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Everything posted by young11

  1. Hi I have a long layover at MNL, t2 to be specific. I was wondering if there are massage places by men, not necessarily sexual service but a good massage. Also, if there are places with extra service I am happy but I am just assuming there is none....
  2. thanks @macaroni21 for the detailed response. It is very helpful. I think what I was looking for was more like Green Massage on Surawong and Paradis on Silom you mentioned. I like the thrill and I don't mind getting a good massage if there is no sex involved. Any leads on Pattaya?
  3. OK, sorry about the confusion. Outright gay means the shop shows the guys in front of you and you choose your therapist and the shop has min tip. Now when I read outright gay, this sounds awful, sorry about it. normal means you usually cannot choose the therapist unless you name them by knowing them but more importantly the shop does not advertise sex but we know it happens as some of you wrote your experience. I am looking for the latter because I can easily find the former (gay shops) online search while it is hard to find the latter because they do not show any indication of offering sex but it happens secretly between the therapist and client. Because they don't advertise themselves as selling sex, it is hard to find them by online searches, so I asked here.
  4. thanks, I am quite familiar with the thai way of running massage places but I just don't travel enough to try places to know them. I usually do not like the outright gay places with only sex in mind. I would rather go to normal places with a hot masseur and see how things go. If something extra is offered, will gladly take it. In fact most places offer something extra in my experience. I just didn't like the masseurs. Are paradise and scandic gay only (i.e., clearly selling sex) place?
  5. thanks, good to know. I know some straight guys offer extra, which sometimes can be fun. any massage places with men in Pattaya?
  6. are these normal massage places with men only staff? or are these gay places?
  7. are there any normal massage places with hot boys? I feel like most massage places like to offer extra but hard to find a place with a hot guy or without knowing the name, name him. Ideally in BKK or pattaya
  8. thanks for the info. But are the reviews on rentmen reliable? I think the escorts can block people so that they don't leave reviews and i am not sure if escorts can delete the reviews after it was given. Also isn't there a requirement to have rentmen chat confirmation to leave review etc? I have heard the reviews there are not very useful. I also know the reviews on hunqz are just compeletely useless because escorts delete all the negative ones...
  9. I agree with you about Brazilians, more broadly Latinos. They tend to work hard to satisfy you, that's why I like hiring them. But also they tend to be good kissers and usually good in bed too. Recently I hired a British guy because he was very hot but performance was really underwhelming, not a good kisser, very friendly but I felt like he is just doing the job more robotic way, not passionately but I guess everyone is different. I am so used to Brazilians that I completely forgot there are guys like him 😂 I also agree that thermas has timings so I also avoid certain days but I am also a bit particular about muscled body so maybe that is why. But I didn't notice the pecking order you mentioned haha I certainly noticed that the regular guys tend to walk around like they own the place but didn't think much about their interactions. I do know that they talk a lot about clients... Anyways going back to Paris, so no recs? At least I wanna try some sensual massages as I really enjoy nude massages. Any leads there as well?
  10. that is good to hear. What type of guys do you like? I haven't been to Thermas 12 times after covid but mostly last year and earlier this year and once in September. There was a big lag in the middle because of monkey pox. I just avoided saunas because I had a lot of family visits so I didn't wanna risk myself. So my impression could be just due to the early times when it opened.
  11. i thought we are talking about the hourly rate as providers quote only hourly rates...But I tend to hire for an hour usually because I don't enjoy the talk afterward with many providers. With only a few providers did I enjoy the convo afterwards. But if you are hiring someone for 2-3hs with 200-300e, that is similar to 100e for an hour. Actually, they charge higher for a single hour and give discounts for multiple hours of hiring.
  12. Never been to Athens but I hear it is another competitive market with loads of guys in need of some cash. I have met some Greek guys in Barcelona though, had really nice experience, also for 100e 🤣 I actually paid 150e for mfm with the one guy, that is how we met (and I hired him alone twice afterwards but alone was not as fun as mfm) and it was one of my best experiences in hiring so far. My understanding was that he was into mfm and liked showing off, so he hired a girl for 100e and got only 50e from me. We visited the girl's venue together. It was a weird setting but was so much fun and we did it couple of times with different girls he would find and sort things out. He had a really nice body like greek gods and I still vividly remember his body and movements haha Unfortunately, after the covid, his body was not as good as body so I stopped contacting him when I visit Barcelona.
