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Everything posted by trzinko

  1. Starucks i don't see that absurd. Generally, the coffee is different to european taste. I actually prefer capuccino at cafezinha on rue amoedo. Of cource, it is trade marks.
  2. Well, it obviously it was crowded. But i was never there so late. I usually visit between. 17 and 20h. Red bull in brazil is the most stupid thing i have heard. With all the fruit juices .caipirinhas and other coctails....
  3. they all ask for more after. and if they were good it is good to add something. if i agree on 100, and it was good i always give 120. it makes also sense to buy a drink or lasagna.to boy. and next time, if you would like to try a different boy, just tell him nice. it happanes all the time, and that's all about saunas in rio, right?
  4. Very nice boy. I would not share him in a threesome.
  5. Really cute face and lips. You shoulh get a promotion by travel organisation of brasil. I bought my plane ticket yesterday. 126 days to go....
  6. Supermarket is in the south east corner of praca general osorio. But i am sure you have found it. I am sorry to hear that you didn't find the boys attractive. I was in 117 Only once on sunday, but it was a good day. Looking forward to your stories and pictures....
  7. there is an option to make a last minute arrangement at sauna as you propose. and maybe i will do that. however i see a difference between profesionals ( who go to sauna every day or evey week ) and amateurs who would just use the opportunity to have a good time and make some money on the side. somehow, i prefer amateurs, but they are more difficult to find.
  8. just send us a postcard now and then. have a good trip and strong boys.
  9. thanka for comments. as i can see i will defenitely have to export someone to those places with me from rio. regarding choice i am still undecided. if i go to ilha grande i will defenitely comine it with paraty. but boys, what about boys ?
  10. boys, thanks for your comments. tomcal, can you contact me privately here or at trzinko@gmail.com for discussing the imports and rioloco, any suggestions ? thanks, again
  11. as i am busy in european summer i inttend to go back to brazil in january. i intend also to spend a week out of rio. and i am deciding between buzios and ilha grande. if anyone was in this places, i would appreciate if you can provide opinion, which place do you see better. and because i have read tripadvisor the question is meant particularly in question of meeting new boys.
  12. the amount was my suggestion, and i am aware that i am guilty of creating inflation in brazil. i would probably be able to do make it cheaper, but it was my last night in rio, the guy was great..... i didn't want to be a sissy. i don't have a lot of experience with overnights. i had guys in my appartment for an hour. that was mostly for a hundred. overnight is probably possible for 200 with a nice guy. this is my estimate.
  13. the best is for the end. the guy on the picture gave me a best fuck of my bazil trip. i took him home, and also went next morning to cafezinha for a great capiccino. i promised him 300 R, but gave him more, because he was great at 3 in the morning, and not to mention at 9 in the morning.
  14. i did not call in for the last few days, because i had to catch up with my work, when i returned home. it was a beutiful trip with beautiful boys. i am posting toda a picture with vendors from ipanema beach, and a boy which i met at 117 last sunday in january.... i don't think that a lot of comment is needed.
  15. In order that pictures are posted correctly i will not any more pictures Before i get home next week. I am still clumsy with iphone. Salvador probably is dangerous city and looks like one. It is in the air. But you don't need to have a guide at airport. Just take a regular taxi And you will be fine. For a first time visitor to salvadori would recommend a guide, or an Organized tour. In 2008 i have used fernando bingre, who you can find On tripadvisor. In 2008 he has done perfect job introducing me to the City. He was not so perfect this time, because he canceled a night tour 4 hours before it should start. Unpleasant, he probably got a better deal Somewhere else. And don't forget bale folclorico in the old town. It takes place every day At 8 pm. You can get tickets for 45 reals 2 or 3 hours before. It is great Show. Takes an hour, and second half is mostly capoeira show. But, What a group of fuckers - young, 20ish, strong. Chippendales, just much Better.
  16. I have returned from salvador to rio on sunday noon. I took a nap, Becauce last night in salvador was really short. In the llate afternoon i went to 117. Very crowded. A lot of boys, mostly On steroids. Only one twink, but he he was busy talking to a customer For a long time. Si i choose the guy i preffered. I will post a picture later. After i went to gallitos for baby chicken. Very tasty. Across the street, At tonnemai, very crwded as you can see on the picture. A lot of daddy Boy couples. I wonder, did they hook up here? But tonight is enough, i will have to spend evening here, to see how It goes.
