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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Grandma dont need 5 star accomodations and luxurious meals. If you are really an authentic person, you can find happiness with VERY LITTLE.... Here I am on one of MY travels, living my BEST life !
  2. YES, it was interesting that he made such an issue about the IP address. He knew he was lying to us and wanted to cover his tracks beforehand with an explanation....GUILT. AND...the RH watermarks on each pic.... Clear cover for plagerism. This bitch just tries TOO hard to be the pretend character he invented. Each post reeks of desperation to make us BELIEVE !
  3. Tass, Mickey D's new 1-2-3- menu.....where the filet of fish is $1.00... Come to NYC.... I'll treat you.... Maybe you can get the Big Gulp for $1.59 IF you use a Groupon ?
  4. Whoa tarte, I think you are giving Rocky TOO much credit here. While he is an old fart, he hardly has the money he would like you to believe he has. He probably doesnt even have enough money to get that "special vase" out of the 1-800-flowers showroom ?
  5. The only one he can provide shows a $1.00 filet of fish from Mickey D's, and a $2.00 Big Gulp from 7-Eleven.....
  6. It was probably to Daddy's advantage, especially since HIS dinner was probably being comped, and he now has a bigger audience to fleece for support.
  7. The more uninvited guests the BETTER, especially when they drop the "green" in Daddy's donation bucket.... The only problem is there probably werent enough devilled eggs to go around then. Uninvited guests sure can EAT.
  8. @Mr Lookin, it's always a pleasure to be graced with your illustrious presence. Since I can no longer enjoy you @ Daddy's, I am elated you have made an appearance here. Somehow, you always put things into their proper perspective, with creativity and humor. I have never NOT enjoyed one of your posts....
  9. You are partially correct, I am fascinated, usually by the shit he comes up with which he thinks is impressing us (well, it might impress the impressionable ?) His recent post about "flying his favorite flower vase" to a hotel he is staying at because he may not like the selection they have MADE my day. I laughted till I pee'd... WHO would say something like that ? That was a very "intentional" comment. This douche is more impressed with himself and his tall tales than any of US could possibly be. Its hard NOT to go overboard with him, he's just so darn amusing...... Rocky constantly tries to make you believe he is the sultan of Brunei or Mariah Carey with his ridiculous list of demands and needs... when he really is probably just Bernie from Hoboken ? If memory serves me correctly Lucky, in the past you have been "fascinated" with assorted members, both here AND at Daddy's, so I am sure you can understand my reaction to Rocky ? It's often the assholes that suck you in !
  10. In fairness jimbo, the point of the forum is "discussion".....so we are just doing what we are supposed to do naturally. What I think you mean is that he believes HE is the driving force behind this site, HE is one one that single-handedly stimulates it and prevents the "crickets"...... However, often the talk surrounding his posts is the absurdity of them... i'll give him THAT. Actually, Rocky and I have one thing in common. He likes to talk about himself, and I like to talk about him too ! I've always enjoyed a good "joke"...
  11. Get to know him, THEN ask that question ! You obviously missed the actual point of his thread... And take a little time to really READ his commentary and absorb the subliminal message "I am Fabulous and you guys are fucking losers".... His message is always the same, and its his primary reason for coming to this site (and the fact that he is barred from posting this shit at Daddy's, so basically has no other audience) . Other than that, the pics are lovely, and if his intent was simply to share lovely pics, he could have posted them, without all the "grandiose ME" dialog in the European forum. "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can NEVER fool Grandma".... Yes, assholes like HIM do exist...
  12. Agreed, they must have come out of a very expensive "coffee table" book ?
  13. Baaaaaahhhhhhhhh.............
  14. I guess you could say the politics of these forums, I am usually beating my own drum with the "unpopular" opinion.
  15. If we all went on Steve Harvey's Family feud, the teams would be Adam S, Rocky and latbear against a solo Sucky ! (I am usually the one standing alone in these conflicts)
  16. Au contraire, mon Cherie ! Your posts are quirky, and often confusing, but never arrogant, and always engaging... As opposed to the usually off-putting shit your colleague spews.
  17. Nothing is wrong, we often disagree when it comes to Rocky. The problem for me is his posts always have an air of superiority and arrogance. He is no better than anyone else on this site, no matter how much over the top bullshit he tries to serve us. If you like it and are entertained, I suppose he accomplished his goal ? And there is no doubt that tooting his own horn and having people envy him gives him a raging 3" boner.
  18. Once again, you take a shot at me.... Sure I am used to people owning their shit, and am an advocate of that, BUT only if they err. You think you made a mistake because you were TOLD you did. Thats VERY diff than actually making a mistake. When you are trying to fit in and be accepted, you allow yourself to be manipulated.
  19. That's bullshit. You were made to feel guilty....while you never actted improperly or shady.... It's ludicrous and shameful.
  20. I NEVER suck the mother, only the father, uncles and brothers....
  21. Hope for the best, but expect the worst.... I have years of experience with THAT crew.
  22. " Darling, did you Hear about the drama with latbear4blk @ Daddy's Palm Springs Fuck Fest ? "
  23. Well they aint incapacitated.... they can still give hand jobs ! That should earn em a few bucks. ?
  24. Stop beating yourself up over this already.... It's really no big deal, THEY just made it a big deal. It's not like you sold American intelligence to the Russians. Your attempts to fix it were swift and honorable. Now the assholes just need to "LET IT GO"..... Geez Louise !!!!
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