  13. well, my experience with guys in thermas was quite different. Of course it depends on the guy but most guys there are actually willing to do more than what you described. I thought it was latin thing, always willing to satisfy and is horny all the time lol Anyway, Thermas is different, for 50e in Thermas you cannot ask for cum, it is the agreed rule in sauna, so I don't expect them to cum. And for any sauna or even hiring top escorts outside for 300e, I know some escorts do not get hard so it is not a thermas problem. But in thermas, you can check that before going into cabin so lower risk of that in saunas in my opinion. Outside of thermas they do cum for 100e, and I was not talking about paying 100e for thermas. I use thermas to test the water and find a guy who is a good match with me for 50e, so I hire them outside if we click. Not just thermas guys but in general almost all of my hires were expected to cum and do so for 100e if that is the agreed rate before the meeting. While I agree that the quality of guys has diminished at Thermas after the pandemic, there are some good looking guys there on certain days. Maybe you are not familiar with thermas but for example, guys like Junior ask for 150e outside of sauna, yet they come to sauna as well. It is weird and I never understood but I guess you can meet multiple clients within a few hours in Thermas but you waste so much time outside to get a client in Barcelona. Anyway, I am not here to defend myself and if you don't like what I asked or wrote, you can just pass it. There is no point of trying to look down on me, just because I hire some people for less than you do. You don't seem to know much about Thermas and it sounds like you are trying to twist it to make your point. I only try to contribute to this forum as I did get a lot of valuable information from other members here in the past. I wrote this reply to clarify your idea about thermas just in case you didn't know about it in a good faith, otherwise you can ignore what i wrote if the information was not helpful for you.
  14. Well it depends on who and where. I never hire porn stars for sure. Actually I don't watch porn so I don't know who is a porn star and who is not. One time a provider said he was famous after we had sex and when I Googled him, he indeed played in some porns. Another incident was someone who couldn't get hard to top me so I topped him. He was a porn star too but I don't think I would ever hire him again. I don't think porn stars deliver better than an average provider with a good attitude. I usually go for guys that are not too professional but has a good attitude toward this sort of job, ideally he enjoys sex more than being famous or being rich But they are certainly not street beggers or a quickie. Maybe my word muscular led to a wrong impression, I am not looking for body builders but I like guys who go to gym and have a proportional body (no chicken legs or hulks, though). And I never had a difficulty hiring with 100e in most European countries so I started wondering what you guys are doing or how much you are paying. I really thought the going rate in Europe is 100e except for those countries I mentioned...I never reveal information about me, I just contact them via WhatsApp and ask their rates and I was quoted 100 in most of the time but sometimes 120 or 150 but usually they just go back to 100e rather quickly if you refuse them. Unless I really want this particular provider, I never hire someone who lowered his rates because I think they will provide less. So I just say thank you and leave him alone. Also, I don't hire from rentmen or us based websites. If you contact them from their they usually quote 200 or more. Maybe this is why you guys are surprised but in Europe I use hunqz most of the time. Search according to my specifications and check their rate or contact them on WhatsApp and ask for their rates. Again I usually get 100e even when they don't know a thing about me... Rate wise, anything east of Austria is usually less than 100e, the west of Austria is slightly variable. I always find Spain to be particularly cheap, even the top escorts quote 100e, or even less for 30min. Portugal is another less known place for a low rate in my opinion but I stopped going there for job reasons. I even got 50 multiple times and one of them was really good. I hired him quite a few times when I used to go to Portugal. Of course the best place is thermas in Barcelona and even then when I hire them outside they usually quote me 100e. Some asked for 150 but they were well known guys like Junior. I like him and respect how he runs his business (affirmative and always consistent unlike many small minded providers who constantly change their rate and play games) so he was always an exception. But I am also not very demanding in terms of sex. No fetish no bb. I just require the guy to be able to get hard and kiss with tongue. So that could be the reason why they always quoted 100 for me and was always willing to meet with me outside of the sauna.
  15. thanks, I don't know the rates in Paris but I can get those guys for 100e in most of europe, except for maybe London, nordic countries & Switzerland. So I am not in a rush to hire someone in Paris for 2 or 3 times more if the rates are so high. This forum is usually very knowledgeable and resourceful so I just asked in case someone has a lead
  16. Ok it seems like I will have a few trips to Paris and I might go there regularly. I am looking for someone who is a good kisser and muscular, under 30yo. Ideally hourly rate would be 100e. Any recs? Also I tend to like guys who are not well known and discreet but with a good attitude. You can message me privately if that makes you comfortable
  17. haha by reporting my adventures here, maybe I am considered as voracious. then I should stop contributing. Anyway, 100eu or usd for a guy is a very good deal in my opinion but finding that person is difficult in turkey as you can see from my post, whereas in most european market, it is quite easy, no hussle, mostly accurate pictures, and easy to visit or invite etc...
