. http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2017/01/mother-killed-gay-teen-son-tried-hire-assassin-new-police-report-says/ Our world can be a sad, sick place. A mother stabbing her own son to death goes against human nature.
  15. to "butt"ress justification of your anal flippancy?
  16. Losing your temper is never a good thing. I understand you feel like he is your friend, but money gets in the way of that. I think he revealed his true thoughts about you. You don't need someone like that in your life. You shouldn't feel guilty. I recommend that you move on.
  17. Good article. For a stripper, it's about how much money that can squeeze out of you. Most gay men get that. For us, it's how big of bang you can get for your buck! Leave your credit cards and bank card at home, and bring cash. Have an idea how much you want to spend and hold back a few bucks for a taxi back to your hotel or wherever you're staying.
  18. I guess you can't look like jailbait forever. LOL
  19. Brazil has been maligned by the press. The focus should be on its magnificent culture and people. It turns out Ryan Lochte was exaggerating. At his age he should have known better; now he's coming off as immature and privileged. I've enjoyed watching the Rio Olympics immensely. Congratulations to the Brazilians who have pulled off a great Games despite all the naysayers! Viva Brazil!
  20. What you described is exactly what I experienced when I was in Havana (twice). The boys are sweet, but light-fingered. Apparently they love to steal cell phones because there is a big black market for them. My next trip I'm leaving my phone at home. The rum there is so inexpensive it's easy to get carried away (which I did). I bring extra tooth brushes and small bottles of cologne for presents. The first boy you describe sounds like Yoel. He's a very tiny man with a big dick. I think I'll stay and Vedado the next time I go there. Central Havana is more run down and somewhat dangerous. Liked your report!
  21. I feel sorry for the Chorus who had to endure such ignorant and neanderthal behaviour. The Padres fans have embarrassed themselves and should be hanging their heads. In Spirit and Strength!
  22. That be muthafuckin funny!
  23. https://books.google.ca/books?id=o7reCgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false An interesting, academic look at the garoto scene in Rio.
  24. I think it's a sweet story. And I am sure his children has made sure that they get the lion's share of his estate.
  25. LMAO! "ice queen" ... it's so true. My Toronto friends call it "s&m" - standing and modelling. The garotos are dying to meet you, all you have to do is smile and nod at one you like and they'll zoom right over!
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