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  1. I leave 18th…
  2. Hi - anyone in town this week?
  3. In Cartagena or Bogota is there a Hotel Roma or someone like Fercho?
  4. What type of events would these be and how would you get an invite? I love strippers and am planning another trip to Bogota later this year.
  5. Oh great. Shame we can’t hang out. Beeb to Brazil before?
  6. @Primeone385 will you be in town?
  7. Hi Anyone in Rio during February? Let me know if anyone fancy’s meeting up for a beer. Also, anyone have any current listings of bars, cruise bars and clubs (or know a website, blog or instagram page) - will want something to do other than sauna visits. Lastly, I remember a loooonnngggg time ago a guy writing about recommendations for beach massages. Any one have any tips and recommendations for a massage on the beach? Anything good to do in town in the day? Museums, exhibitions? Cheers
  8. Who is Maup? How do I contact him?
  9. Great posting. Is there a similar guide for Rio? - which describes the non sauna entertainment?
  10. Hi all I have a trip to Cartagena and Bogota for June this year - hopefully I’ll be in Bogota for the Pride weekend (I think 22 June). Any suggestions for accommodation in Cartagena? I prefer hotels so hopefully someone can suggest a friendly guest policy hotel. Any suggestions on things to do in day and evening much appreciated. Bogota I’m familiar with but would appreciate some new hotel suggestions. I will be arriving in Cartagena early evening mid week. Will anyone be in town?
  11. redxs

    GP rates ?

    And current prices in Rio?
  12. Cool! So I’ve just started a thread ‘African ideas’. Could I have a weeks holiday in Egypt and find fun with men? Take back to hotel? Sauna fun? Nightclubs? Where would you recommend?
  13. These places are OK bringing guys back?
  14. Sounds fun. I like athletic / muscular guys… how common are these in Cairo?
  15. redxs

    African ideas

    Hi. Usually I holiday in South America or Europe. I love the saunas and men in Brazil. I like muscular and athletic men - love strippers. I like the idea of African black men in bulging speedos and briefs. Any suggestions where to visit in Africa to find gay or gfp black guys? I’d be visiting for at least a week or two so would want somewhere fairly safe to visit with things to do in day and night. Obrigado!
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