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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. When Life Hands You Lemons....Stuff em in your Panties !
  2. Well perhaps they were more eager to go to DC than come to NYC ? I gave 2 date options to try to give the most people an opportunity. The point is to get people to come, not be a deterrent . I picked a Friday or a Sat, and still the dates dont work. Keep in mind Latb, this event has been attempted MANY MANY times and always met the same fate. I really dont care anymore.
  3. We can setup something on our own. It would be much simpler. I am a simple TGI Fridays or Applebees kinda girl....
  4. He just tries TOO hard to keep showing us HE IS THE BOSS.... We are not fucking children in his care. As for the meet up, I'm about ready to scrap it. since I posted date and venue options, very little interest is shown.
  5. It's a good thing I have Boytoy to run to when Daddy dumps my ass......
  6. I didnt even mention the NYC event to him when i emailed HIM, but like in the past, I doubt that event will ever happen. Those guys are just all talk, and when the chips are down, all the excuses for not attending surface. It's really too much hassle to accommodate every single persons wishes. Daddy claimed that I had posted tons of pictures that he had to delete "for violation" yet never once did he alert me, nor was he able to provide me with a copy of even a single pic that offended him.... It's all just manufactured Bullshit. He's a fucking LIAR, and when he hates you, he hates you... Yet he keeps allowing me back, so I guess it IS a game to him ? .
  7. Well that's the crux of the entire thing. I am certain if I were a "Daddy Donor", I wouldnt keep being shown the door ? He is showing his disdain for people that use site site for FREE.... If he wants a paying site, he should just make it such, and then let him see how many followers he would have. It's all about the Money honey ! (and the fact that Daddy is on a Donald Trump POWER trip)
  8. What can I say.? Daddy just doesnt approve of my taste in MEN !
  9. You are certainly entitled to your WRONG opinion Latb.... It's only a matter of time before her Troll laced rebuttal will grace us. Have you not been paying attention dear ?
  10. Lucky, you are absolutely correct about a person starting a thread to disparage another, and I agree. BUT if memory serves me correctly, YOU have done that very same thing, MANY times, in several places, so your animosity towards Lars is misplaced and self-serving . Perhaps you live in one of those "glass houses", so you shouldnt throw stones !
  11. LOL, with HIS paranoia, he should just go back in the closet. Someone should tell him he is benefiting from a Gay site, so the pics posted will be GAY in nature. The boners, buttholes and penetration all get posted as links per his rules, so there was no fucking violation. He BANS because he CAN ! I am feeling something ELSE .......
  12. I truly think at this point, its a Game with him, and he enjoys the Power trip... He claims I posted "inappropriate" pics. I emailed him that I am VERY careful and particular about posting, and he should forward me a copy of the offensive pics. He replies "I cant, I deleted them...but you should know better".. I reply "How can I know better if I dont know what offended you?".... He replies "Stop posting so many pics or i'll take your pic posting privilege away"....
  13. Surely we can find something else to focus on OTHER THAN Rockhardon ?
  14. Since I know the mere mention of his name makes him appear (like the devil), I would like to offer Rocky some new fodder to use against me when he shows up, since I am a generous and giving person. I have been BANNED once again by Daddy ! That makes about a dozen times now.... Take it and run with it.....
  15. "Can you feel the Love Tonight" ?
  16. "One mans TRASH is another mans TREASURE"..... With Rocky, I am the Trash collector, while Adam and LatB are Treasure Hunters.... It's Trumps America, we can all survive without supporting each others choices.
  17. We cannot speak about Rocky without honoring and celebrating his favorite word, without which no sentence is ever complete... In fact, he cannot even post a cohesive thought without including it, to the point of obsession. It often just fun to count how many times he actually uses the word in a post. He uses it to describe Others, when in fact he is speaking of Himself So, here's to YOU Rocky.....
  18. OMG Adam.....you sound like a Trump supporter !
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