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Everything posted by wayout

  1. Very hot guys indeed
  2. Totally agree...he does an incredible job at portraying the most deliciously loathsome and conniving character to come along in quite a time, and I am enjoying watching him. My favorite from that collection above....Never slap a man while he's chewing tobacca Wiser words have never been spoken. Thanks for posting that video
  3. Should I be rethinking moving to the south to escape these winters? These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners MORE: Maps of AmericaThe SouthMapsPoverty Poverty in CanadaAccess to Health CareObesity RatesObesityObamacareMaps of the SouthHappy StatesBusiness News Look, there are lots of things to love about the South. It's clean and quiet. There's delicious food, good people and often amazing weather. But that's exactly why it makes us so sad to think about all the ways in which the region is struggling today. First off, poverty rates are a lot higher in the South. Source: USDA In fact, as many as one in four southern kids lives in poverty, compared to the national average of one in five. In the map above, red shading indicates a poverty rates between 17.9 and 22.8 percent. Orange indicates 15.9 to 17.8 percent; light orange, 12.2-15.8 percent; pale yellow, 9 to 12.1 percent. As you can see, there's a lot of high-poverty red in the south. And minimum wages are much lower. Source: Department Of Labor Virtually no southern states, with the exception of Florida, have a minimum wage higher than the federal floor of $7.25 an hour. Many southern states do have relatively low living costs. But they are not dramatically lower than costs of living in other states, such as Ohio and Missouri, that have set minimum wages at least slightly higher than the national limit. The southern states are doing the absolute minimum for their poorest citizens by keeping the minimum wage at the lowest levels possible. And people living in the South are a lot less likely to move up the economic ladder. Source: Equality Of Opportunity Project If you want to achieve the American Dream, don't move to the South. That's because states in the South have extremely low levels of economic mobility. In the map above, pale yellow represents places with higher mobility, while red indicates low mobility. Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to affordable health care. Source: Urban Institute States that didn't choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare are highlighted in lighter gray. ...which is costing these states a ton of money. Source: The Huffington Post This map shows how much money the 19 states that rejected Medicaid expansion will lose by 2022 as a result of doing so (assuming all other states participate). This is particularly troubling because the South has several health crises on its hands. Like obesity. Source: CDC Obesity rates are too high across the U.S. But they're particularly high in the South. Southern states also have a higher percentage of cigarette smokers. Source: The Huffington Post Most southern states have a higher percentage of smokers than anywhere else in the country. Incidentally, most southern states have relatively low taxes on cigarettes. And a much higher rate of teen births. Source: Zara Matheson + Atlantic Cities The map plots birth rates among women ages 15 to 19. In states shaded dark blue, there are more than 50 births per 1,000 teenage women. Perhaps all this is why some southern states are among the least happy states in the country. Source: Gallup That's according to Gallup's recent "State of American Well-Being" report, which surveyed thousands of Americans and ranked states based on an average of six measures: "life evaluation," emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, work environment and basic access to things like food, water and shelter.
  4. BEST PICTURE “12 Years a Slave” BEST DIRECTOR Martin Scorsese, “The Wolf of Wall Street” BEST ACTOR Matthew McConaughey, “Dallas Buyers Club” BEST ACTRESS Cate Blanchett, “Blue Jasmine” BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY “Dallas Buyers Club” BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY “12 Years a Slave” BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Lupita Nyong’o, “12 Years a Slave” BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Jared Leto, “Dallas Buyers Club” BEST ANIMATED FILM “Frozen” BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY “Gravity” BEST COSTUME DESIGN Catherine Martin, “The Great Gatsby” BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE The Act of Killing”Joshua Oppenheimer and Signe Byrge Sørensen BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT “The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life” Malcolm Clarke and Nicholas Reed BEST FILM EDITING “12 Years a Slave” Joe Walker BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM “The Broken Circle Breakdown” Belgium BEST MAKEUP AND HAIRSTYLING “Dallas Buyers Club” Adruitha Lee and Robin Mathews BEST ORIGINAL SCORE Thomas Newman, “Saving Mr. Banks” BEST ORIGINAL SONG “Let It Go” from “Frozen” Music and Lyric by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN “The Great Gatsby” Production Design: Catherine Martin; Set Decoration: Beverley Dunn BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM “Room on the Broom” Max Lang and Jan Lachauer BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM “Helium” Anders Walter and Kim Magnusson BEST SOUND EDITING “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Brent Burge BEST SOUND MIXING “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Christopher Boyes, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick and Tony Johnson BEST VISUAL EFFECTS “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton and Eric Reynolds
