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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. What was your UN-compensated function there? I believe any participation is Voluntary, and volunteers dont work for accolades. It's a heartfelt duty.... My only peeve about Daddy and his site is that he doesnt "respect" his members or treat them as equal ADULTS. He reduces them to possessions he can take or cast off at will.
  2. It's a bitch being Epigonos' soux chef here ! Those fucking Old queens are so picky and opinionated.
  3. the Hottest accessory seen at Palm Weeks weekend = The Fanny Pack with the lack of clothing and absence of socks, it a necessity for escort AND clients to haul around their "bankrolls"... Cant live without MY fanny pack !
  4. Now THAT's some mighty Big pimpin !
  5. Of course not, its not a physical forcing..... it's more subliminal and subtle.....
  6. I am sure one of the attendees is providing a "shuttle service", so maybe you should just put out some feelers ? And then maybe you can still get in on the bartering for the "best boys".... I know most have their sites set on Victor and Eric, but I think a few "newbies" showed up too, so they should be hot commondities... So much "seed" to spill..... but I cant wait for all the Tea to be spilled afterwards..... YES, I'm a hopeless romantic !
  7. Dont you own "roller skates" ?
  8. You move as slow as the Trump administration. And just maybe you havent been paying attention, but Daddy has made "several" pleas for funding recently, especially in his heartfelt "letters of the members" on the Review homepage. I honestly dont believe that Daddy respects his members, unless of course "they give".... then you get the pass.... and from MY POV, HE is getting more out of the site than the members are, or else he wouldnt be doing it. Ultimately, its the members decision on generousity, and if the choose to give for their safety, so be it....Not seeking an argument about this, just offering a diff slant.
  9. Day 2 - The Fun in P.S continues..... "BUT, did you try the Devilled Eggs yet ? " How many times has Victor Powers ass been eatten so far ?
  10. Only the minds of "weak" members, and now there's a little blue pill for THAT too !
  11. You know, BOTH those bitches will be serving us great FACE ! I just hope Adam serves us a 2-pair of rolled up sweatsocks BULGE ?
  12. It all depends... You would have to be a prick at the same time. Something about being "abused" that his followers seem to love. It's the Trump syndrome. No matter how bad you are, if you talk the talk and convince the people they NEED you, they will pledge their undying loyalty. I am not sure I would personally send you a shitload of dinero.... but I could surely ante-up one of my dirty, old plus sized skirts for you to flounce around in.... I'm sure after the old girl collects all her Palm Springs bounty, she will be announcing a nice "vacation".... Isnt that what people do with "ill gotten gains" ?
  13. America's newest sweetheart (although Grandma cant stand her) Adam Rippon, the darling of the Gay ice ring is back with her next calculated move. She'll be bringing her flaming fabulousness to Dancing with the Stars, Atletes Edition premiering Apr 30th at 8 pm on ABC... Cant wait to see all her sequin bodysuits with poppin booty and padded crotch....although I wish they would have paired her with a MALE partner.... Giving Ms Rippon some fierce competition will be comeback queen Tonya Harding.... Cant wait to see all the girls taking their spins on the dance floor. Will YOU be watching ? I'm the WINNER Baby !
  14. So which escorts in attendance do we think will be "pumping it up" most this weekend ? My bet is on victor powers.... You know, cocks are temperamental when dealing with a shitload of unattractive men who have overdosed on devilled eggs.... They may need a little help ?
  15. And we all know the BEST way to put out a fire !
  16. "I LOVE it when they just keep "fundin" Me " (and the neediest ones give me some "sexin" too)
  17. I just wish "Norma" would get down off her soapbox. That view up her dirty skirt is NOT pretty. (and she dont wear panties, OR manscape)
  18. If ya gonna Ban me, please contact Daddy for the "accommodations" he uses when he exiles people. Actually "Banishment Island" is quite nice, and very relaxing, and Daddy subjects you to daily "edging".... and there is always a Viagra on your pillow. His punishment is actually BETTER than "participating" ON the site.....and its always the smartest and most interesting people that end up there. The mindless minions he keeps around. !
  19. The fever has stuck and all the Steppford members are out in force praising Daddy for his activism and fight for "the freedom of speech", while the battle crys for donations to help his Norma Ray moment abound. YET, arent they missing the point ? Apparently, HE wants free speech everywhere (or is feigning the cause to get money ?) BUT on his own site, where he will BAN you for doing just that ! I guess HE is just not that versed in the word HYPOCRISY ? It's the same blind uneducated loyalty that led Trump to power... People are just plain STUPID.
  20. Ummmm, he's looking MUCH slimmer !
  21. It will probably depend on whether someone has purchased him a New, CLEAN utilikilt and fisherman hat ? Appearance is EVERYTHING !
  22. I honesty had NO idea of your situation over at Daddy's, and you will never figure out the reasoning for any of his actions, cause his reasoning is selective and changes each time. I was Banned about a dozen times, and then allowed back only to be Banned AGAIN !. However, this last time, I DIDNT GO BACK ...... But I do understand the lure of the site, and why the "sheep" put up with shit there. To each their own, I wish everyone well. But the truth of the matter is that the demise of the Daddy site would NOT be the end of the world (as some fear) !
  23. Mr Rio, thank you for your robust explanation. I truly hope Daddy has you on HIS payroll ? You are an outstanding asset....And I'll bet you are even much prettier than Sarah Huckabee Sanders ? Never-the=less....The Palm springs welcoming committee is already engaged and in Full force, the air-kisses are blowing..... Daddy's Inferno weekend is under way, and Viagras are being popped like Skittles..... Enjoy everyone ! "Hey Toots, did you Give Daddy your Donation yet ? " "Can WE at least get acquainted FIRST ... we just got here. ? "
  24. Kinda clever, NO ?
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