  17. Salvador is for me the most beautiful and interesting city in brazil. History, old town pelurinho smells on slaves. Statistics and outlook also say that it is dangerous. However, it is not if you follow usual brazilian precautions, but you have to be more strict. It is also a lot of mucis on main square and side streets. Gay beach is called barra. It is much lessgay than ipanema. Couples and childred everywhere. With just looking and smiling , i didn"t sucseed to connect. However, there were great bodies walking around. The sea is warm and very clean, a surprise for big city. Vendors at baraccas also take care of unvisable security. But very crowded. I went twice to sauna planetario 11. Always about 10 boys working. They are all muscled guys, no twinks. The guys are also older. They say they are 25, but look more like 35 to me. I took a picture of 1 guy, but it didn' come out fine, so i will not posted it. I would return to salvador again - not for sauna- but for old town, feeling of the city, beach....
  18. This is my todays friend from dragon sauna in fortaleza. I would just like to repeat that they have a very limited Number of boys. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to Find what you want. I personally prefer clean shaved boys, but this Time outher qualities outnumbered this one.
  19. First, fortaleza is a very big city. A lot of police around, so probably A lot of crime. City beaches are sand, and sea has a lot of vawes. Not really for swiimming. Buth baracas that were mentioned here are Not such in reallity. At night there is cruising in bridge at iracema. It Is on pic 1 and it looks fine. But at night guys go and stay in the dark. I didn't have the guts to go... Mostlly, people go for a day excursions out of the city. I went to moreno Branco. Scenic. Red and white stones and sand. Took a 2 hour drive With buggy. And green see for swiming. Pic 2 is the only pic i took Withiphone, others are on my sony, so maybe in 10 days. One more comment about a dragon sauna. This beautiful establishment Has 1 mistake. Only 6-7 boys at a time . It keeps prices for boys up, And there is not much choice. Yesterday i had a beer, but i didn't hook With anyone. My eye got spoiled in 117 and MM.
  20. When i arrived to fortaleza, it was 11am. I took the swim truncs And went to cabumba beach that was mentioned here as gay.beach. It is gefenitely so, but not comparing to ipanema. In ipanema, you can See a lot of sexy boys. Here not a lot of them and not exciting. I left After 2 hours. At 18h i went for dragon sauna, that was also mentioned here several Times. Beautiful premises, very clean and luxusirious. When i came in I immeadeately spotted a beautiful tall white boy. Nice smile, six pack. He told me that he is from sao paolo and that he plans to do some business In europe next years. I will add 2 pictures here, but i think he looks Better in reality.
  21. 2 days ago something very unexpexted happen to me. I almost got laid in foz de iguassu. I traveled from buenos aires to fortaleza. When checking airfares last autumn all were crazy. The only reasonable option was to fly from buenos aires to puerto iguazu, then drive over the border and continue from brazilian airport. I arrived on argentinian side at 9 p.m. And arrived to hotel at 22h. My plane out next morning was at 6a.m. So i had to leave for airport at 4.30. When i came to the hotel, there was a nice guy around 20 years at the reception. I checked in, and he went with me to ther room. Along the corridor i was admirring his nice ass. I gave him a tip and he left. After shower, i wanted to check the internet, but i found that i need a code for wifi. I called the reception and he came to my room again and brougt a code. Nice smile, full lips, white teeth. He left. After a few minutes i wanted a beer. In the fridge, there were only sodas and water. So i called the reception again.. He brought the beer, same nice smile. English so - so. I asked if he wants to stay for a drink ? Smile, why...? For sex, and offered him 100 reals. He answered that he can come at midnight, when another guy comes to reception. Well, i had to decline, because i was dead tired, and i had to get up next morning at 4 am.
  22. Axiom, thank you for reading my blog. But if turn page back to october And novem ber posts you will see that i did open special topic On buenos aires and inquire about it. But i didn't getmuch feedback When preparing for the trip. Truth, i was aware. Of ratatones and soyotuyo, but i didn't want to get Hooked up on the internett, because i can do that at home.
  23. And i will enclose cake from cafe tortoni and a feeling picture From that marvolous place.
  24. After few days it is obviously time to tell few words about buenos aires. European style city, mix of madrid And paris i would say. They enjoy higher standard of living than brazilians, but i wouldn't say thay are happier. La brigada in san telmo is the place where i had the best stake of my life. The meat is so tender, that they cut it with a spoon. It is not cheap place, but worth every cent. It is also interesting to see the church, where current pope served as a priest. In boca you can see people dancing tango on the street. If it wouldn't be so hot i would stay longer. And if you want to go 150 years back go to cafe tortoni. History talks from the walls and cakes are of italian quality. Regarding manhunt, not much. I went to one gay bar and to 2 listed cruising areas. Nothing special to see. And i didn't notice anyone that would be interested to hook up with a visitor.
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