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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I dont know WHAT I was thinking wasting my time posting all those pics of Cock & Ass when THIS is just so much more FUN ? We should re-title this website FAMILY FEUD !
  2. So what you are saying is "memes without Voice" gets you a Pass ? I'll have to try it out when some of my FAVORITE nemesis' show up to the party, especially IF they are wearing the same Frock as me. WHO knew the sandbox could be the next BIG thing... (although I wont try to put it in my Mouth)
  3. Ru Paul Trans Pit Crew model Laith Ashley....
  4. More CRAP for EBAY.?..... They need to DESTROY that shit !
  5. Fuck the Sandbox ! Grandma wants to get down and dirty in the MUD
  6. South Korea replies: South Korea was at a loss for words Thursday after President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was scrapping next month’s planned nuclear summit with North Korea. “We are attempting to make sense of what, precisely, President Trump means” South Korean presidential spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom said in a statement. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, testifying on Capitol Hill, wouldn’t comment on whether Trump’s letter blindsided the South Koreans.
  7. This administration is wrought with scammers and criminals, the like of which we have never seen before.... Nixon pales in comparison.....
  8. Now what are the Realistic chances on THAT ever happening ?
  9. NO DEAL says the Trumpster..... WASHINGTON, May 24 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday called off his planned June 12 summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a letter released by the White House. "I was very much looking forward to being there with you," Trump said in the letter. "Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting." Well that smokescreen dissipated quickly ! NO PRIZE for you, Trumpy.......
  10. Oh God, I am soooooo feeling it !
  11. Today in Trumpland: 1) Jared (Kermit the Frog) Kushner finally gains Full Security Clearance at the WH.... I am sure he will do wonderous things with it ? 2) Judge rules its unlawful for Cheeto Trump to block Twitter users that criticize him.... (Now, if we can only get that same ruling over at Daddy's ?) 3) Fate of N Korean summit in peril. Doubt grows it will happen. Better cancel that Nobel Peace Prize !
  13. Forgive me, but I dont think anyone is talking about the Post being inappropriate. They are speaking of the commentary IN the posts, and the negative nature of some respondents. Some members clearly feel "Only positive, agreeable replies need apply".....
  14. Meghan in her "get away" ensemble.....
  15. Nick's Golf CLUB !
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