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  1. Arab Creamer, You said above that you were intending to visit your family in Beirut. When you got there, did you play? I'm interested because I myself will be going to Beirut in a couple of months and I'm looking for information on the gay scene.
  2. Jess Stearn, the author of The Sixth Man: A Startling Investigation of the Spread of Homosexuality in America, seems to have been prescient. proclaiming in 1961 that "one out of every six men in America is a homosexual." I remember this book well, since a professor in one of the sociology courses I took in college assigned it as required reading at just the moment when I was beginning to ponder my own sexuality. Although I questioned his estimate at the time, what I took away from the book was that I was far from being alone in my attraction to men and that my professor wanted people like me to know this. I suspect that the increase in those who identify themselves as LGBT from 2012 to 2020, as Gallup reports, does not document some seismic shift, but simply reflects the number of people who are now willing to to reveal their orientation openly .
  3. ganymede255


    Tomcal, how do you spot or approach the guys you figure are "dabbling escorts" on Grindr?
  4. A friend whose judgment I trust completely in these matters reports that he had a wonderful experience with Bruno Salle, a very hot Brazilian boy, while in Paris. His pix are real, he is both active and passive, and he is at ease with clients "past their prime". His English is rudimentary, but he does speak French. This is his Rentmen page: http://rentmen.com/brunosalle.
  5. I'll be in Paris soon and would like to meet Gabriel. Can anyone provide a link or at least the handle he uses on Gay Romeo?
  6. The thread to which I was referring is the following: http://www.boytoy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20851-twink-alert-mattjg21-at-rentboy/ The fellow in question did use his first name, and his Rentboy ad did have photos. The ad has now expired, so he should not have any problems in his current pursuits.
  7. Someone who was briefly an escort has asked me to delete the thread I had started about him. Is there a way to do this?
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