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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Well Lucky, there's slime, and then there's SLIME !
  2. Since speaking of the "other" site always inspires a frisky conversation, let me throw this out there.... There is currently a thread running that "questions" the conduct rules of the admins, and their enforcement therewith, and whether or not they are being followed, and if they are fair.... The truth about the rules is that "there really are NO rules" that define your tenure over "there". The "rules" are dependent on personal feelings and your "standing" in the eyes of the admin. And of course whether you are a financial contributor to their cause. Because, as a member here (tartegogo) pointed out over there, the admins are NOT following their own rules as written. Basically it's a "do as I say" mentality, and like it "or get out".... Yet, it IS a successful site, and members like myself, are willing to forego their dignity for the "privilege" of participating there. My willingness has faded, but I still try to figure out why others havent ? Any thoughts ????
  3. I'm always on my knees, so I cant fall down ! Ask Rocky.....
  4. WHY does he need to have 2 Assault "weapons" ???
  5. Always EAT RIGHT ?
  6. Adam hon, THIS is how you ADVERTISE it !
  7. AND, they are Versatile too ! Think outside the Box....
  8. Not everyone is "lovable" Annie... thats' a cross you'll just have to bare !
  9. As is probably the case with any bathouse or sex club in any country. You just never know !
  10. No good ever came from a statement that starts with "you know I love you BUT...."
  11. I'm not bitter, and I am not blaming them.... I tried, they werent interested, so I dont want to make anything official and possibly have 1 or 2 people show up to a dinner that will be unfulfilling for them due to lack of attendance. And since I am not the only one that failed at pulling off this event, I dont feel bad about it. It's kinda like the excitement you initially feel at eatting a corn dog at a carnival, but after you eat it, it just lies there. I was stupid, needy and desperate, and kept crawling back to a place I wasnt welcome and a man who was probably laughing at me while pulling my puppet strings. I have clarity now, and my need has passed . I appreciate that you tried to help, but the whole thing was DOA on take-off.....
  12. And, since there was No practical interest in the proposed NYC meet-up, I dont feel I owe them any explanation or announcement that the event is CANCELLED.... They'll figure it out ! (if they even care?)
  13. I have applied my "WWRD" rule to this situation. (What would Ru Do ?)... In my mind she would tell Daddy to go fuck himself and "shove his wretched site".... I see No point of returning at this time.
  14. I am currently seeking a NEW cabin ! (PS - How did YOU know ?)
  15. Go for it Madam... you were always one who favored the "backdoor"
  16. Adam, I am always amazed by your "transitions", in this case your transition from men wearing pantyhose with shorts to nobility enjoying courtesans. Or am I missing something ? je suis confus
  17. Well then, how do they expect us to get LEI'D ????
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