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Everything posted by trzinko

  1. The last 2 days i have spend on iguazu falls. The first day i got soaked When walking from bus station to hotel, that was really closed. Yesterday, I soaked when i was riding a boat under falls and today 5 showers Hit me when i was walking on the argentinian side. Falls are magmificent, No such in europe, and i would say niagara is much smaller. Don't ask Me which side is better, probably the one you see first.
  2. Tomcal, i don't think that this boys were profesionals. They heard or read what is going on between tourists and boys. When they saw the opportunity they used it. As simple as that.
  3. As said i have been to ipanema "gay" beach today. For those who don't know beach isa real carneval to see forsomeone that comes from europeor US. They sell everithing that you can imagine in the most innovative ways possible. Water in rio. Is extremely cold, despite heat. So it is no swiming, just splashing. On the beach i met 2 boys. They are from belo horizonte spending long weekend. They were ordering just one coce at a time, but they had a bottle of white rum in their bag, so they were mixing their own coctailsall all the time. In the afternoon i boughtgt grilled cheese for three of us. And maybe an hour later i put down the question, if they woulg go to my appartment after the beach, for some fun, and subsequently for dinner to carretao. I offered them 100 r each, if they would go. I was very surprised, because they immedeately said yes. They didn't even discuse it among them. ? I didn't expect it to be so easy. We left thebeachat 4p.m., first we stoped at to nemai foranothr round of coctails. Then, we went to my buinding. The porter just waiwed us in.. Then they showered first. Both are white, one is 20, another 25 years. They came naked out of shower, than i went for shower. When i came out, they were already on each other.... We had 2 rounds of fun that lasted for 3 hours. Went to caretao churasceria after that. Boys were eating lie wolfs, but i didn't like caretao today. I like meat a lot, but it was not a real great meat, that i was waiting for a few years. I just came back to the appartment. I have to pack because i move to my nextdestination.
  4. On friday i visited santa teresa. It has a goog reputation around the web and it is described as bohemian neighborhood. I was a little dissapointed, because it was very deserted. Almost no people, maybe because it was hery hot. At the end, when you walk down, you come to the stirs that are decorated with tiles from around the world. This part is colurful and it's worth to see. In the afternoon, like tomcal predicted i went to meio mundo. A real disneyland for all tastes. But it was probably 3 times more boys, than clients. Thats why the boys were nervous, because they couldn't get a client and they were extremely pushy. At the door someone joined me, which i didn't like at all - an older very muscled guy. It took me quite a while, and a drink, that he understood that he is not my type. At the end i found a boy i liked. A vell defined latino, with no knowledge of english. Bust he kissed and sucked like hell. Sorry guys no picture, i am obviously to clumsy for that. But that was not the end of the day. I proceeded to rio scenarium after that. It is well known -best- samba club in rio. They change musicans 3 times a night. Had a good stake and enyoed 2 rounds of music. Left around 1 a..m.. Saturday i went co corcovado. Exellent wiew like always. You can imagine africa and south america being together a few million yoears away. And way too crowded ofcource. In the afternoon i went feijoda of a samba school in manqueira. Obviosly not the best neighbourhood. A lot of good music and dancing. It is great to see people having such a great time. Also some great looking dancers - girls and boys. From there i took a taxi to maracana, i took a look of renovated stadium and hop on subway for gloria. I arrived at 117. Late around 7p.m.. Because i was tired, i choose a black.twink pretty fast. He was pretty cool but he didn't want to get fucked, even when i offered 200. When i was dressing i i saw 2 most beautiful latino guys. Defined, but not muscled. Well i still have a reason to return. Which is the best club for sunday ? But mostly on sunday i will rest. Ipanema beach will be my location.
  5. I flew in rio yesterday morning. First i will repeat another warning that i have Seen in other forums. Don't change money at the airport. Theirr rate is 10% worse than in city. This is huge. I was going around. Using all mentioned precutions. I blended into a local. Obviously succsesful, becase a young beautiful women approached me. And asked me for directions. No, it was not "that" type of meeting, because she was so beautififul, that i would defenitely say yes. But it was funny. In the late afternoon i went to 117. It was thursay, a lot boys, but not so many customers. Let's 30 boys and 20 customers. Many differens types but mussles prevailed. I went with a tall well defined, but not muscled boy. It was a good experience. I brought a camera, but not my iphone. But noone was carrieng anything around and there are also signs that you can not, there is no picture. Besides, i stll think that phone pics are not the best. I don't know , how tomcal is doing this. So pics for now, sorry guys.
  6. I agree with you that there is a substatial difference between Burger and a steak. I am flying out to brazil tonight. And would Defenitely prefer also to meet namorado instead of garoto. I would also pay more, but how to find....
  7. i have also noted, that the prices that you mention were completely out of tomcal's guidelines...... is there any picture of your beauty?
  8. Yuri looks great. I hope i can meet him next week.
  9. on january 8, i will fly to brazil and start my second journey to this beautiful country. i will stay in rio - ipanema from january 9 through 13 in foz do iguazu from january 13 to january 15 in buenos aires from january 15 to january 18 in fortalezza from january 19 to januay 23 in salvador da bahia from januar 23 to january 26 and again in rio ipanema from january 26 to january 30 if anyone wil be there at the same time and would like to meet for visiting the good sights, enjoy samba, good food or for a simple manhunt, please send me private massage and we will take it from there. for everybody else, i will drop a few lines now and there and let you know, how is everything. happy new year.
  10. have a great trip and keep us posted,,,,,
  11. i have spent 2 weeks of european summer on mallorca and visited several beaches. they charged for 2 chairs and 1 umbrella 16 €, what is according to todays rate 49.6 R. interet was 3 euros for a day (wifi on a beach), prices of drinks are comperable with what you mention, food was more expensive.....
  12. any more new comments on salvador?
  13. as i prepare i would like to know how to post a picture from iphone to this forum. i can do it from computer, but i will not have computer with me. and i would like you guys also to have some fun, so i am sure you will tell me.
  14. This is getting better and better...
  15. Two questions: If in 48 days, i come to cafezinha or to nem ai in rua amoedo before 6pm, will there be any waiter offering such delicateses, or might they offer theselves ? It is before 6pm, because after that i will head to 117 or mm. Do i have any chance (50+years old gringo) or i will have to fight for caipirinha. Can tomcal pull any strings?
  16. Can he come to rio in january ? He is the best i saw from porto alegre collection.
  17. paperboy, this is now already a topic.... rio in december...... you are violating the rules of this forum. anyway, to bad you are not there in january. we would be a good company for a trip or two....
  18. i have been in brazil once, so i am not much of a reference. but i would say, that they expect cash from foreigners. if they are atractive, it can probably be cheaper. be we still talk cash.
  19. i heard that it is dangerous at night. so night is probably out. can you pick them up on a beach ? one internep page said that around hotel mareazul is a lot of garotos? any strippers bar to be recommended ? or corunhia of salvador?
  20. no, i found it somewhere some time ago. but this time i will travel equiped. and i hope i will take some...
  21. during my january trip i intend to stop for 4 days in salvador. i have read what some members have written here and i have read the guide section . i have already booked a hotel in barra. i know there is at least planetario sauna suitable for foreigners. i itention is to see the bale and hear a lot of music in pelurinho and around. however, if there are some other information about places (manhunting) that are not to dangerous i would appreciate your answers and descriptions..... 52 days to go....
  22. speaking of portogues: is "garoto" a friendly word or is it insulting in any way ?
  23. i was testing how to post a pic. 53 days to go
  24. this is more or less a test. do you like picture ?
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