  5. In anticipation of the 86th Academy Award ceremony this coming Sunday, for those who enjoy trivia here is a quick quiz. Tried to pick questions from a site I came across that would not be so obscure to baffle all but the expert cinephiles here. No fair googling. 1. Five performers have played the same character in two different films and have been nominated both times. Who are the performers and what were their roles? 2. Name the two motion picture trilogies that have received Best Picture nominations for each installment. 3. Who is the only Oscar winner with parents who were both Oscar winners as well? 4. Who was the first black performer to win an Academy Award? Bonus: Name the person who received the most Academy Awards at a single ceremony and how many Oscars the person won
  6. I distinctly remembering coming across this little gem a number years ago and falling in love with the main characters....imho, perfect casting. Really enjoyed reading behind the scenes details in that piece, thanks for posting it AS. I especially like the tease about a possible sequel.
  7. I wasn't aware that there is a British version and will definitely check it out so thanks PasadenaCA for that bit of info. I watched the first couple of seasons of the one on Showtime and had a love/hate relationship with it. Loved some of the characters but hated some of the situations and attitudes. To be totally honest, without Ian on the show I probably would have stopped watching earlier than I did. He is one cute ginger Stopped watching it when I realized it was the only thing on Showtime I was watching after Weeds finished (where I drooled over Hunter Parrish) and got tired of paying for the premium channel package. I hope one day to catch up on all the season's I've missed. I am curious to see how Ian's character develops
  8. Seems like all the guys at my Home Depot are retirees (or near that age it seems). If they had guys as hot as you describe I would be going there much more often. Your encounter would be a great lead in to a great porn video. Do let us know if you have him over and how this "special" home project works out
  9. I pretty much feel that the huge and growing world population is the single greatest issue going forward...and the root cause of climate change. Man has gotten better at countering Mother Nature in her efforts to keep things under control but how much longer can that happen? I try to be optimistic about the future but it is becoming more and more difficult to do so. Other than some indications of positive changes related to acceptance of homosexuality (i.e. same sex marriages), few other bright spots on the horizon I am sad to say.
  10. Feel sorry for the guy but at least he is trying to make something good out of a bad experience. But to be honest, the skeptic in me wonders if this whole thing was staged.
  11. Plenty of examples of parents exploiting their children for fame and fortune (think Kris Kardashian Jenner but certainly others, even with much younger children). This lady is taking things to the next level and pushing the boundaries (if one can say they exist any longer). I fully expect a reality show with her and her kids to soon follow...the question would then be which network would dare to have it on their schedule.
  12. Well if that picture bothers you Suckrates then this one is likely to make your eyes pop too....
  13. I also just finished the first episode and had the exact same reaction as TotallyOz....what an amazing way to start the season!!!!!!
  14. I enjoyed season 1 of House of Cards and am looking forward to the new season. Always enjoy watching Kevin Spacey. I do tend to agree with you Paragon that it seems to go a bit too far. This is based on a British version and I started watching it also last year but for one reason or another never got too far into it so not sure how closely it follows. http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/02/before-you-watch-the-new-em-house-of-cards-em-do-yourself-a-favor-and-see-the-original/283795/ Btw, there was a minor kerfuffle I read about the other day where because of the coming storm on the east coast people wanted the new season to be released a day early....Netflix declined to follow the suggestion http://money.cnn.com/2014/02/13/technology/innovation/netflix-house-of-cards-snowstorm/
  15. Here are a couple for those that enjoy prank videos that I thought were pretty good... http://youtu.be/6XtAEd5N4VI
  16. Carrying on the theme a bit.....
  17. http://deathbeeper.com/2237601.html Another legend leaves us.....RIP
  18. A full and accomplished life....I also have fond memories of her from her movies. Growing up my dad would always make me a Shirley Temple (cocktail) when he and my mom would enjoy their adult beverages. RIP
  19. wayout

    kn hospital

    I hope you are getting sponge baths from a very hot male nurse
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