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Everything posted by flipao

  1. I guess he is asking for soles because $150 us dollars is too much. the conversion is: 150 soles = $58 usd. ask him again. the link for the conversion is: http://www.xe.com/ucc/
  2. I read that the best public place to hire young male escorts is Plaza San Martin of Lima. They go to this square to get male clients. Some of them are young men that are doing their annual militar service and need money to live. another website that have a lot of information is: http://gayperu.jimdo.com/guia-de-lima/
  3. sauna 69: http://delobuenounpo...profile/SAUNA69 casanova club (this place have live shows): http://clubnudista.jimdo.com/, http://clubnudista.j.../galeria-fotos/, http://clubnudista.jimdo.com/programacion/ http://delobuenounpoco.com/groups http://delobuenounpo...ios-de-ambiente
  4. You can also contact peruvian guys at rentmen, manhunt, gayromeo, etc
  5. thank you! beautiful postcard!
  6. thank you! you are the best tour guide!
  7. thank you! You are the best tour guide!
  8. thank you so much for all your work in designing this new page! I like it a lot!
  9. enjoy your stay in Lima and take pictures of the boys! try to learn some words in spanish and always ask for the ID of the boys.
  10. the best page is: http://delobuenounpo...ias-con-escorts
  11. More: http://rodrigohot.jimdo.com/sitemap/ http://juniorperu.jimdo.com/
  12. check this website -159 pages dedicated to the experiences of peruvian clients with male escorts from Peru: http://delobuenounpoco.com/group/experciencias-con-escorts http://gayperu.jimdo.com/guia-de-lima/saunas/ http://lima.gaycities.com/bathhouses/
  13. check the following links: http://www.escortenperu.com/home.html http://www.gayperu.com/portal/index.php http://rentmen.com/male-escorts/gay-male-escorts-Lima--Peru.html http://hourboy.com/search.php?countries_id=61&cities_id=567 http://zeuscompanyperu.com/ http://www.peruboys.com/escorts/ http://lima.queercity.info/saunas.htm http://www.gaysperuanos.com/ http://perumen.socialparody.com/main
  14. I would love to see a section for the Arabic countries (like Morocco, Egypt and Tunicia) in the new website. thank your for all the efforts you are making with the new website!
  15. thank you Expat!
  16. thank you firecat and Totally oz!!!
  17. T. Oz: thank you so much for being so kind with me! You are doing a fantastic job with the guys. I admire you!
  18. thank you for the explanation! it's something very private. could you share the story about how you met them. thank you!
  19. ihpguy: thank you for the culinary explanation!
  20. ihpguy: thank you so much for the diary!
  21. thank you! have fun!
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