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Everything posted by wayout

  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jakel11/who-are-the-dirtiest-teams-in-college-football-answer-the-on The 20 Dirtiest College Football Teams, 2003–2012 The 20 Cleanest College Football Teams, 2003–2012
  2. He's been quite a busy actor since his High School Musical days and since 2009 has been in something like 12 movies. I haven't seen any of them but he seems to have a fairly wide range, going from comedy to romantic to serious drama. Just celebrated his 26th birthday this past Friday (October 18). I agree he is aging/maturing nicely.
  3. Here's a couple of other fun google searches (not as fun as the one above though) for your amusement when nothing else to do today: Type the world "tilt" or "askew" (I think it only works for Chrome or Safari browsers though). Type the word "recursion" Type the words "do a barrel roll" Type the word "anagram"
  4. Well we in the US have our Bowser Beer for our dogs....your choice of Beefy Brown Ale or Cock-a-Doodle Brew http://bowserbeer.com/bowserbeer6packs/
  5. I've got to see that movie, not only to see his nude scene(s) but to find out how/why he got into that position in the pic above Would be an interesting "Caption This"
  6. Absolutely "fascinating"....I love this article and while I knew some of it there were quite a few that I wasn't aware of (i.e. transparent aluminium...how cool is that). You gotta love it and this is one part of the future that I would love to be able to experience. I can hardly wait for the transporter to be real
  7. I love dogs and have always wanted to have one but work always got in the way. When I retired a couple of years ago one of the first things I did was to get my first dog, a rescue beagle mix. It has been an awesome experience and I would love to have a second, but my girl is very jealous and wouldn't allow it. I truly know now what they mean by man's best friend and she brings joy to me every day.
  8. Variety is the spice of life. Sometimes I prefer the "boyfriend" experience and other times I like the "wham, bam, thank you mam" experience, all depends on my mood and situation (longer appointments for "boyfriend" for example). Overall, my past experiences have been more towards the "boyfriend" experience but lately it has trended for the other kind.
  9. Not being a big fan of Glee and won't likely be watching this episode, I am still curious and wondering if someone can let me know how they dealt with the character's passing?
  10. Here is a woman that shares your feeling hito....http://www.today.com/entertainment/michelle-duggar-trying-get-pregnant-20th-child-8C11363494 Michelle Duggar 'trying' to get pregnant with 20th child
  11. I find his comments on clericalism to be very interesting and fairly significant. I imagine this is one area in particular that he will get quite a bit of pushback on within the Church. I also find it interesting how he is creating a sort of "board of directors" composed of cardinals to help advise him in a real way, with the Pope being the "chairman". Seems as though he may have gotten his business degree somewhere along the way.
  12. Thanks Lookin, that was my concern for Chrome as well (eliminating all cookies for all sites). I will follow your suggestion and try to eliminate individual cookies for just this site to see what happens and if it corrects the problem. Ok, just tried it and seems to be working fine now.
  13. It seems to happen any time I have edited, regardless if it is in a thread I started or another thread I am responding to. I don't recall if it is in different forums as I think most of my posts and edits have been in the general chat forum. Ps...I went back to this post and edited and same problem. PPs....interesting that when I exited the thread and went back to the forum listing, then came back to this thread and edited this post, it worked fine, just as before (i.e. did leave the edit box and went back to the original thread with the post edited)
  14. Never really a cigarette smoker for very long except for a couple years when I lived in China and it was very common to accept and smoke a cigarette from your host at some dinner or meeting. So that got me started for a bit but fortunately I didn't continue after I left that assignment. My step father used to smoke a pipe and I loved the aroma but never took it up myself (although tempted to but like AS I think I would quickly become adicted to it). I do have a fondness for cigars and while others may find them smelly I very much enjoy them. I tend to limit them to special occasions probably only have 10 or 12 a year, mostly around the Christmas holidays and on the golf course. .
  15. Mark Twain > Quotable Quote “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”― Mark Twain
  16. Wow, that is impressive. I've been thinking about going gluten free but need to do my research on it first. I've gone pretty much vegetarian (not vegan), say about 95% of the way for the last 8 weeks and I have been steady at 1lb per week loss. I would like to maintain that rate or even a bit more so I was thinking of in addition to increasing exercise to maybe switch to gluten free to help with an extra amount. How challenging is it to go to gluten free Joseph? Do you take any supplements to make sure you are not lacking in any vitamins or such?
  17. We have to remember that the police are in a situation where they have little or no background information on the person in that car, and can only react based on the situation at hand as it develops/evolves and whatever protocol they are supposed to follow. Even though I am sure they train for such situations, they have to make very quick life and death decisions in a pressure situation. That it took place in the nation's capital surely plays into the whole thing. The reality seems to be that, for better or worse, law enforcement will err on the side of taking someone out rather than risk harm to themselves or other bystanders in such situations. What if they shot out the tires and tried to negotiate a surrender but then the car exploded because the person was a terrorist and it was loaded with explosives, killing or severely injuring several people? Then the police would be criticized for not being more aggressive.
  18. Thanks for the updated info. He was very sweet indeed as you said. I am a bit sad that I won't have the opportunity to see him again, but life goes on and I wish him the very best.
  19. Thanks for posting this AS. A very interesting, educational and enjoyable read. One gets some important insights into the man and his love of the Church without being oblivious to the realities it faces. I continue to be optimistic that he will make an even greater positive difference in the future.
  20. Never been there but I do know that one of my all time favorite escorts, Andre, moved there a few years ago. I've lost contact with him and not sure if he has retired or not but his contact info is hardeworkinncboy@yahoo.com and he has reviews on the other review site. He was at the time we met in Raleigh strictly a top but he can still be a great companion if you are also a top. If I can find his latest phone number I will send to you by private message.
  21. I share what others have said and will include him in my prayers.
  22. I think what RA1 is experiencing is something similar to what I have had happen. Not the extraneous symbols but when I posted and then went back to edit to correct a misspelling or add some additional thoughts, after I edit and post (save changes) it does not go back to the original page with the post showing the correction (as I am fairly sure happened previously) but rather the edit dialogue will stay open. At that point, if I refresh the page, the edit does show up.
  23. History Quiz Time...When did the "The Great War" (aka WW1) end? a. 1918 b. 1919 c. 1921 d. 2010 Answer: e. All the above. 1918 Germany Surrendered. 1919 Germany and the Allied Nations sign the Treaty of Versailles, 1921 The US signs the Treaty of Versailles. 2010 Germany made last reparations payments required by the Treaty of Versailles. Ref: http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i-officially-ends
  24. It has been some time since I last saw the movie but I enjoyed it, mostly because of the eye candy of Ryan I wonder why they deleted the scene. Seems like it would have added an interesting element about the character.
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