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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. That's a really humorous interpretation, but he conditioned "you people" to think that, and you bought it ! .... Sad you cant see what's really going on. Maybe once our country is in total ruin, and we are the worlds Pariah, "you'll get it " ? Until then, I get it, there's no reasoning with "you people"...
  2. Like I keep saying, Trump supporters have a low attention span, and dont care about issues that affect others. As long as he keeps spewing his hate for minorities and his desire to rid our country of them, they will keep him up there on the pedestal.... illuminated by those Tiki torches. ! You may have dodged a bullet with Hillary, but we are ambushed with Trump and he is not doing our country any good, unless you consider furthering the cause of RACISM a good thing ?
  3. Inspired by Ms Ann...if you need a Daily pick-me-up ! (the bitch swears by it)
  4. Well if you guys are just looking for "Barbies" there are tons of em here in the USA. No need to spend that money and travel all the way to find it. Shirts are archaic anyway.
  5. I think I saw the grandson on Chaturbate ?
  6. None of that matters to them. Trump hates people of color, any color but WHITE...... That's the TICKET !
  7. Considering Trumps brief "performance" at the recent G7 summit in Canada, its fair to say, he needs to be in a straight jacket and institutionalized... (CNN)President Donald Trump didn't spend much time at the G7 meeting in Quebec over the last 48 hours, but he managed to make plenty of news. As he was leaving for the conference, Trump told reporters he'd support re-adding Russia into the group. (Russia was removed from the group after it annexed Crimea in 2014.) Once at the G7, Trump arrived late Saturday morning for a breakfast meeting attended by the various world leaders -- and then held a somewhat impromptu news conference before heading to Singapore for his much-discussed summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12. The press conference was, um, a humdinger. I went through the official White House transcript and pulled out some of the more memorable lines. They're below. 1. "We've concluded a really tremendously successful G7." Ahem. close dialog 2. "And you know the gentlemen up are the legendary Larry Kudlow and the legendary John Bolton." [nods head knowingly] Oh yeah. (Randy "Macho Man" Savage voice) 3. "I made a lot of statements having to do with clarity." Yes, yes. This clears things up nicely. 4. "I congratulate the leaders of other countries for so crazily being able to make these trade deals that were so good for their country and so bad for the United States." A hearty congratulations on your craziness! Well done, sirs and madams! 5. "I'll be on a mission of peace, and we will carry in, really -- in my heart, we're going to be carrying the hearts of millions of people, people from all over the world." That's a lot of hearts. 6. "We really think that North Korea will be a tremendous place in a very short period of time." This, like many Trump statements, is impossible to fact check. So, in a short period of time North Korea is going to be "tremendous"? How? Why? 7. "Well, there's always everything." Wise words. Wise. Words. 8. "He won't have that opportunity again. It's never going to be there again." Trump making very clear to Kim that this is his one big chance. And that if he misses his chance, there won't be another. (It's not entirely clear whether Trump would stick to such a tough line in the sand or not.) 9. "He can take that nation, with those great people, and truly make it great." If you follow Trump's logic here, the way Kim will make North Korea "great" is to get rid of his nuclear weapons. I'm not sure Kim would agree with that view. 10. "And we will watch over, and we'll protect, and we'll do a lot of things." A lot of things. Believe me. 11. "I have not spoken to Vladimir Putin in quite a while." "Indeed, Donald Trump and I have, firstly, met more than once at various international venues. And secondly, we regularly talk over the phone." -- Vladimir Putin, earlier this week. 12. "Some people like the idea of bringing Russia back in." "Some people" = Donald Trump 13. "And something happened a while ago, where Russia is no longer in." Yes, Russia invaded a sovereign nation and annexed a region of it. 14. "We pay nothing. We don't want to pay anything. Why should we pay?" Me, at Starbucks, every damn day. 15. "So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free." You go gluten free. 16. "That's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance." So, wait, Trump went to Wharton? I did not know that! You would think he would mention that more often! 17. "I guess, they got to go back to the drawing and check it out, right?" So..... 18. "It's going to change, 100%." One hundred percent is the most change. The biggest. There's no more change than that. 19. "We're like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing." Ronald Reagan on America: A shining city on a hill. George H.W. Bush on America: A thousand points of light. Donald Trump on America: The piggy bank that everybody is robbing. 20. "And so we are talking to many countries. We're talking to all countries." So are we talking to many countries? Or all the countries? I need some clarity! 21. "So when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad, and then they go up -- right -- the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that." Man, this reads just like an economics textbook. 