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Everything posted by Ojibear

  1. Obsessively listening to this song ...
  2. Hi Tom: He was overcharged at the end of the night. He has a tendency to get too inebriated and is an easy mark.
  3. My friend is in Merida on vacation. He got ripped off at Blue last night. Avoid at all costs!
  4. He's insulting you one minute and asking you for favours the next. He sounds like a bullshitter. You are well rid of him, IMHO.
  5. I hope they were just teasing. For some who are impecunious or physically unable to travel, it is an important source of vicarious living. As for me, I'm saving up to visit this strange paradise. Thank you for your inspiring stories.
  6. Quoting Lili St. Cyr. "Sex is currency. What's the use of being beautiful if you can't profit from it?" God bless Lili St. Cyr ...
  7. I love this song and the video with the beautiful Jacques Perrin (with Rosanna Schiaffino).
  8. I'm living vicariously through your stories. Until I get my hands on some $$$ that's all I can do. I live two hours from Montreal, but the "boytoy" scene there is not all that. That is my jaded opinion, but I might go back for a quick gander soon. Thanks again!
  9. Grandma got run over by a reindeer ...
  10. Here is the link. http://gorgeousmen24.blogspot.ca/2012/04/brazilian-rent-boys-naked.html?zx=e8913448e099fec7
  11. Time flies by quickly and youth dissipates. However, in North American many rentboys continue on working well into the 40s if they look after themselves. A mature escort is sometimes a better choice. Gay society is youth obsessed which is ironic because we are only young for a 1/3 of our life spans. I was never attractive enough to work in the sex trade, but in any business one should always have a viable exit strategy.
  12. You're an engaging raconteur. Your story is sexy and hilarious!
  13. I believe even gay men in Latin America use lidocaine. Apparently, this is because of the abundance of big dicks down there. In my limited experience, big dicks are the rule rather than the exception.
  14. Ojibear

    The Organ

    Lana Turner at the Johnny Stamponato murder trial. Lana's daughter stabbed Stamponato in act of self-defense.
  15. Which club did this take place in?
  16. It never ceases to astonish me the stupidity and hatred that young heterosexual men are capable of!
  17. Why do gay men frequent filthy saunas? Why do the owners refuse to clean up the place? Because they can get away with it. They're greedy bastards. Why spend the money to offer a clean venue, when it can they can pocket the money? Years ago I was confronted by a security guard at a gay bar in Toronto. He was furious at an Indigenous gay couple and he approached me and said "all you 'Indians' are no good. Any more trouble from "you people" and I will bar every last one of you." I handed him my drink and walked out. And I never went back. I thought, why should I spend my money at an establishment that stereotypes my people as all being "no good". Demand decent treatment and you will receive it.
  18. The Roma of Europe get a bad rep. They've received shoddy treatment for generations. They were victims of the Holocaust. If they were treated with more respect, maybe they wouldn't be so desperate. As an Indigenous man from Canada I know first hand how brown-skinned people are treated in the Gay community. Not very nice.
  19. It held my attention throughout. I agree with you that if it was an older man, there would be a lynch mob. Something as simple as an attraction between a younger and an older man has been complicated beyond all reason. Pretty soon you'll need a priest, a rabbi and an imam, plus 3 lawyers to sign off on all sexual relationships.
  20. I watched, the very anticipated, "Call Me by Your Name". I read the book this summer and liked it a lot. There has been a lot of hype about the release of the movie and I was counting the minutes until it was released. I was worried it would be a let down, but, it wasn't thanks to Timothee Chalamet's performance. What an amazing young actor he is. He is practically in every scene and he never drops the ball. He brought memories back of my own first love experiences and the agony that involved. Armie Hammar is the perfect foil. He's the unobtainable American beauty. Tall, blonde, masculine, confident, and extraordinarily handsome. Decades ago, I had an experience with a very handsome guy who was way beyond my league. However, one crazy New Year's Eve, we consummated our friendship. It's an experience I'll never forget. For an art house film, it never becomes too "literary" or "artsy". A beautiful summer in Northern Italy, which is the perfect setting to have your first heartbreaking romance. If Chalamet doesn't receive an Oscar nomination it will be a travesty!
  21. Being Canadian my top 5 are: 1. SCTV (alumni are Martin Short, John Candy, Andrea Martin, Catherine O'Hara, Dave Thomas, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Mike Myers, Dan Ackroyd ...) 2. Kids in the Hall 3. Codco 4. Baroness von Sketch 5. This Hour has 22 Minutes
  22. I think I could swing 100 to 150 grand for a condo. A small condo in my home town goes for around 180K.
  23. Shit! Hey KevinC could you lend me 100 grand (US). LOL.
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