  18. Just an update from my recent trip there. My earlier sentiment is still the same: turkey is not the best place to hire. I visited aquarius sauna twice. The manager is just grumpy as usual, the boys try to charge 100euro in sauna although they are not that attractive. The price should be around 600tl (200 goes to the sauna) but again their attitude and inability to create a good experience make it not worthwhile. Also, with vpn grindr works fine, you can find many profiles there ranging from 50 to 200usd, where most would quote 100. It's fine as long as their pictures are accurate but that is not the case in turkey, which makes the meeting really awkward. I hired one from grindr but apparently he sent fake body and nude pictures (but the face was real, which is odd...) I couldn't get the connection, I think he was just a total bottom who said top because of the money and had a sloppy flat ass (although the picture was a big bubble butt) so our sex went nowhere. Still paid 100 to avoid any issues and uncomfortable confrontation but I am not excited about going there for hiring for sure. Anyway, the food was good and cheap so I wasn't too bad overall. I think turkey is a market for those who don't have access to European market. A lot of gulf men who cannot do things back home come here and spread their oil money and hire like no tomorrow, so that might be the reason why the market is so difficult.
  19. i always pay after, 50 euros. No one in recent history asked for more, but if they do, just smile and move on haha. regarding the health form, I don't think it is required now if you are vaccinated (within 270days) or boostered. Booster does not have any expiry date. I am just not sure if it is good to visit sauna these days because of recent reports here. Sauna works only when there are good boys there
  20. Flying into EU with non-EU airlines is not covered by EC261. As I stated, for EU arrivals, EC261 applies only to EU airlines. For example, if one flies AA into BCN directly and gets delayed, AA has no legal obligation to compensate. For EU departure, Ec261 applies to all airlines, so it doesn't matter if AA or IB. see below: "Remember these are European flight regulations and so only apply to flights departing from an EU airport, or flights landing in the EU with a European airline. " https://www.airhelp.com/en/ec261/ec-261-compensation/
  21. I have flown Iberia business only but the flights were uneventful, so I cannot comment on their ability to sort things out quickly when things go wrong. I hear their customer service is horrible but I never needed to use their cs. So be careful about that. However, their food and wine selection is better than american companies. On a different note, I almost always choose the european airlines over american ones because of EC261. For Eu arrivals EC261 only applies to EU airlines. So I would say I would avoid AA at least for the outbound flight. IB and AA are transatlantic revenue sharing so usually you can choose any airline you want for the same price. IB vs AF: I have never used AF but I actually actively avoided AF: their safety record is not as good as you might think. I can't think of anything good I heard about AF so never wanted to try AF. Plus MAdrid is more fun for hiring than Paris, so there is that.
  22. For me, Turks are very hard to deal with, which makes Turkey far less attractive for this sort of trips. If you speak the language it might be different but most guys will try to charge you more than what you pay in Europe, although it is far less expensive there. I believe that is because escort scene is scarce there. They will use fake photos, they will disappear in the middle, or they will try to rob you or try to charge you more once you meet. What is the worst is that most of them cannot deliver...They don't really understand what it takes to be an escort, they think it is an easy job or low hanging fruit if you are willing to do some anal (top). One time I got myself into a difficult situation: a well advertised escort on hunqz (he is probably still there) came to me and of course, I always explicitly ask if he can kiss with tongue and can get hard before meeting. He didn't wanna kiss after we met and said he had some teeth problems (a lie or at least he should have told me that when I explicitly asked about tongue kiss) and then he recorded me while I am giving a head to him. I confronted him, which he denied but i am 100% sure he recorded me. Unfortunately, you cannot get police involved in this sort of countries, so you are left with far less options. If you talk to expats who live in Turkey, you will realize how hard the boys there are. Anyway, for me it is too much hassle without much pleasant result so I don't really go to Turkey for this sort of things. Turkey itself is a nice country and people are usually friendly (except the taxi drivers but taxi drivers are bad everywhere). For Aquarius, most guys also cannot deliver in cabin, but to me, that is the best option you have if you decide to explore. Don't expect the quality of service you get in Barcelona or Brazil. I also got lucky with a lebanese boy twice and I found him on grindr. I paid but he was very easy to deal with and a good experience in bed, but that was long time ago. Regarding hammams, in the past I was able to explore these places but I hear there are very difficult these days because of Erdogan crackdown. I don't have a first hand experience, so maybe someone else can provide more updated info. Regarding massages, I always wondered why there are no massage places in turkey. They have hammams, and massage is popular everywhere in the world but I couldn't find any massage place in Istanbul. You don't see them on street either...If you happen to find good ones, do let us know.
  23. any recent experience in Istanbul? What is going rate in TL?
  24. thanks very much, he seems a bit skinny for my taste but looks like a nice bottom
  25. do you mind sharing the belarusina guy's hunqz profile here or in a message?
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