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Everything posted by trencherman

  1. DT most likely has. Why do you think they are all under his sway.
  2. A surefire way to stall fluency is to think of grammar. You acquire a language to communicate not to diagram sentences and match numbers and genders of parts of speech, and practice is still the best teacher as it has always been.
  3. There's a gap in your resumé. What did you do in 2020? I washed my hands.
  4. I learned Portuguese in a hurry (six weeks, the interval between arriving in Rio and cashing in my aeromiles with Air Canada) with a Rosetta subscription. Most useful language I ever acquired after English. Polished it with subsequent visits. Motivated myself with “sex needs language.” Now that there is free Duolingo, it will probably be just as effective. I finished Duolingo’s Chinese course in a year but Chinese is a literate language, meaning, you need to be able to read it by memorizing a couple thousand characters. Same motivation.
  5. FYI Trump supporters, Abe was shot in the first one.
  6. I really watch myself now when clicking to clips on Youtube in order not to be flooded with suggestions I will never watch till the end of my life. Clips of overeating, restoring found garbage, manic preaching of religious beliefs, Bollywood type entertainment, etc. It use to be that ads for enlarging your genitalia was so ever discreetly emailed to you, now they are all blared out in the open.
  7. I did major spring cleaning towards the end of February and gave myself major sciatica. Youtube and pinterest are full of exercise routines to relieve sciatic pain. I found one from a Korean channel which actually got rid of the pain. As the lock down progressed, I started doing the channel’s specialty, no equipment necessary routines for my daily workout. I start with this:
  8. Good Life Fitness is closed so I do what I can with some home fitness clips I found on Youtube such as this (https://youtu.be/fLLScgWQcHcz). They have a lot more other body part specific routines you can choose from that you can do at home. Likewise depend on the net for more intimate company. For example, I recently found this perfect gem in a collection of blowjob clips:
  9. https://youtu.be/wHUHPMRfBSE I've come across clips of Asians getting spat on, the cretin in this clip spat on oranges (pretty close to yellow) and got what he deserved.
  10. I overheard once a mature lady scolding the retail staff at Sak’s (or as the first Mrs. Trump pronounced it, Sex) “ I shop here for the service.”
  11. I think anyone who wishes harm on others deserves to experience the same.
  12. May I respectfully suggest that you take your observation with them instead of here where we are already well acquainted with your extensive experience with safety in São Paulo. Anyway, what are you doing in a review of a place that you know like the back of your hand? Don’t you have any important things to do?
  13. That is done in fiction all the time. Take for example, Gorky Park which is a 1981 crime novel written by American author Martin Cruz Smith. In spite of its chilling verisimilitude, he has actually never been to the site of his detective story.
  14. I also fondly recall the most fitting comment and explanation Bill Maher delivered at the death of Jerry Falwell. Bette Davis’ parting shot to Joan Crawford always come in handy when abominations shuffle off their mortal coil. "You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good!"
  15. The fruit does not fall from the tree unless a bushy tailed rodent squirrelled it to a neighbour’s yard. Now only Alex Jones would be the only appropriate successor to this transparently deranged enabler.
  16. On my first trip to Brazil when the digital camera was just a fig Newton of developers’ imagination, I was surprised to see so many Revelação signs all over the place. It turned out it meant “film developing,” quite banal when compared to the biblical meaning I had in mind. Now Revelação in connection with a gay sauna and promoted with drum rolls and blare of trumpets, in my estimation, cannot possibly be a closing announcement. But I have more often been wrong.
  17. This is the exact position I have taken regarding medicine as a whole. My doctor prescribed me 50 mg of a high blood pressure drug, I started researching this particular drug as soon as I got home and one of the sites I trust cited a study that 10 mg of this medicine is the optimal dose. I therefore quartered the tiny pill and took approximately 12 mg and it worked for me. Seems a dangerous step for most ailments, but I have been doing this for the last four years without telling my doctor. For T2 diabetes in particular, a safe stance to take is to view it as effectively carbohydrates intolerance, so avoid ingesting carbohydrates. To reverse your T2 diabetes, watch Dr. Jason Fung's clips on Youtube. He is a kidney specialist disgusted by the kidney failures he had to deal with in people on long term diabetes medication.
  18. You've never shopped at a Walmart anywhere in the US, obviously.
  19. I have a simple suggestion to attract droves of tourists to his beautiful country. Make it safe. I braved and endured the obstacle course of visa requirements of his country when it was relatively safe. Ugly and rude staff at the Toronto consulate, only took bank draft or money order for payment, God forbid you come back to pick up your visa without you receipt.
  20. A Farinelli high C would be a suitable accompaniment too.
  21. Pro-rated to percentage of population, mass shootings in the US probably claim more victims than all the petty crimes in Brazil combined and yet we do not get any travel advisory from any other government about that. If we include suicide among returning troops and drug overdose death, the US is probably the riskiest place to live or travel in and yet any of these do not warrant any warning at all.
  22. As they say in poker, “If you've been in the game 30 minutes and you don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy.” In a Brazilian sauna, you don't have to wait 30 minutes, you are the mark as soon as you get your locker key.
  23. A long-time prospect point for British gays was the recruitment office and training camp for the Queen’s guards. Why not find out where they perform similar functions for the police and military in São Pauo. In Porto Alegre, when walking around town I noticed young soldiers posted at regular intervals along the perimeter of a military installation. Asked for directions from a few good looking ones and hit payload more often than I expected.
  24. Anyone who has hiked along the Copacabana would be familiar with this:
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