22. "The numbers are so astronomically against them in terms of anything, as per your question." Go on.... 23. "You've studied this very well. Congratulations." [pats self on back] 24. "Hispanic doing the best." He's talking about Hispanic unemployment numbers here. But it's sort of an odd way to say it... 25. "Fake News CNN. The worst. But I could tell by the question." The question in question, by CNN's Kevin Liptak who was serving as the pool reporter at the event, was this: "As you were heading into these G7 talks, there was a sense that America's closest allies were frustrated with you and angry with you, and that you were angry with them and that you were leaving here early to go meet for more friendlier talks with Kim Jong Un in Singapore. And I'm wondering if you view it the same way. And do you view the US alliance system shifting under your presidency?" Seems like a pretty relevant question to me. 26. "I would say that the level of relationship is a 10." This all checks out. 27. "I will blame them if they don't act smart and do what they have to do -- because they have no choice. I'll be honest with you, they have no choice." To sum up: a) Trump doesn't blame leaders of other countries for taking advantage of the US b) They won't be able to take advantage of us anymore c) They have no choice d) Again no choice 28. "So you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN." Just a reminder: Donald Trump is the President of the United States. Go tell your real friends that. 29. "The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really, rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate it a 10." 30. "You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They're not trying to -- there's nothing they can say." Trump is casting the world as having collectively -- and purposely -- bilked the US for decades. And now, they have been caught red-handed and they know it. Again, color me skeptical that this is how France, Canada and the rest of the G7 see the situation. 31. "But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I'm talking. And the smile is -- we couldn't believe we got away with it." So, that's what he thinks the smile is about. 32. "I think that he's going to surprise, on the upside, very much on the upside." [NBA draft expert voice] "Kim Jong Un, this is a guy with tremendous upside. Not much known about him going into this summit but his upside is limitless." 33. "Because, you know, as a deal person, I've done very well with deals." Deal people do well with deals. It is known. 34. "I think within the first minute I'll know. Just my touch, my feel. That's what I do." My favorite quote -- by a lot -- in the press conference. So, Trump will know whether a deal can get done with Kim within the first minute of meeting him because of his "touch" and "feel." Got it. 35. "Everyone said -- you know, the haters, they say, 'Oh, you're giving him a meeting.' Give me a break, OK?" "The haters. " -- The President of the United States 36. "Because the US press is very dishonest, much of it." On foreign soil -- and en route to an international summit over nuclear weapons -- the President attacks "much" of the media as dishonest. In case you were wondering whether this is normal, it's not. Not at all. 37. "There are many people in the press that are unbelievably dishonest. They don't cover stories the way they're supposed to be." This is a good reminder that for Trump, "fake news" and "dishonest" reporters basically translates to "journalists who report stories that aren't favorable to me." 38. "So there's tremendous -- you know, I came up with the term, 'fake news.' It's a lot of fake news. But at the same time, I have great respect for many people in the press." Good night. And good luck. WTF TRUMP ??? (wa-wa-wa, I want Russia at the negotiating Table)
  8. Well the men certainly are HOT, and we can assume will be "CUT"....
  9. The only cure for being accused of Lyng is DONT LIE !
  10. Let's RE-visit the OLD Bieber.....
  11. Thank you Adam, my doc hooked me up with pain management specialists early on, and they tried a few diff things, with NO positive results. It's very frustrating. He seems to feel epidural injection might work, but cant give them until the 6 month point. And being in this damn chair now, Its not easy to pick myself up and just get to another doctor. My choices are limited and dependent on others helping me get around now.
  12. I hope I can be that brave and resolved when my time comes.
  13. I am not minimizing his decision or even judging it, just saying the reasons doesnt really matter in the end. He made the choice he felt was right for him, but with help and support, he might have come to realize a different end. For the past 3 months, I have been in a wheelchair. First diagnosed with a severe sciatic inflammation, i was soon to discover I had a ruptured back disk. It has pretty much taken away my mobility, and the pain is relentless and constant. Normally aggressive narcotic injection or surgery would resolve the problem, but because I had heart surgery in Feb, its a mandatory 6 months wait before ANY medical procedure of that nature can be done for risk of heart complication. So here I am, and on a daily basis I pray for some relief, but get none. So I can fully understand a person feeling hopeless and confused. For a person that has always been 1000% independent, my current situation, basically not being able to move is very depressing and relegated me to a "dependent" state that I am NOT comfortable with.
  14. At this point, does it really matter ? The point taken from this should simply be, if you are struggling with problems or demons, be strong enough to seek and get help. Dont be afraid or embarrassed. Every human being has problems. We are all vulnerable at some time, and there is help out there.
  15. Yes perhaps, but around here, people spend most of their time talking about it, and NOT doing it. If you believe some of the tall tales told, it would seem some are having sex 24/7... I doubt it... sometimes you need a break to take a shit.
  16. I would NEVER have unprotected anal sex with strangers, no matter what ANYONE says.
  17. This Sunday Night.....
  18. The bottom line is that no matter how healthy a lifestyle you lead, if your hormones are out of balance, all the health stuff is for naught. A natural, active lifestyle is great, but sometimes we need a little outside Help.
  19. @Lars
  20. Heads would be SPINNING.....
  21. I am aware of the show and I totally understood that, but still my comment stands. Paranoia would prevent the "event" from being shown or allowed on another site. It's interpretation would be "skewed"... And that beautiful moment would be perceived as an ugly "abomination"....
  22. Noone would question if it were a man kissing a woman. They are living their life honestly and proudly, a good reason alone to VOTE for him. It's a Brave move that should be applauded. They are a married couple, so kissing should be normal and natural, right ?
  23. The 2nd celebrity death in a week. Grandma is rethinking this "fame & money" brings happiness crap !
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